At a glance: Neru is a warrior-type Nameksei-jin, the strongest on Nameksei, and it is his sworn duty to protect the Saichoro (Guru). He's first seen when Dende takes Kuririn to meet with the Saichoro, and is last seen when he fuses with Piccolo to give him a massive power increase. His maximum power level is 42,000. Physically, he looks almost exactly like Piccolo, and is always clad in the standard Nameksei-jin baggy pants, along with a long, almost trench coat-like dark blue vest.
Personality: Neru's personality usually seems very serious, and he is almost zealous in his duty to protect the Saichoro from harm. He seems to have a sense of humor as well, but it only really shows when he's very badly hurt near the end (Well, not exactly) of his life. He obviously cares most primarily about the Saichoro, but also his fellow Nameksei-jin, and he'll willingly sacrifice himself for others.
happens to him in the series: We're first introduced to Neru as Dende and Kuririn land in front
of the Saichoro's house, which is situated on top of a very large spire of
rock. Kuririn comments that he hopes the place wasn't attacked, and Dende
informs him that it'd be okay even if it was. A moment later, on the side
of the house, a door floats open, and Neru steps out. Dende's excited and
greets him, amazed and happy to see that he's okay, and this is the point where
we learn Neru's name. Neru greets Dende briefly but seriously, and
comments that the Saichoro knows what is happening on Nameksei.
They ask Neru
why he's still there, and Neru informs him that since it's his duty to protect
the Saichoro and that he's very old, he intends to stay and keep him from harm.
Kuririn's fascinated because he looks exactly like Piccolo, and Neru invites
them in. They follow inside, float up to the second floor where the
Saichoro is, and Neru respectfully informs him that the two of them have
arrived. He then remains silent for most of the time, as the Saichoro
informs Kuririn and reads his past. There are a few moments during this
time when the Saichoro has trouble breathing and coughs uncontrollably, at which
times Neru looks incredibly concerned and reaches out to help, but the Saichoro
informs him that he's all right and continues. Once this exchange is done,
the Saichoro reveals Kuririn's potential power and gives him the one star
Dragonball, and Kuririn requests that he brings Son Gohan to get his power
increased as well, which the Saichoro agrees to. Kuririn flies off,
leaving Dende with Neru and the Saichoro, and that's about the last that's seen of
Neru for awhile.
Next time we see him, Son Gohan is hurrying inside the Saichoro's house to persuade the Saichoro to reveal his potential power. Outside Kuririn is attempting to stall an angry Vegeta, who darts past him and lands next to the Saichoro's house. At about this point Neru says that he's here, and goes out to meet with him while Gohan continues to ask to have his potential power revealed due to the urgency of the situation. Vegeta walks to the door, but Neru steps out and bars his way, stating that he won't let him enter. Vegeta's cocky as usual, and asks if he wishes to die, but Neru is unfazed by Vegeta's threat. Kuririn celebrates because he feels Gohan's "ki" (power) rising, which confuses Vegeta, who asks if Kakarotto is in there, confusing Gohan for him. At this point Neru demands again that Vegeta leave, and a moment later Gohan steps out and stands besides Neru, a determined look on his face. A confrontation seems about ready to ensue, until Dende pops out and tells them that the Saichoro has sensed a strong ki coming to the planet. Everyone's surprised and Kuririn thinks it's Son Goku, until Gohan comments that there's more then one ki. Vegeta feels all five of them and flips because he knows that it's the Ginyu Tokusentai, and demands the Dragonball Gohan and Kuririn have so that he can wish himself immortal and defeat them, saying it's their only chance. Neru comments that the five ki's feel evil, and informs Gohan and Kuririn that the Dragonballs can grant three wishes, which surprises them because they hadn't known this before. Vegeta demands that they hurry, and having no other choice, Gohan, Kuririn, and Vegeta go off to get the Dragonball that was left with Bulma. Neru returns inside, and tells the Saichoro that they left but don't have much of a chance. The Saichoro asks Neru to follow them, stating that he could almost certainly be of some help to them. Neru obviously would rather stay and safeguard the elder, but complies with his request and flies off after them.
