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Chapter Thirteen

I wandered down the main street, looking into the windows. I went into the newsagents and scanned the shelves for newspapers. There were three. Each showed a slightly different shot of us leaving the hospital. The fact that Nick was holding my hand had created the complete wrong impression as I read the headline:


I grabbed the papers and bought all three. I slowly walked back to the hotel, forgetting I was supposed to be sneaking back in.

“Where the hell have you been?” Nick asked loudly from the hotel lounge.

“Out,” I replied, joining the other guys and Joey at the table. “Look at these,” I continued. “These idiots think you and me are an item Nicky.” I laughed. Nobody else answered so I looked up to find them looking at me, all concerned. “Lighten up guys. I’m sure no one will believe it.” I went back to reading the papers, whilst the others began muttering.

“What?” Joey asked, as I laughed out loud.

“Listen to this – ‘It is thought that Backstreet Boy NICK CARTER has managed to get his girlfriend of over six months pregnant. Hardly a good role model for the fans…’ ”

“Okay Naomi, enough,” Nick said seriously.

“No wait. How about this one? ‘NICK CARTER was seen leaving the hospital with this girl and stories have been circulating that their love affair has hit some rocky ground. Is the youngest Backstreet Boy finding fame a strain? And taking out his stress on is girlfriend?’”

“Enough!” Nick said forcefully, grabbing the paper from me. I looked over to find Nicks face turning red with annoyance and Joey close to tears. She is really beginning to annoy me. She isn’t mentioned at all, but she starts to flippin’ cry! Brian, sensing an argument stood and took my hand.

“Come on Naomi. Let’s go look round this hotel. There must be something to do,” he smiled.

“Sure. Jeez – everyone’s in such a crappy mood today. Lighten up!” Kevin put a restraining arm on Nick as he attempted to rise and continue our conversation.

Brian and I fell out of the elevator, laughing hysterically as we tried to get to his room. As we passed a trash can he threw the sellotape into it which sent me into yet another set of giggles. We sat in his room and just as I thought we had calmed down Nick entered red faced, and not looking too amused. I tried to keep a straight face as he held up the half naked pictures of himself from about a year ago and demanded an explanation.

“Where did those come from?” Brian asked, sounding convincingly innocent.

“They were pinned up in the elevator, as if you didn’t know.” I threw my face into a pillow the tears streaming down my face as I forced myself not to laugh. I wasn’t quite sure why I found it so funny. “Naomi! What is wrong with you? The stories in the paper are bad enough, without you trying to embarrass me as well.” I looked up, wiping the tears from my eyes.

“I’m sorry Nicky,” I said, as sincerely as I could under the circumstances.

“Quit calling me Nicky! I’m nineteen now,” he said harshly.

“Okay,” I muttered, realising how upset he was. He left slamming the door behind him.

“Wow!” Brian exhaled, “he was mad!”

“Yeah,” I nodded, “so… what do we do now?” Brian smiled cheekily. “Okay, what are you thinkin’?” I asked, grinning.

“Let’s sneak out.”

“I dunno. Nick’s already got mad at me twice today.” Brian put on a pout. “Okay. But… you’ll get recognized.”

“I’ll wear a hat. C’mon ‘Omi. I need some fun.”

“Let’s go. I need to grab a jacket on the way.”

Brian and I had the best day. We just walked around the shops, trying on the stupidest and ugliest outfits we could find. It was the most fun I had had in ages, and there was never a dull moment. Brian was always doing something goofy to make me laugh. He only got recognised once, and even then it was only by a sales assistant. It was 11pm when we got back and we sneaked up to his room. We fell asleep and before I knew it, it was morning.

“Boy is Nick gonna be angry,” I said to Brian.

“Maybe he spent the night with Joey.”

“And didn’t notice we were gone,” I laughed.

“Well, fingers crossed.” Brian held up his hand, showing that they were.

“It’s like his my Dad,” I smiled. “Thanks Bri. I had fun.” I leaned into kiss him. Our lips joined for longer than I had intended and I pulled away quickly. I smiled awkwardly, then headed to Nick’s room.

I inhaled deeply and entered the room. For some reason I hadn’t thought seriously that Nick and Joey would be together, so I was slightly shocked. Unfortunately my loud entrance woke Nick and he raced over to me.

“What the hell were you playing at?” he asked, shaking me. I diverted my gaze.

“Umm, Nicky… sorry… Nick, you might wanna…” I coughed, “… cover up.” He looked at me confused, so I nodded downwards.

“Shit!” Nick exclaimed. He pulled on a pair of boxers and dragged me into the bathroom. He sat me down on the toilet seat. “Look ‘Omi, I know you’ve been though a lot, and I am trying to understand and sympathize. But… you can’t keep sneaking out. Especially with Brian… and then staying the night with him.”

“Jealous?” I joked smiling.

“No… I… umm… I just don’t want my two best friends seeing each other,” he stuttered.

“We’re not seeing each other. We’re just having fun. Anyway,” I said, standing up, “I guess I’ll go back to Bri’s room, seeing as it’s obvious I’m not wanted in here.” I turned back to Nick, just as I was about to leave. “I might stay there ‘til we leave. To be honest it kinda grosses me out to even think about sleeping in the same bed that you two did it in.”

“Naomi, we di – “ I raised my eyebrows and Nick stopped. Finally his face broke into a grin.

“Ooohh, my Nicky got laid,” I laughed. I gave him a hug and went back to Brian’s room.

Chapter Fourteen
Always Right By You
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