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Minor Puppy Dog and Bitch - South Australia 2005


Class 2 - Minor Puppy Dog - 11 entries

1st Place

B & K Marion's
Treebrook Mountain Ash
(Ch Treebrook Desert Oak/
Ch Treebrook Sugar Maple)

2nd Place

A & N Wallis'
Nightking What the Heck
(Grand Ch Kangala Ziggy/
Ch Nightking Final Fling)

3rd Place

K Cannon's
Kangala Ozzie Osbourne
(Ch Kangala Yohan/
 Ch Kangala Tailor Made)

Class 2 - Judges Critique:
1st B & K Marion’s “Treebrook Mountain Ash” Super 8 month old fawn with a classic head square to all angles and correctly proportioned. Lovely dark eye, good ear set, nice width to jaw and good dentition. Good reach of neck to nice rib cage with lovely depth of chest. Good shoulders and nice bone to foreleg, good topline held well on the move, fair drive from well angulated rear, good tail set. Moved and handled very well, one for the future.

2nd A & N Wallis’s “Nightking What the Heck” 7 month old red, nice head with good mask, nice ear and eye set, nice square jaw with good dentition, nice reach of neck to nicely developing depth to chest. Good forelegs with enough bone, nice topline, good tail set, moved well.

3rd K Cannon’s “Kangala Ozzie Osbourne” 8 month old fawn, Good head with super expression, well set ears, nice mask, good reach of neck, well placed shoulders, fair depth to chest, good rear angulation and good tail set, moved ok.

Class 2a - Minor Puppy Bitch - 9 entries / 2 absent

1st Place

S Wutke's
Acesn Sevens
(Grand Ch Kangala Ziggy/
 Treebrook River Gum)


2nd Place

A & K Winters'
Nightquest Arena
(Ch Dayquest Maximus/
Ch Nightquest Ethereal)

3rd Place

A & N Wallis'
Kennilcrest Rafiki

(Kennilcrest Indienspirit/
Kennilcrest Black Magic)

Class 2a - Judges critique:
1st S Wutke’s “Saturnbrook Acesn Sevens” super 8 month old light fawn, with good head and clear mask, Good ear carriage, lovely well set eyes with nice stop. Good square jaw with good dentition. Nice arch of neck to good shoulders and depth of chest. Fair spring of rib, nice level top line, good rear angulation, well set tail. Moved  and handled well.

 2nd A & K Winters “ Nightquest Arena” Pretty red bitch with good head and mask, nice ear carriage and good expression, good reach of neck, good depth to chest and nice shoulders, fair bone to foreleg , good top line, good rear angulation moved well.

3rd A & N Wallis’s “Kennilcrest Rafiki” at just over 6 months this young brindle bitch challenged well for her place. She has a lovely feminine head with just enough wrinkle, well set eyes and good squareness to head and ears, good depth of chest, good bone and strong rear quarters moved very well for her age.

l Baby l Minor l Puppy l Junior l Inter l Aust Bred l Open l Challenge l General Specials l

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