Later, Gohan, Kuririn, and Vegeta
start battling the Ginyu Tokusentai, but Neru turns back towards the Saichoro's house
because he is still concerned for the Saichoro's safety. A short time
after this, Captain Ginyu has brought the Dragonballs back to Freezer, who
attempts to make a wish but finds out that he can't, so he takes off towards the
Saichoro's hut to find the secret, after picking up the Saichoro, Dende, and
Neru on his scouter. Back at the Saichoro's hut, Dende alerts the Saichoro
that Neru is coming, and a moment later he pops up on that elevator thingie, and
kneels in front of theSaichoro. The Saichoro is unhappy because Neru has
disobeyed his orders, and wants to know why he has returned. Neru
apologizes but informs him that it's his duty above all the other Nameksei-jin
to defend their father's life, and explains that if he's (The Saichoro, that
sounds a bit unclear) killed the Earthlings
won't be able to get their wishes anyway, since the Nameksei-jin Dragonballs are
linked to the Saichoro in the way that the Earth's Dragonballs are linked to
Kami. The Saichoro still displeased, agrees, surprising both Neru
and Dende. A short time after this, Neru states that Freezer is almost
there, at which point the Saichoro reveals Dende's potential power and sends him
after the Earthlings. As Dende flies off in the background, Neru is
kneeling, meditating or just resting. (Heh, what can I say? Maybe he's
doing all three...)
A little after this, Neru comments
that Freezer is near. Outside, Freezer lands by the Saichoro's hut
and steps out of his little rocket chair thingie. The floating door opens
and Neru steps out, asking Freezer what he wants. Freezer explains that
he's gathered the dragonballs together but can't use them, and has come to get
the secret so that his wish will be granted. Neru asks him to leave,
proclaiming that he can't tell an evil being. Freezer chuckles at this,
and Neru takes a slightly more defensive stance, but before anything else
happens Freezer's scouter goes off, and Neru looks surprised. A moment
later three warrior Nameksei-jin show up, and Neru just says, "Them." Freezer explains that he couldn't detect the three Nameksei-jin earlier,
stating that they must have a low battle power. Then they arrive,
flipping through the air, a huge, brawny looking Nameksei-jin dressed all in
orange, A Neru sized one wearing a white cape, red belt, and dark greenish-brown
pants, and another one that is at about Neru's height, clad in a yellow vest and
blue pants . The brawny Nameksei-jin lands behind Freezer, the caped one
lands on the very top of the Saichoro's house, and the yellow-vested one lands
on the lower section of the house. The yellow-vested one comments that
they've arrived just in time, and the caped one nods his agreement. At
this point, Neru glares up at them and yells at them to stop, because they don't
have a chance against Freezer. The yellow-vested one grins and says that
even so, they might be able to punch him a few times, and the caped one leaps
down in front of Neru and comments that they're all warrior-type Nameksei-jin
like him. Freezer scans them and states that their battle power is only
about 10,000 each, informing them that it's still rubbish. Of course, this
infuriates the three warrior-type Nameksei-jin, who throw off their upper
clothes, preparing for battle. Neru yells at them to stop, that they'll die for
nothing. At this moment, the orange clad huge one raises his fist over the
Freezer's head, yelling at Neru to take care of the Saichoro.
The three of them charge and attack,
but don't even lay a hand on Freezer, who blows a pink-colored... thing at
them, I guess I can best describe it as a wind or breath. At any rate, the
attack blows them flipping into the air above, and as thethree Nameksei-jin
scream and swirl around wildly. Neru can only watch as Freezer blows
another pink colored breath out, which swirls in and strikes the center causing
an explosion that sends the three Nameksei-jin flying in various directions: The
brawny, orange clad one cannonballs through a tree, the formerly caped one
smashes through a large rock into a nearby cliff, and the one that had the
yellow vest on twirls downwards when Freezer grabs him by the neck and asks him
if he knows what the password for the Dragonballs is, and after he doesn't
answer, Freezer grips his neck tighter, and asks him again. He strains and
manages to shake his head no, and a moment later Freezer drops him, commenting that
rubbish like him wouldn't know and that it was silly of him to have even
asked. Freezer points a finger down and fires a thin, laser-like ki blast,
which speeds towards the warrior as he hurtles back down to the Saichoro's rock
spire. Neru begins running up to him as he falls, but as he makes it about
halfway, the beam pierces through the Nameksei-jin's chest, right before he
crumples off the ground to the right, bounces and Neru can only watch as
the warrior's shoulder smashes against the cliff, and descends to the land below. Needless to say, if he
isn't dead before Freezer's shot pierces through him, the fall kills him.
