Ya know, it's the question we've all asked ourselves about the Z fighters and the Nameksei-jin...  and that is...  what they're really thinking...

What's this?  Well, it's a section that conveys the question we've all been asking... what are the characters of Dragonball Z really thinking?  Okay, and they might just be saying something in those situations where the spoken word is just better then a thought. (Shamelessly added so I don't have to make a section with funny things they're saying...)  Well, these images may not be entirely accurate  (Alright, they're all false, false, false!)  but hopefully they'll be good for a chuckle.  Look for more soon, and feel free to submit an idea or pic of your own. ^^

Thought #1        Thought #2        Thought #3        Thought #4         Thought #5        Thought #6        

Thought #7        Thought #8        Thought #9        Thought #10       Thought #11      Thought #12

Thought #13      Thought #14      Thought #15      Thought #16       Thought #17      Thought #18      

*Thought #19    *Thought #20    *Thought #21     Thought #22       Thought #23     Thought #24       

Thought #25      Thought #26      Thought #27       Thought #28       Thought #29     Thought #30

Thought #31      Thought #32    

* These thoughts and their respective pictures were submitted by Iyo Ichi.  Thanks Iyo!  ^_^

NEW!  Fan submitted WTRT's!  (Okay, not really new... but lord!  I have one now!  Send more!  ) You've got a funny thought you think is being expressed with a picture?  Lay it on me!  ...Just try not and take the picture from any site that doesn't wantcha snatching their pictures, okay? ^_~  As always, send all submissions to me!  Also,, any submissions should be in a JPEG format, and please don't be offended, but there may be some resizing to make 'em fit... as a rule, don't send 'em unless they're below 60k or so, lest my mailbox implode and I don't get your submission!  Thanks! ~Cremrock

Guest Thought #1, submitted by TrunkstenyboprR7!

Guest Thought #2, submitted by Zokeya!

Guest Thought #3, submitted by Zokeya! (Webmaster's note:  Yes, this was screwed up before.  My apologies to Zokeya.)

Guest Thought #4, submitted by S.B. (Note:  I screwed up the name of this submittee and lost the e-mail...  If you're that person, drop me a line!  I'm sorry about that, but as soon as I know who submitted it I'll gladly give proper credit... ^^;;;; )