Frequently asked Questions
What? You've come here! You actually want to find out WHY this site was made? Or, as I've said before, perhaps you're just trying to kill time... well, either way, you've come to the right place!
Q: Why was this site made?
A: Well, the initial idea for this site came shortly after the realization of my favorite character (see below). After doing several searches on this character, with no luck (I was happy to find even two images and a paragraph after hours of searching. At any rate, I did eventually find some sites with info on that character, but by then I'd already vowed to make this site anyway. Then I thought that a one character only site might be a little bland, (Other people have had lots of success with these kinds of sites, but I really don't think I'm one of 'em... alright, and it's more fun to write about more than one character...) Anyways, I'm almost always rooting for the underdogs of most series, and let's face it, the most unappreciated race in Dragonball is arguably the Nameksei-jin. Who gets slaughtered? The Nameksei-jin. Who created the Dragonballs? the Nameksei-jin. Does anyone really care? Well, some people, but there's a reason Piccolo, Neru, and Dende aren't way up there on most of the character polls (Well, alright, Piccolo does get up there, but... ) Who doesn't get to train their butt off and then undergo yet another Super Saiya-jin power up? The Nameksei-jin. Who doesn't... well, you get the idea, I'm sure. Basically, through all the other stuff, if I can make even ONE person desperately searching for info or pictures that aren't that common feel better knowing that they finally found some info on their favorite character, made them laugh, etc. etc. Then I feel this site will have served it's purpose. Granted, being able to post some of the fanfics I write is a nice side benefit, but...
Q: Ok, you've baited me. Who is your favorite character?
A: You really want to know? Well, if you're that desperate, I guess I can tell you. It's Dende. Yep, you heard right. Dende. All the incredible characters in the Dragonball series, and Dende's my favorite. He never kills anyone, he can't fight, and I'm still just as clueless as why I like him so much as I did the first day I saw an episode with him in it. To be honest, I like most of the characters pretty well, but Dende's my favorite. It's not quite as good sounding as other people's explanations of why people like their favorite character, such as "because I saw Piccolo and fell in love with him" or, "I saw Vegeta and liked him because of his proud, arrogant, princely attitude" or, "Son Goku because he's cool!" but I'll take it. It's like an Apple Jacks commercial (Gah, it's a cereal, nothing perverted!) I guess... "Why do you like Dende? I dunno, I just... do.
Q: Why have you been blasting yourself throughout virtually every section on this webpage?
A: Well, I'm sure such things will be much more clear-cut in a few months then just as this site is beginning when I'm writing this, but I've learned not to get my hopes up, and since I have no idea if this site will be a success (Then again my perspective of success is pretty low, see the why'd you make this site question above...) I figure I might as well give myself a laugh now and then. Don't worry, I'm not the type to panic or look at every situation with the worst that can happen as opposed to the best.
Q: Can I take this thing or other for my site?
A: Not unless you actually ask me. I know this sounds harsh, but I'm growing sick and tired of the thievery that goes on, especially when people use the excuse that it's "only one or two pics" or "I took this, but I gave you credit and linked you" I love the extra hits, but I'd prefer you don't do such a thing unless you tell me. Now if you ask me and I say you may, then by all means feel free to give me credit for the picture. On the note of fanfiction and other things, you absolutely have to ask, same with the pictures, and get premission before putting it on your site. I'm hoping I don't sound too hypocritical in saying all these things, but one of the things I take the most pride in with this site is the fact that I haven't stolen a single picture or story. As I put it, "If this site is going to do poorly, I'd rather it did poorly because of my own hard work."
Q: Um, Mr. Cremrock sir, you got this thing wrong...
A: If you've found a mistake, then please don't hesitate to tell me. I won't take offense, and you'd be helping to make this site better. I will ask that you be polite, as I might take offense if your message is something like... "You #$%&%# idiot! That's #@$%%^ wrong! You're the dumbest $@#%$% person I've ever seen! Blah blah blah..." This is the part where I proceed to tune out the rest of the e-mail, even if you're telling me about a real mistake. Incidentally, while I am most definately NOT the world's foremost authority on Dragonball, I've learned quite a bit, so I'm afraid I will need a bit of proof if you're pointing out an inconsistency with the facts or bios section (Nothing major, but perhaps you could point out a specific event in an episode that'd make me look back and say, "D'oh! Why the HECK didn't I pick up on that!") Also, the English dub has it's share of holes at times, so I'm afraid you'll have to point me to the Japanese original version.