Freezer drifts back down towards the
ground, his back to Neru, and comments that Neru had better answer his request,
because there's no reason for him not to kill him. Freezer then comments
that Neru's not the only Nameksei-jin there, and he thinks the other one would
be able to tell him just as well as Neru could. Neru says he can do what
he wants, but informs him that before they fight, he's going to tell him about
the Saichoro, and that he created the Nameksei-jin dragonballs. Freezer is
mildly surprised until Neru informs him that if the Saichoro dies, the
dragonballs will be unable to grant his wish. This really surprises
Freezer, who mutters the Saichoro's name in question, takes off his scouter and
blows the Saichoro's dome open with his eye-beams. (Neru's almost flipping out
and looking really panicky as the dome explodes...) Freezer floats up and
gazes at him, and comments that he IS different from the other Nameksei-jin.
He goes to tell the Saichoro that he believes he won't tell him the secret, but
that if "this gentleman" (Freezer never refers to Neru by name,) was
about to be killed, the Saichoro might change his mind. The Saichoro
explains sternly that Neru won't be as easily killed as Freezer thinks, and that
he is the strongest warrior Nameksei-jin. Hence, what worked on the other
Nameksei-jin won't work on him. During this whole exchange,
Neru just stares at Freezer coldly from behind him, as Freezer begins to seethe
in rage, realizing that the Saichoro has absolutely no intention of telling him
the secret. While he's realizing this, the Saichoro telepathically tells
Neru that it's up to him, and to buy as much time for the Earthlings as he can,
which Neru complies to. Freezer continues to seethe, smiles, babbles his
typical "I'm going to show you how terrifying the most powerful bring in
the universe is" type gig, and puts his scouter back on.
Freezer then chuckles about how
pitiful it was for the three warrior Nameksei-jin to inflict injury on him, and
that their deaths are an extreme example of those who do not keep their
place. Neru shakes with his fists clenched as Freezer continues,
addressing the Saichoro again and informing him that there is still a fool here
that does not know his place, and he explains that he believes if "This
gentleman" is about to be killed, that he would change his mind. The
Saichoro says nothing, and Freezer turns to Neru, saying he will also regret
this decision, and that it's not too late to save his own life, if it suits
him. Neru clenches his teeth, but regains his composure a moment later and
says that since the Saichoro has a short time to live, it would be better for
them to fight somewhere else, so he isn't caught between them. Freezer
smiles and says that even though he doesn't think the fight will be as big (or
as long) as Neru thinks, he agrees Neru glances back at the Saichoro with
wavering eyes one last time, and then flies off, with Freezer
Awhile later, Neru and Freezer are
flying away, and Freezer begins to grow impatient, asking Neru how far they're
going. Neru glances back but doesn't say anything in reply, and a moment
later Freezer appears in front of him, after saying that they've gone far
enough. Freezer complains that there's no need to go any further then
this, and Neru stares at him a moment, then agrees, flying down towards the
ground below. Freezer smirks and descends down as well. Neruand
Freezer land, staring at each other, and a moment later Neru throws his vest
off. Freezer comments that it's troubling that so many of Nameksei's
inhabitants want to die. Neru merely crosses him arms and begins to power
up, as bubbles of energy (Maybe not the best assessment, but that's the way I'd
describe em') well up around as his blood vessels begin to get bigger, some of
them looking like they're going to explode, in my opinion. As this is
going on, Freezer clicks his scouter on, watching, and a moment later,
apparently at the peak of his powering up, Neru screams and throws his arms to
the left and right, billowing around him, as the ground trembles. Freezer
looks surprised, amazed that Neru's power level is 42,000, and says as much,
stating that he truly is different from the other Nameksei-jin, and that he is a
true warrior, wishing that he was part of his force. He then asks if Neru
wants to know what his power level is, to use as a reference. It's
530,000, and then, his cockiness always showing yet again, Freezer says that Neru
shouldn't worry, since he doesn't intend to use his full power on him.
