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Chapter Eleven

I had been touring with the guys for three weeks when Nick said he needed to talk to me. He sat me on is bed and pulled up a chair, so he was facing me.

“Naomi, I know you don’t want to tell me who the father is,” he noticed me tense up, “and that’s okay. What I wanna know is… is he out of the picture? Will he support you or not?”

“He couldn’t. I mean… Nick… he, the father… he doesn’t know and I’m not gonna tell him.”

“Okay. Well I wanted to know ‘cos…” He looked at me for a moment. “’Cos I want to help you all I can. You and the baby.” I looked at him in shock. What was he saying? “I mean we love each other,” Nick continued, “Not like ‘love-love’, but I care so much for you. I wanna look after you.” I stood up and walked away from him.

“No Nick.”

“What?” he asked in surprise.

“I won’t let you do that. You are nineteen, you have a great life and career. I won’t let you ruin that – it is not your responsibility Nick. It’s mine. I got myself into this mess… now I have to cope.”

“Naomi, listen…”

“No, you listen. You have everything you’ve ever dreamt of and I don’t believe you could give any of it up for me.”

“I could,” he said.

“Nick, I love you like crazy and what you just said… that makes you the most wonderful person ever… you are my best friend and if the circumstances were different… if you truly loved me, then maybe I’d consider it, but for now I just need you to be there for me, okay?” He nodded, not saying anything. “Now come here and give me a hug.” He slowly came over and hugged me. As I held him tears began running down my cheeks. Nick would have given up his freedom to help me. I don’t think I ever thought that he could mean so much to me.

Later that evening the guys had gone off to perform and I was sitting in the lounge trying to read, but my mind kept drifting. I was still shocked by Nick. I wanted to tell everyone – let them know how wonderful he was, but I couldn’t. I suddenly thought of home and realised how much I was beginning to miss it. I had to go home sometime… and sooner would probably be better. I had to tell my family my… news.

I decided to discuss leaving with Nick as soon as I could. The next morning proved to be a good opportunity. The guys and I were having breakfast together in the hotel restaurant.

“Nick, I was thinking… it’s about time I went home.” He looked at me. A look of hurt and anger showed in his eyes.

“Because of me and what I said?” he asked, quickly standing up. The others had fallen silent and I was a little confused by Nick’s reaction.

“No, of course not.”

“The why? Why now?” he demanded.

“Nick, I have to go and sort my life out.”

“I offered to help you.” I stood up and walked over to him. I touched his cheek,

“I know, but you didn’t think I’d accept? You know better than that!” He pushed my hand away.

“Why? Why won’t you accept? You won’t even think about it!”

“Why does this matter so much? I thought you’d be relieved,” I replied, trying not to raise my own voice.

“I wanna help you, but you won’t let me.” Nick said stubbornly.

“Do you know how guilty I would feel? You would be unhappy and it would be because of me.” The whole restaurant seemed to be listening now. Nick’s voice was pretty loud.

“I wouldn’t be unhappy.”

“Yes you would. Nick, this is my problem. You don’t have to protect me. I was stupid enough to let this happen and I don’t want you to be stupid and risk anything for me!”

“So now I’m stupid? Fine!” He stormed away. I sank back into my chair, no longer feeling hungry.

“You okay?” AJ asked.

“Not really,” I said quietly.

“What was that all about?” Brian added.

“He… oh… he is so great… he offered to help me, and the baby.”

“Nick did?” Kevin sounded slightly shocked. “Wow.”

“I know. I mean I could never let him do that,” I sighed, deciding it was time to settle this with Nick.

I knocked on Nicks door but there was no answer. It wasn’t locked so I went in. Nick was sitting on the bed, watching television.

“Nick?” He ignored me. “Nick?” He wouldn’t even look up. My heart sank as I realised how much I’d hurt him. I thought for a while about what to do. I’ll tell him, that’ll help. “I wanna tell you who the father is.” This caught his attention and he stood up. “It was Scott. The guy at your Christmas party.” Nick froze and I saw anger flash in his eyes.

“You slept with Scott?” he whispered harshly. I nodded, not understanding Nicks odd reaction. “How could you? I mean to begin with you did it when you were supposed to be at our Christmas party… and with Scott of all people! He is such an obnoxious bastard!” Nick was shouting now, and the fury in his voice scared me.

“I’m sorry,” I said softly.

“I can’t… jesus Naomi. I’m home for like a week and you make me feel all guilty for hanging with Joey instead of you, and here you are sleeping with the first available guy.”

“Nick! How can you say that?” I shouted, beginning to get angry myself. “I was one night, one stupid mistake. And now I’m paying for it. I’m sorry I’m not as perfect as you but, to be honest, I don’t think it’s healthy to be as wonderful as you appear to be! You are such a…ahh!” I doubled over in pain. My stomach clenched tightly as the pain spread across it. “Nick, help me…” I screamed just before I blacked out.

Chapter Twelve
Always Right By You
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