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Intermediate Dog and Bitch - South Australia 2005


Class 5 - Intermediate Dog - 11 entries

1st Place

J Valentine's

Nightquest Rising Fast
(CC Bulltiful Y Didn't U Call/
Ch  Nightquest Lets Elope)

2nd Place

K Cannon's
Ch Kangala Elliott of Ablamor (Imp NZ)
(NZ Ch Kangala Willy Wonka/
 NZ Ch Kangala Destinee)

3rd Place

C & L Harrison's
Ch Amnenta Zulu Cetawayo
 (Ch Blackslate's Boston Blend/
Ch Boadicea Just You Bet)

Class 5 - Judges Critique:
1st J Valentine’s “Nightquest Rising Fast”.  2 year old fawn dog in good sound and strong condition, Good square head with correct mask, good wrinkle when interested, nice ear set. Good dark eyes, good dentition with nice square strong underjaw. Nicely arched neck to good spring of rib, nice deep chest , good strong forearms with good cat like feet. Good level top line and nice strong rear end, moved and handled well.

2nd K Cannon’s “Aust Ch Kangala Elliott of Ablamor” Another very well proportioned 20 month old light fawn only very narrowly beaten by 1st place by lack of expression. Head square with good eye and ear set, good jaw line with good dentition, fair mask. Good reach of neck, good rib cage and depth of chest. Good top line and rear angulation, nice tail set moved and handled to perfection.

3rd C & L Harrison’s “Aust Ch Anmenta Zulu Cetawayo” yet another very good dog this time a red with a  lovely head and correct mask, good eye and ear set, good strong lower jaw with good dentition, good reach of neck, good deep chest and spring of rib. Nice forearm with good muscle and bone. Fair rear end, moved well.

Class 5a - Intermediate Bitch - 13 entries

1st Place

L Coe's

Truguardian Dark Cosmos
(Ch Wyburn Opal Guardian (Imp UK)/
Ch Powerbulmas Zanelle)


2nd Place

P & N Ablea's
Ch Powerbulmas Minnie
(Curnabrae Ike Opbulmas (AI)/ Powerbulmas Dynah)

3rd Place

J & R Klok's
Ch Bruin Magical Melody

(Ch Bullvalour Coltran Craker/
Lilacglen That Dream)

Class 5a - Judges critique:
1st L Coe’s  “Trugardian Dark Cosmos” 30 month old sound bitch with good head and mask with correct expression , well set ears, nice dark eyes, good jaw with fair dentition. Good reach of neck to good well set shoulders and good depth and width of chest. Good strong well boned forelegs, nice spring of rib, good level top line and nice rear angulation, good tail set. Moved and handled well.

2nd P & N Abela’s  “Aust Ch Powerbulmas Minnie” 2 year old fawn, with good mask, good ear carriage, nice dark eyes, fair reach of neck, good depth of chest, good forelegs. Nice level top line when on the move. Good rear angulation, moved well.

3rd J & R Klok’s “ Aust Ch Bruin Musical Melody” 20 month old fawn, nice feminine head with good mask, good ear and eye set, good strong square lower jaw  giving good dentition, nice reach of neck, good shoulders and forearms. Good depth of chest, fair spring of rib, good top line held well on the move. Nice tail set and good rear angulation, moved and handled well.

l Baby l Minor l Puppy l Junior l Inter l Aust Bred l Open l Challenge l General Specials l

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