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Junior Dog and Bitch - Queensland 2008


Class 4 -  Junior Dog - 8 entries/2 absent

1st Place

Powerbulmas Hondo
(Ch Oldwell Blake (Imp UK)
/ Ch Powerbulmas Lady Clara (AI)

2nd Place

Powerbulmas Zachari
(Ch Oldwell Blake (Imp UK)
/ Ch Powerbulmas Lady Clara (AI)


3rd Place

Grizzmuffley Get Wild
Grizzmuffley Luv Machine/
Ch Grizzmuffley Baby Ima Star)

4th Place

Rhubin True Blue
(Ch Treebrook Desert Oak
/ Ch Nightquest Arena)

5th Place

Grizzmuffley The Rapture
(Ch Oldwell Blake (Imp UK /
Ch Grizzmuffley Scandalous)

6th Place

Rhubin Downunder
(Ch Treebrook Desert Oak
/ Ch Nightquest Arena)

Class 4 - Judges Critique:
1st: Abela's - Powerbulmas Hondo

A really high quality dog of good substance and textbook angulation. Very good head with nice mouth and wide under jaw, excellent ear placement and wrinkle giving an alert and handsome expression. Lovely reach of neck flowing down to a short coupled back. Angulation and overall balance exceptionally good with movement free and effortless. A young dog that must have a real future.


2nd: Abela's - Powerbulmas Zachari

A good size dog still showing signs of immaturity, however well constructed with good angulation and a nice level topline which he retained on the move. Lovely cat shaped feet and up on pasterns. Head quality is good with a very strong under jaw, a really nice expression.  Still lacking some breadth of chest, but age is on his side.


3rd: Wehmeier's - Grizzmuffley Get Wild

Apricot fawn of of good substance, nice shaped head on a strong neck, short coupled body with good bone and angulation. A little bit light in pigmentation and could have a little bit more reach of neck. Moved and presented well.

Class 4a - Junior Bitch - 15 entries/2 absent

1st Place

Ch Bullsrkool Blazin Kaos
(Ch Nightquest Poseidon /
Ch Brenton Moulin Rouge (Imp NZ)

2nd Place

Bullvalour Standndeliver
(Ch Treebrook Water Ash /
Bullvalour Celtic Queen)

3rd Place

Tiararebel Sweet Imogen
(Ch Bullarmour Taras Bulba /
Tiararebel Suede Effects)

4th Place

Memrabull Here Tis
(Memrabull Ford March / Bankg Ivory Maiden)

5th Place

Grizzmuffley The Crime
Aust Ch Oldwell Blake (Imp UK) /
Ch Grizzmuffley Scandalous)

6th Place

Rhubin Australiana
Ch Treebrook Desert Oak
/ Ch Nightquest Arena)

Class 4a - Judges critique:
1st: Tito’s - Ch Bullsrkool Blazin Kaos

A very high quality bitch, displaying a typical and text book head with a good wide under jaw, expressive wrinkling and excellent pigmentation. A well balanced and substantial body with a nice reach of neck, level topline and really good angulation. Moved with real vigour and drive.


2nd: Spice’s - Bullvalour Standndeliver

Another high quality animal with a very good head piece, excellent pigmentation good  well balanced body with excellent topline and reach of neck. Wide under jaw and nice bite. Angulation is sufficient but not quite as good as 1. Moved and handled extremely well.


3rd: Dean's - Tiararebel Sweet Imogen

I really did like this girl who had almost everything, well balanced good substance, lovely head and excellent angulation and perfect pigmentation, unfortunately she decided that moving was not for her and although I have no doubt she is constructed well enough to move well, she refused to demonstrate this on the day.

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