Neru balks in surprise and clenches his teeth, glaring at him, and Freezer says
that he will only fight using his left hand, since it might make the fight more
enjoyable. Neru screams "Enough!",
obviously very angry by now, and lunges at Freezer, chopping at his neck, but it
has absolutely no effect, and Neru is left there with his arm still in the
motion, stopped by Freezer's neck. Freezer chuckles and says that he even
stretched his neck out for him so that he wouldn't miss, and
that this is all he
has? He backs down from his conversation, commenting that on the other
hand, this much of an attack is about right for 42,000. A moment later he
grabs Neru's outstretched arm with his left hand, chuckling all the while, and
digs his fingers into it as blood gushes out while Neru screams. After
this he pulls back and tears Neru's forearm completely off. Neru falls
back and screams in pain, clutching at his stump, eventually falling to his
knees as Freezer trots up to him and throws his severed hand back down to
him. Neru struggles to stand, and Freezer comments that he doesn't think
he should be working so hard. A moment later Neru manages to get
into a more kneeling position, and as he stands, still breathing heavily,
Freezer says that he'd better tell him what he needs to know before he gets
killed. Neru stares at him, steeling himself against the pain, and
stretches his stump out. Freezer watches, confused, and a moment later
Neru regenerates his hand, causing the alien to gasp in surprise, since he
didn't know Nameksei-jin could regenerate. A moment later he clicks his
scouter back on and smiles, stating that he apparently can't regenerate his
power as well, since his power level has dropped. Neru holds his arm and
stares down at his hand as it twitches a moment, before summoning his resolve
and clenching it back into a fist, reassuming a battle stance. Frezer
closes his eyes and glances down at the ground, finding it amusing that even
after being shown how mismatched he is, Neru still wants to continue.
Freezer continues speaking, saying he has no idea what the Nameksei-jin have
been thinking. Neru rasps, "I won't allow you to..." but his
voice trails off. Freezer chuckles, and Neru says it again, louder this
time, and much more intently, as the scene ends. I'm not too sure what Neru's referring to, in
this case, but my best guess would be that he isn't going to allow Freezer to
harm the Saichoro.
Neru isn't even seen in the next episode, but it's safe to assume that his battle against Freezer is very one-sided.
We see him next in the episode after
that, charging at Freezer yet again. He lands several rapid blows, but
they all have no effect, as Freezer kicks lightly at his leg (His other leg is
on Freezer's shoulder, having just kicked him) which spins himaround on his
knees, and Freezer puts both hands against Neru's back and causes his chest to
expand until it looks like it's about to pop, before Neru goes flying forward
and crashes to the ground again, even weaker. He whispers something about
Dende making it to where the Earthlings are, and then manages to rise to his
feet, the two large divots in his back slowly returning to normal, although it's
obvious he's in a lot of pain. (Well, as normal as one can get when being
completely decimated.) Freezer, still untouched, smiles and comments how
stubborn Nameksei-jin are, and that Neru has absolutely no chance of
winning. He says that if he can, he doesn't want to use his energy, and
Neru just stares, still winded, blood trickling down his face. He utters
Dende's name, and this is all we see of him.
Next we see a huge explosion tear up the landscape, and a moment later, Freezer lands on the ground (He floats down in his little malevolent way, even though I'm sure we'd all like to see him come crashing down by now...). Behind him, Neru's even more beat up, on his hands and knees in a small crater. Freezer glances back at him, smiles wider, and asks if he's finally going to speak to him. Saying that he only has to tell him how to get the Dragonballs to grant his wish. Neru asks if he really expects him to say that, and a moment later Freezer's tail whips out and whacks him across the face before wrapping around his neck as he flies back. To finish this eerily graceful motion, Neru crashes to the ground, and a moment later Freezer lands on his abdomen, sending yet another spurt of blood flying from Neru's mouth. Freezer's beginning to get annoyed by now, and says that he doesn't need to say anything else, asking if he still wants to continue. Neru looks up from his position and tells Freezer not to make him laugh. Freezer glares and drives his fist into Neru's abdomen before knocking him him back to the ground again with an uppercut, and this is the last of Neru that's seen in the episode.
