Special Thanks

Over the months of my fairly short Internet adventures, as it were, the number of friends and other people who've had an impact on me have tallied up really really really fast...  this is the spot where I thank them! ^_^  Here they are, in no particular order...  ::ducks::  I tend to get somewhat wordy so the people I'm thanking in these paragraphs are in bold print...

The following people are, for the most part, either people I know IRL or have met on my random journeys across the Internet, and I'm very proud to know you all and count you among my friends.  Most of you have never hesitated to boost my confidence, and I treasure you all.  ::runs and hides::  

- First off I'd like to thank my parents for all their support.  I'm sure there are times when they'd rather just say "Goodness Crem, won't you quit babbling about your site?", but instead they've been around to patiently listen and give me advice.  And of course, there is the little matter of all the love and support they've given me over the years.  I can't remember how often I've voiced this over the years, but I'm hoping they'll be able to pop in now and again to read this and remember.  That is of course, when they get past the all famous "Who the heck is this green person?"  or other...  untasteful wisecracks that make me laugh a ton but aren't really appropriate for all viewers... ^___^;;;;;;

- Now there's my bro, "Bubby" (Ooh, he's gonna kill me when he finds out I've written his nickname on my site...  =P) who has consistently supported me in all my endeavors.  You may be a pain at times, and I know we get into the scuffles that most siblings do, but besides that, I can't think of a person I'd be prouder to call my brother. (And dern it, you'd better win fifty trophies this year...  It's plainly obvious I'm not the athletically talented one in the family... I'm just the family mascot and you know it.  =P)

- Lindsay, (of Underwear, Vegetables, and Japanese Dishes fame) you were the first person to agree to post Dende's Day Out, and I'll always be grateful for that. ^_^  The fact that it won Editor's pick certainly played a hand in my writing confidence right off the bat, although the pessimistic side of me always wonders if you were on something that day... (J/K!  ^^;;;;;;) Keep up the great work on your site!  I'm sure it'll still be around when you reach ten gazillion hits!  ^^ 

- Neoslash, of course since you're one of my best friends, you're probably going to be endlessly embarrassed, (Or get down on your knees and praise me for actually remembering to list you here this time...  ^^;;;) at this thank you, but you're an absolute wizard at HTML and when this "Gosh derned Soul stealing Microsoft product" can't (Or probably because I'm too dumb to figure it out, =P) get something to work, you're always there to tell me how to do it the "hard" way. And of course, your incredible skill at flash movies (And even more incredible ability to shrug off my demands that you voice act one of the characters, grr...) are even greater.  All in all, I'm glad to know you, and I'm confident that when you finally do decide on a permanent website, whatever it is about, it will shine.  And hey, don't worry about your impending doom at the hands of the dreaded driving lessons...  if you drive a car through my family's house, I promise I won't sue... =P

- Tomo-chan, you've always been a wonderful friend.  I'll always be grateful to you for kicking my confidence up to new highs, because if it wasn't for your influence when I once mentioned my urge to start a "Namek Shrine", it probably wouldn't have become a reality.  You were also the first person to submit a picture for my fanart section, and it even coincided with my story, which is doubly cool, and I dunno if I've ever thanked you enough for that.  Your enthusiasm and personality have always put a grin on my face, and though you've said that I've helped smash the dreaded "Writer's block" on occasion, I can't count just how often you've helped me get rid of mine, even though I haven't said so as much. ^^   Even after reading your masterful stories many times, they continue to completely blow me away again and again.  You've got incredible talent, that's for sure.  You've also been a constant provider of positive, reassuring feedback whenever I've asked the eternal question, "Do you think this sucks?" and you've always been kind enough to let me bounce some of my crazy story ideas off of you.  Keep up the excellent work with your site, art, and 'fics, as I've been and will continue to be one of the biggest fans of your work, and I've always been glad to have you as one of my friends.  ::whimpers::  And dernit, that site better still be around when that epic is done... ^____^  or I'll have to cut my list of site's I visit daily down a bit... ;_;

- Dendeshe, you've always been about to catch the grammatical errors on some of my works, and I appreciate that.  You've always been a reliable person to ask for opinions as well.  Keep writing fanfics!  I'm sorry you decided to close your site, but I'm sure you'll be back with some other site eventually, even if it's not Dragonball related.  

