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Chapter Fourteen

“Yay! We’re going home tomorrow,” I said, bouncing up and down on Brian’s bed. He laughed and continued packing. Throughout the past week Brian and I had become better ‘friends’, whilst my relationship with Nick was not as great. Unfortunately I could no longer stand Joey, so spending time with Nick was difficult.

“Have you packed al your stuff?” Brian enquired.

“Uh-huh. Hey Brian, catch me!” I threw myself off the bed, luckily landing in Brian’s arms. I had been in a hyper mood all week, doing really odd, unexpected things.

“You’re insane,” he laughed and kissed me lightly on the lips. “Go and annoy Nick for a while.”

“But he’ll be with Joey.” Brian turned serious,

“Just try and get on with her.”

“Okay… see yas later.” I walked to Howie’s room, as that was the biggest and everybody usually gathered there. Howie and AJ were on the bed watching TV, whilst Joey was flicking through magazines on the floor. Nick was bending over the small fridge, rummaging for food. I crept over and slapped him on the ass.

“Ahh,” he turned round quickly. “Naomi! Jesus, you made me jump.” He laughed, then grabbed me round the waist and threw me over his shoulder. He then proceeded slapping my butt. I squealed with laughter. Suddenly I got a shooting pain in my lower stomach and screamed for Nick to put me down. Sensing my panic he lowered me to the ground. I held my stomach and waited. “What is it?” Nick said, beginning to panic.

“My… it hurts. Almost as bad as last time.”

“Nick,” Howie said, “take her to the hospital. Now!” Nick took me down to the car and found Howie had rung down for a driver. Nick sat in the back with me. He placed his hand over mine which was covering my stomach.

“It’s okay,” Nick told me soothingly. “Oh man, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” I was rushed into a room as soon as we arrived at the hospital and I was quickly examined. Nick sat with me as I was told the diagnosis.

“Basically you’re body isn’t fully recovered from your mis-carriage,” the doctor informed me matter-of-factly. “You need to take it easy Miss Abbotts.”

“Okay,” I replied quietly. Suddenly the door flew open and Brian was next to me.

“Are you okay?” he enquired worriedly. Nick looked a little confused.

“I’ll be fine Bri.” He leant down and kissed me gently on the lips.

“Miss Abbotts, you can leave as soon as you like. But please take it easy. Your body’s been through a lot.” The doctor left and so did we soon afterwards. It was silent for most of the journey back, until Nick finally spoke,

“I thought you said you weren’t seeing him?” he asked me.

“I wasn’t, but things change.” Nothing more was said and I went to lie down when we were back at the hotel.

“Hold up Brian,” Nick said, grabbing his friend by the arm. “I need to talk to you.”

“What is it?” Brian smiled.

“I want you to stop seeing Naomi,” he replied bluntly. Brian’s smile faded,

“What?… Why?”

“Well, she’s too young for you. She’s my best friend and she’s been through a lot.”

“Jesus Nick. Get over the jealousy. I thought you said you were in love with Joey,” Brian said, slightly annoyed at his friends demand.

“I am not jealous,” Nick replied loudly.

“Sure Nick.” Brian left, leaving Nick deeply confused. Am I jealous? he thought, I can’t be… Can I?

Chapter Fifteen
Always Right By You
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