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Australian Bred Dog and Bitch - Queensland 2008


Class 10 -  Aust Bred Dog - 14 entries/4 absent

1st Place

Ch Powerbulmas Lord Ralph
(Ch Oldwell Blake (Imp UK)
/ Ch Powerbulmas Minnie)

2nd Place

Ch Treebrook Mountain Ash
(Ch Treebrook Desert Oak/
Ch Treebrook Sugar Maple)

3rd Place

Ch Saturnbrook Eachway Bet
Gr Ch Kangala Ziggy /
Ch Treebrook River Gum)

4th Place

Ch Grizzmuffley Luv Machine
(Sochin Pride /  Balgu Katie)

5th Place

Ch Saturnbrook Triple Treat
(Ch Kangala Elliot of Ablamor (Imp NZ)
/Ch Gameguard Moonlitmission)

6th Place

Ch Anmenta Zulu Cetewayo
(Ch Blackslates Boston Blend (Imp USA) /
 Ch Boadicea Just You Bet)

Class 10 - Judges Critique:
1st: Brinkworth's -
Ch Powerbulmas Lord Ralph

High quality fawn dog of good size and excellent construction. Head of text book construction with a very good mouth. Angulation and balance both excellent. Topline and rear construction good and moved with real drive. What really appealed to me with this dog was the lack of over-exaggeration and his closeness to the standard.


2nd: Marion's - Ch Treebrook Mountain Ash

A larger heavy set dog with very strong head good substance and bone, Good deep chest with plenty of width. Well muscled all over and moved well. Obviously a different more heavy type than 1 but still within the standard, just lacking the overall balance of  class winner.


3rd: Hodgett's - Ch Saturnbrook Eachway Bet (AI)

A classy looking dog , well balanced with good head and pigmentation good ear set. Nice reach of neck and level topline which he retained on the move. This was a good dog in a good class, but for me I would prefer just a little more substance.

Class 10a - Aust Bred Bitch - 9 entries/2 absent

1st Place

Ch Bulavista Pretty Woman (AI)
(Hartletts Heartbreak Ridge (USA) /
Ch Bulltiful Curtain Call)

2nd Place

Ch Nightquest Arena
(Ch Daquest Maximus/
Ch Nightquest Ethereal)

3rd Place

Ch Kangala Fergalicious
(Ch Saturnbrook Triple /
Ch Kangala Osh Kosh By Gosh)

4th Place

Ch Bullarmour Kat Ballou
(Ch Bulltzar Ghenghis Khan /
Ch Memrabull Annie Oakleigh)

5th Place

Dunneimed The Big Bopper
Saturnbrook Eachway Bet (AI) /
Tabaree Chantilylace)

6th Place

Ch Brinkybull Dancing Lady
Ch Oldwell Blake (Imp UK )
/ Ch Opalguard Della Brinky

Class 10a - Judges critique:
1st: Ellis’ -
Ch Bulavista Pretty Woman

A very nice substantial red bitch of good balance and symmetry. Lovely reach of neck with good overall angulation. Really excellent depth of chest with nice short back Topline OK and moved well. My own recording on the day noted that the head was good but reminiscent of some American heads that I have seen. This is not an issue but clearly demonstrates that certain countries individual types are recognisable, given this bitches breeding.


2nd: Winters' - Ch Nightquest Arena

Another quality red bitch of substance, very strong head with plenty of wrinkle, nice level topline and excellent angulation. Well up on pastern with good cat-like feet. Nice deep chest with short loin. Excellent pigmentation. A real solid bitch with plenty to offer the breed.


3rd: Cannon's - Ch Kangala Fergalicious

A high class bitch of real type, good overall angulation and substance, well muscled and moved with real style. Lovely head type with good pigmentation. I have to say that this is my type of bitch however I felt that the topline did detract from the overall symmetry of this animal which pushed her down the line.

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