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Chapter Ten

I woke to find Nick had ordered me some breakfast. I declined and headed for the bathroom. After a long shower I rejoined Nick, who was already dressed.

“Do you have any stuff you gotta do today?” I asked, not really eating what Nick gave me.

“We’ve got a concert tonight, but you have the pleasure of my company for the majority of the day. And before anything… I want you to answer some questions.” I sighed,

“Okay, shoot.”

“First, how long since..?” He looked at me, seeming a little embarrassed.

“Two and a half months.”

“What?” he said loudly, choking a little on his toast. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I smiled,

“Well I didn’t know until I was six weeks… for sure anyway, then I spent a month trying to pretend it wasn’t true. Then a few weeks trying to come to grips with it, then I called you.”

“You should have contacted me straight away.” I just smiled, not having the energy to argue. “Secondly, who’s the father?” I looked away.

“Nick I can’t tell you, not yet.” He looked at me and decided to let it go.

“Okay. Look there’s a small Backstreet meeting in Brian’s room now. Do you wanna wait here or come with me?”

“I’ll come.” I stood up and followed Nick out of the room. As soon as I entered Brian hugged me.

“You know Naomi, I’m so glad I’m finally gonna be an Uncle.” I looked at him in shock.

“Brian! I told you not to tell.”

“Sorry Nick… I…”

“Don’t worry Bri. Everyone’s gotta know sooner or later.” I smiled.

“Uncle AJ. I like the sound of that” AJ grinned, kissing me on the cheek.

“Naomi, we’re all here for you if you need us.” Howie added, giving me a quick hug.

“Even if it is just to baby sit,” Kevin laughed, squeezing my hand.

“Oh man,” I said, tears beginning to form. “What did I do to deserve you guys?” I sat through their meeting with Nick holding my hand. I think he thought I was unstable or something. Finally it was just me, Nick and Brian left in Brian’s room.

“Guys… I want your honest opinions, okay?” They looked at me confused, “Do you think I’m doing the right thing – keeping it I mean?”

“The right thing is different for different people.” Brian said, sitting down next to me. “If you want this baby then we are all behind you 100%, right Nick?” He looked at Nick.

“Yep. Always right by ya!” He smiled, and I knew that he always would be.

Chapter Eleven
Always Right By You
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