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~*~ Chapter One ~*~

"I can't believe he is finally coming home." I just couldn't stop smiling. I hadn't seen Nick for over 8 months but now he was coming home for Christmas.

"I think it's so cool" Cora sighed, "I just wish Kevin was coming with him. And Brian, huh Sara?" Sara blushed and walked over to me.

"Can I do your hair, Naomi?"

"Sure. You know Brian's staying with Nick for 4 days, then going home the day before Christmas Eve. You should ask him out." She looked at me for a moment,

"I know you're right, but... what if he said no?"

"He wouldn't" I said, gently squeezing her hand, "he'd jump at the chance." She laughed and continued pulling my hair up into a messy style.

"Hey, 'Omi. What time does Nick's plane land?" Cora asked. I looked down at my watch,

"Anytime now, I'm annoyed that I couldn't go the airport, but I guess trying to fit Nick's family, Nick and me into a car would be a bit much."

"I'm sure he'll come over as soon as he can." Cora said, looking at a photo of me and Nick on his boat.

"Yeah, I'm so exci... oww... Sara that hurts!"

"Sorry" yet she continued to pull my hair. "There we go... done!" I stood up and went over to the mirror. I had to admit it looked good. My hair was all pulled back but Sara had used little clips to make the ends stick up. She was so good when it came to inventing hair styles (Hey LC - you did come up with some groovy hair styles at primary school *L*)

"I still can't believe you lost all that weight." Cora commented as she stood behind me and started to admire her reflection.

"I know. It took some doing!" For the last six months I had been on a strict diet, took loads of exercise and it had finally paid off. I had never been fat but I wasn't slim either. Now I was happy with my figure and felt more confident.

"I think you look great 'Omi. Nick is in for a shock!" Sara smiled.

"I bet he won't even notice" I laughed. Nick wasn't the most observant of people, but hey, he was my best friend and everyone has their faults.

"Why don't we go wait out the front?" Sara suggested.

"Ohhh... someone's keen to see Brian." I teased.

"Shut up" She blushed, "c'mon, they should be here soon."


Finally I saw Nick walking up my driveway, along with Brian.

"Nick!" I yelled, jumping up from the doorstep. I threw myself into his arms, almost knocking him over as I hugged him.

"Whoa" he cried, kissing me on the cheek and hugging me back. He held me away from him and looked me over. "Look at you, you look gorgeous!" he exclaimed. I smiled. He always knew how to make me feel good about myself.

"I have missed you so much Nick!" I said hugging him again.

"Hey, don't I get a hug?" Brian interrupted.

"Of course," I embraced Brian, "how are you Bri?"

"Great, and may I say you are looking lovely!" I blushed. I heard Cora and Sara coughing for attention behind me.

"Oh sorry" I said grabbing my two friends. "Brian you remember Sara and Cora, right?"

"Of course" Brian smiled, hugging them both in turn.

"Hey girls" Nick said, "it's been a while."

"Yeah" Cora said, "but we didn't really get a chance to miss you as somebody, who we won't mention," nodding towards me, "never stopped talking about you." she joked.

"Leave me alone, I'm allowed to talk as much as I want about Nick." I said defending myself. I grabbed Nick's hand and pulled him inside, the others following.

"Hey," Brian said, "I thought we could go and see a movie or something?"

"Now?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, why not?"

"We only just got back."

"I know, but I don't feel tired. So... anyone wanna come?"

"Okay" Sara and Cora said together.

"No thanks" Nick said, leaning back on the chair, "I think I'd fall asleep!"

"Well I'll stay here with Nick then." I smiled.

"Alright, I'll have two lovely ladies as my dates." Brian said. Sara giggled as they followed Brian outside.

"Wanna drink?" I asked Nick as I watched the others walking away from the house.

"Nah, I'm alright thanks." he said standing up, "I wanna see your room though, see how it's changed. Looking at you I'm preparing for something drastic." He laughed.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I asked hitting him on the arm and laughing.

"Well look at you. You've changed so much."

"You like?" I asked, knowing that Nick would be brutally honest.

"Of course - you look great." he smiled, "you must be fighting the boys off."

"Yeah right," I said sarcastically, "come on then, I'll show you my room."

Chapter Two
Always Right By You