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Chapter Twelve

Nick held my hand, waiting for me to wake up. I moaned as I opened my eyes, the white ceiling causing me to squint slightly against it’s brightness.

“Nick?” I asked quietly, scared by the familiar surroundings.

“Thanks God. Naomi, I’m here.” I smiled towards his voice, not daring to look at him incase he was still mad.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, my voice sounding scratchy.

“Don’t be.” Nick squeezed my hand. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted at you.” I finally turned to face him.

“Don’t worry. No harm done.” I smiled. I watched as Nicks clear blue eyes filled with tears, before he quickly lowered his head to rest against my arm. “Oh… no. Nick, no!” I cried, suddenly realising. He allowed his gaze to reach mine.

“Naomi, I am so sorry. The doctor said it was the stress.” I closed my eyes. My baby… was gone. I’m not going to cry, I told myself. I finally opened my eyes and looked at Nick.

“No harm done,” I repeated and closed my eyes again to Nick’s questioning face.

I had to stay in hospital for another night, though I didn’t want any visitors. Nick stayed the whole time, refusing to leave. Brian was coming to collect us and I made sure I looked like normal before he arrived. I checked in the mirror quickly before joining Nick, and I did look fine. No visible sign of what had happened. Brian had arrived by the time I was ready and he looked up from his conversation with Nick as I approached.

“Hey Naomi,” he said, searching my face for some kind of emotion. I smiled,

“Hey Bri… well, don’t I get a hug?” He smiled awkwardly and embraced me tightly. “I can’t breathe here,” I laughed. He pulled away and looked sadly at Nick, who, in return, shrugged.

“Let’s go,” Nick finally said, taking a hold of my hand. “The guys’ll be waiting to see you.” It was quiet during the ride back but a million thoughts were racing though my mind.

“Nobody told my Dad or anything, right?” I asked suddenly.

“No. We thought you’d want to,” Brian replied as we pulled up outside the hotel.

“Good. I don’t want them to worry.” I glanced out of the window, “Hey, isn’t that Joey?” I asked Nick as I noticed a girl staring out of the main entrance.

“Yeah,” Nick smiled, “She wasn’t gonna come down ‘til later in the tour. But when she heard what happened she was straight over here,” he explained.

“You told her?” I asked, slightly annoyed.

“Yeah… Naomi, I thought she could help.” For some reason I didn’t argue, which was unlike me. Nick knew it too, as he looked at me worriedly when I merely nodded and I smiled in response.

As I walked into the hotel lobby each Backstreet Boy looked at me with sympathy. Kev stood first and engulfed me in a big hug. The others did the same then began talking to Nick quietly. Joey approached me and broke into tears.

“Oh Naomi,” she cried, grabbing me in a hug. I pushed her away as she sobbed for me. For me? I thought angrily, Why the hell is she crying? Nick let her hold on to him while she cried and I turned to the others.

“So, what are we all doing tonight?” I asked. They all looked at me confused. “Are we going to a club, out to eat..?”

“You aren’t going anywhere,” Nick informed me. “You’ve got to take it easy for a while.”

“I’m not ill.” I noticed the look on Nicks face and sighed. “Maybe I’ll go to bed early for tonight.” I said, holding my hand out for the room key. “Thank you.” I smiled, before getting in the elevator and pressing the button for the fourth floor.

I was sharing a room with Nick, meaning he could check on me if need be – which I knew he would. I didn’t want to go to bed as it gave me time to think, so I clicked on the TV. Nothing much was on so I left it on the news as I looked around the room.

“An update on the Nick Carter story,” the news reader announced. I looked up quickly, “The youngest Backstreet Boy has been seen on a number of occasions with this young lady, who has been named as Naomi Abbotts.” A picture of me flashed up on screen. Where the hell did they get that?… It’s quite a nice picture actually. Naomi! Shut up! That’s not the point! “Recently they were sighted at the hospital. Unfortunately no official report has been made as to why. More news as it happens…” Why the hell do they care? I wondered. I decided to go out. Maybe check the papers, see what stories they had invented. I knew Nick wouldn’t let me so I grabbed my bag and left discreetly.

Chapter Thirteen
Always Right By You
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