Neru's tired breathing is
heard before we see him. Amazingly enough, he looks even worse then
before, if such a thing is possible. Freezer's off to his side, still
untouched, smiling, and Neru looks like he's about to keel over. Freezer
begins to talk about how Neru can't win, and asks if he thinks he's ready to
tell him the secret of the Dragonballs now. Neru just stands slumped over
with his back turned, and a split second later spins around with one
outstretched hand, a wave of ki billowing from it, engulfing Freezer
entirely. (Incidentally, for what little we get to see of him, I'd say
it's the coolest attack Neru ever does.) Trees tremble, and the entire
area around the wave is filled with smoke. Neru watches expectedly as the
smoke clears, but his face contorts in shock. Freezer is standing there in
the exact same position he was before the wave. Perhaps as a testament to
the attack's power, the ground all around Freezer seems completely sheared away,
except for the tiny bit of land behind him. Freezer asks if Neru really
thought such an attack would work, stating once again how obvious it is that
Neru's going to lose, and wondering why he continues to resist. Freezer
lists a few reasons, such as killing his comrades or just pride, as he floats
into the air. A moment later he disappears completely, and Neru stares at
the spot for a moment, before glancing down and realizing Freezer is standing
right in front of him, his back turned. The second he realizes this,
Freezer brings his left fist up backwards, smashing Neru in the face and left
eye, and he falls to the ground, his hands over his face. Freezer turns
and tells him that this is the last warning, and once again demands to know the
secret. Neru lies there gasping and writhing for a moment as Freezer
stands over him, smirking and proclaiming that he's going to die. Neru
chuckles very weakly, taking his hands away from his eyes and says that it won't
do Freezer any good to know the secret now anyways. Freezer looks
bewildered as Neru continues chuckling, and goes on to tell him that Dende
should be close to the Earthlings, and that he's going to tell them the secret
Freezer wants to know. Freezer looks up, his face contorted in anger and
surprise, as he recalls the Nameksei-jin child that flew past him
earlier. Freezer yells at Neru, finally realizing that Neru was only
stalling, and blasts into the air. Neru, near death in his condition, with
one eye clenched shut, continues to laugh as Freezer flies into the distance.
Later, Piccolo senses Neru's ki and
lands next to him, even though he's in a hurry to reach Freezer in time.
Neru greets him and realizes that he must be the Nameksei-jin from Earth that
Kuririn and co. informed them about, realizing that since he's here their wishes
were granted. Piccolo says that he's in a hurry to help them, and that
he'll have to let Neru die alone. Neru is impressed by Piccolo's power and
says so, commenting that he's very strong. He then says that it's too bad,
(That he and Kami split in half) because if they were one, then Piccolo might be
able to defeat Freezer. Piccolo's shocked, and asks him if he means that
the only way he has a chance against Freezer is if he rejoined with Kami,
something Piccolo has ABSOLUTELY no desire to do. Neru tells how easily
Freezer defeated him, and that he knows how strong he is. Piccolo tells
him that it's impossible for him to go to Earth and rejoin with Kami, and that
he wouldn't do it anyway. Neru pleads with Piccolo to join with him then,
since he's the only warrior Nameksei-jin left on the planet. Neru says
that if they join, Piccolo's power will be vastly increased. Piccolo
refuses, saying that he doesn't want his personality to change and that he wants
to be himself, but Neru tells them there's no time, and that his personality
won't change, the joining will only add on to his power. Piccolo tells him
that he'd better not be lying about this, and Neru says that if he thinks he is
then that he should go get defeated by Freezer. Piccolo doesn't look too
happy about the turn of events as he reluctantly puts his hand on Neru's chest, but he relents, saying that he's going to get
rid of Neru if he doesn't like it. Neru grins, (Actually he's been pretty
much grinning the entire time) and states that Piccolo's not being very polite
about receiving such a great present. Piccolo complains that he's in a
hurry, and Neru pleads with him to be sure to defeat Freezer. Piccolo
tells him he's being redundant and that he wants to defeat Freezer for
himself. Neru smiles and then closes his eyes, and a bright blue light
surrounds them both. Finally, as the light fades, Neru is gone and
Piccolo's kneeling there with his arm outstretched over nothingness, a Neru
shaped divot in the ground.
That's pretty much the last that's ever seen of Neru, except for a flashback or two (Not new parts, just old stuff,) and we see him briefly when Dende realizes he's fused with Piccolo, but contrary to what's portrayed in the North American dub, Piccolo never speaks using Neru's voice, or even thinks with it. Fusion and all that is never really explained... I guess Neru's consciousness lives on in Piccolo, but who knows? Regardless, as far as the series goes, that's all we see of the warrior Nameksei-jin that made the ultimate sacrifice.
Well, t-t-th-that's all folks! I might update this bio sometime, when I get the chance (and think of something else to put...) Did you find it informative? A load of crap? Best Neru bio you've ever read? Something you averted your eyes and screamed "Gah! I don't ever want to gaze upon this horrid thing again!"? Whatever your thoughts were on the subject, I'd be glad to hear 'em. This first bio was a testing ground (Largely in part because I'm 100% sure about the things Neru's done, but I haven't really watched every episode, subtitled or otherwise, with Piccolo, Dende, Kami, etc. etc..) so i'd be glad to hear your thoughts! Anything you have to say can only help make the other bios better, when they ever get done! ^_____^ Thanks for readin'!.