About me

What?  You actually want to know about the crazy person behind this site?  Well, there are some things I simply don't give out over the Internet, but I guess I can touch on a few things.

Alias/Usual Screenname:  Cremrock 

Real Name:  You wouldn't believe me if I told you.  However, I will say it's about as Italian sounding as a name can get, first, middle, and last, and my first name starts with R...  ::ducks::  That's all I'll say. =P 

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 5/26/83 (You do the math, I don't want to have to update this section every Birthday or something...  =P)

Location: Somewhere in Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh.

Hobbies:  Reading, Playing Video Games (Especially RPGs), Anime, Talking back to the TV during stupid commercials, Watching science fiction, making crude attempts at drawing comics, Writing fanfiction, Sitting next to computer waiting for feedback that never comes... (J/K!  It comes waaaay more often then I'd thought, and though I believe I said it in the Thankyous page, thanks again, feedbackers!  ^^;) Trying to make people laugh, Pretending to work on this website... whoops!  Doing voice impressions that reeeaaaaaallllllyyyyy suck. (Go to the movie's section if you want to prove me wrong, but I warn you, I've got quite a case...  =P)  Basically everything the stereotypical nerd would do, without the goofy (I wear em, but they're not the super rimmed variety...) glasses, insanely high intelligence, or pocket protectors.  And I'm proud of it. ^^  ::Shakes fist defiantly before getting run over by a quartet of football players::

Favorite Anime:  Dragonball Z (Obviously... ::ducks::)  

Favorite Movie:  Changes often.  Some of the movies that get two thumbs up in the Cremrock state of mind  include, The Matrix, (Though I'm not as hyped up about it as some people are...) Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn, Independence Day, Dawn of the Dead (What can I say, I like most zombie movies), Most any James Bond movie, (Even though they all have roughly the same plot) Happy Gilmore, the recent (Well, not so recent now) X-men movie, Forrest Gump, and many many others.

Favorite TV show: The Simpsons, easily.

Trademark quote:  Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!   

Claim to fame:  Managed to break toe two times in one night, doing the exact same thing.  (Running through a hallway at top speed without respect for vents that stick out of the wall.)

Runner up:  Managed to get into sixth grade spelling bee after exploding onto the scene with a perfect test to get in.  Then I go up there and in the third round misspell mischief.  Stupid I before E except after...  well, whatever letter it is.  

Special talents

-Can remember a quote from a movie seen ten years ago, yet can't remember the name of anyone I meet five minutes ago.
-Able to sled-ride and avert certain disaster at the hands of many large trees.  
-Master of the back-handed compliment.  
-Can write or talk for hours without expressing whatever point originally set out to make.  
-Can keep from inhaling through nose for several minutes due to unhousebroken dog.  
-Can lighten a mood and cause an entire room to burst into hysterical laughter with a quote not meant to be funny, usually at expense of self.  
-Can defeat younger (yet somehow twice as big and a good six inches taller, I think it's some sort of mutation. Either that or I'm the mutated one.  Option B, anyone?) brother in hand to hand combat.  
-No matter how cool the main character(s) in a series are, always wind up liking the little guy who loses every character poll and has about ten other fans, despite no apparent reason.  
-Can (and does) eat virtually everything, no matter how tantalizing people say the condiments are, plain. 
-Can squeeze into spaces no one else in my family can fit due to small size and lean figure.  (And I'm sure they're all going to love seeing this on the site.)     

Scary thing:  It seems no matter who my favorite character is, any fanfiction they have a role in will result in them getting  beaten up or hurt twice as much as character's I hate do. 

And there you have it.  I'll probably update this section again someday, but for now, that's all you need to know about me in a nut shell.  Maybe I'll put a picture up or something someday.  Thanks for reading! (Or skipping down to the bottom and just reading this...  J/K!) ^_^