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Australian Bred Dog and Bitch - South Australia 2005


Class 10 - Australian Bred Dog - 10 entries

1st Place

Ch Bullvalour Jacks Pryde
(Bullvalour Jack The Ripa/
Regallion Black Opal)

2nd Place

P & N Pournaris'
Ch Nightquest Poseidon
(Ch Bulltiful Y Didn't U Call/
Ch Nightquest Lets Elope)

3rd Place

M Edwards'
Ch Nightquest Tobin Bronze
 (Ch Bulltiful Y Didn't U Call/
Ch Nightquest Lets Elope)

Class 10 - Judges Critique:
1st N & S Lofthouse and P & N Spice’s “Aust Ch Bullvalour Jacks Pryde”  Well deserved placing for this 7 year old red dog in superb condition, Very well presented in sound muscular condition and excellent coat. Good square head with just the right amount of wrinkle when interested, good ear carriage, good dark eye, super mask, good strong square jaw. Nice strong reach of neck to well muscled deep chest. Good strong well boned forelegs with nice tight feet. Good spring of rib, super level top line held well on the move. Very good rear angulation which showed when he moved away, excellent drive from the rear made this dog move effortlessly around the ring. Very well handled.

2nd P & N Pournaris’s “Aust Ch Nightquest Poseidon” another quality red male  with excellent dark mask, good eye and lovely ear carriage. Good mouth and strong underjaw. Nice deep chest good level top line, moved well.

3rd M Edwards “ Nightquest Tobin Bronze” Litter brother to 2nd place, good head and depth of chest, good spring of rib, fair top line, moved and handled well.

Class 10a - Australian Bred Bitch - 20 entries/2 absent

1st Place

K Rogers'

Ch Beheamoth
The Chosen One

(Ch Kimbullad Divine Justice/
Masbull Lady Diana)


2nd Place

M Edwards
Gameguard Quince

(Gameguard Lancer/
Gameguard Indigo)

3rd Place

K Cannon's
Ch Kangala Taylor Made

(Ch Copperfield Capt Taunton Of Graecia (Imp. UK)/
Grand Ch Kangala Hana Of Oldwell)

Class 10a - Judges critique:
1st, K Rogers “ Aust Ch Beheamoth The Chosen One”
This was without doubt the best and strongest class of the show.

This beautiful bitch of 5 years of age came into the ring as if she owned it, from no matter where I stood looking at her she was showing herself off all the time. I do not intend to critique this exquisite bitch as she is as close to the breed standard as one could wish. Her ring presence was second to none, her attitude was exemplary, a superb example of our lovely strong breed.

2nd, M Edwards “Gameguard Quince”.  This sound moving fine bitch was only narrowly beaten by the best in show, another fine example of the breed who also did not stop showing the whole time she was in the ring.

Beautiful full square head with excellent expression when alerted. Good ear set and correct change in colour. Well set dark eyes with good stop, lovely square muzzle with good strong square underjaw, good dentition. Lovely sweeping arch of strong neck to well placed shoulders, good well muscled and boned forearms with nice tight feet. Good width and depth to chest giving lovely spring to rib and superb level back, good strong well muscled rear legs correctly angulated to provide the drive she showed when on the move, correct length and set of tail. Moved and handled to perfection.

 3rd K Cannon’s “Aust Ch Kangala Taylor Made”. Another superb example of the breed, 3 years old and absolutely superb, all three of these bitches were in the finest condition and very little separated them. This lovely fawn again had a superb head square from all angles, correctly set ears, beautiful dark well set eyes, correct length and colour of muzzle, super square jaw with strong underjaw giving good dentition.

Lovely strong arched neck to good strong well placed shoulders. Strong well muscled and boned forearms to good pasterns and strong cat like feet. Good spring of rib with level top line, good strong rear angulation, excellent bone throughout. Well set tail carried correctly on the move. Handled and moved superbly.


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