- Jasper-chan, you're a great person and friend (Wow, I'm getting a lot of leverage out of the word great today... ^^;) and always continue to impress me with your multi-lingualness and eye-popping talent at drawing.  You're also fun to talk to and are always dependable whenever I need advice or am going crazy over something or other.  Like everyone else, you've always given me positive, honest feedback on my art (well, picture =P) and stories, and I've really appreciated it.  Keep working diligently and drawing all those wonderful pictures, and don't worry, with your talents and quickness to learn new things I'm sure you'll have the alternate version of your site and more of your greatly intriguing epic up in no time flat. ^^

- Iyo Ichi, you were the first person to ever submit a story for my fanfiction section (Besides myself, anyways) and were also the first person to actually draw a picture of my RP' self.  I'm still just as boggled about the sudden influx of friends wanting to draw lil' ol' me, of all people, but I greatly appreciate the thoughts and wonderful artwork. ^^ You're always entertaining to converse with, and have always been kind enough to be sympathetic whenever I'm going on and on about a plight of mine.  Keep up the hard work on your site, I'm sure the chantry'll be back up in no time flat. ^^  (Wah, the scary yet very appreciated thing is that virtually all of my friend's are sympathetic to my plights...  I really appreciate it, all!)      

- Doku Hana, I haven't know you nearly as long as some of the other friends, but already it feels like I've known you for months.  Your humor always causes me to chuckle endlessly and usually keep me cheery, and it's almost gratifying (or scary) to find a person crazier then me. =P Keep up with the drawing and writing and all that, and I hope I don't end up hog-tied in a trunk at the end of one of your stories... (Inside joke) ::ducks:: Keep up the great work and don't worry, with your skills I'm positive you'll realize your goal someday! 

- Jun Nipponfu,  I'm sorry to say I don't know you too well yet, but you're a very nice and funny person, and I hope to get to know you a lil' better.  Thankies much for not joining the infamous, "Cremrock sucks" group during the... MB incident awhile back, and thanks for popping in with the occasional post when my MB was still a fledgling...  ^^  

- Eternal Bob, I'd be lying if I said we hadn't had any disagreements in the past as we haven't always seen eye to eye at times,  but despite my occasional rant or disapproval, I'm always glad you thought enough of my empty MB to run around trying to get people to post on it way back when.    

- Saiya, I don't really know you very well, but I do recall that you were very kind in submitting my link to Planet Namek when my site was in it's first month or so, and I really appreciated it.  ^^

- Amanda Swiftgold, I still don't know you very well, but just the same, it's nice to meet another Dende-freak (And I mean that in a good way... ^^;;;;;).  Thanks for submitting fanart number 8! ^_^ 

This is the list of people that don't really know me at all, ::ducks::  Of course, I don't know them either...  but have had an impact on me anyways.

- Meri of the Temple o' Trunks, you being kind enough to link me helped boost my confidence, and it's great being linked by one of the most impressive webmasters in the entire library of Dragonball related sites.

- Planet Namek's Staff, it sounds odd, and it's not meant as a knock against you all or anything like that, but your refusal to link me on my first attempt (Heck, I can't say I have any blame either, my site wasn't exactly in tip-top shape at that time...) has inspired me not to get angry or discouraged, but merely to work harder in an effort to one day see my link up among the sparkling lights.  I don't know if I'll ever see it up there, but I'll continue to work hard in the hopes that I one day will.  (Of course, I'll probably also have a coronary if that ever happens)  Keep up the great work on the site, it is truly an excellent resource for Dragonball fans everywhere.

 - Of course, thanks go to Akira Toriyama for creating such a great and intriguing series that has brought much entertainment to my life  in the first place.  ^^

- L. Curtis Totty, Or Majin, or whatever... ^^;;;;;  your hilariously funny 'fics are in part what inspired me to one day write the epic tale of a Nameksei-jin trying to get a job against all odds.  Incidentally, it sounds corny, but I was also thrilled and very surprised (The good way) to see a reference to Tickle me Dende dolls in one of your stories. ^^

- And finally, a VERY big THANK YOU to everyone who's been kind enough to provide me with feedback, or submitted anything, or have signed the guestbook.. etc. etc.  it's always really really helped, and without you people this site probably would've been up for two weeks, floundered, and died.  (Okay, that's pushing it, but... well, thanks anyways. ^____^)

Well, that's about all the people I can think of right now, and this section is sure to be updated at times. See ya later!  ^^