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Chapter Fifteen

The next morning we all left early for the airport. I sensed there was something wrong between Nick and Brian. I didn’t say anything as I knew they’d work it out eventually. Worst luck – I got to sit next to Joey on the plane. I can’t believe I ever thought she was nice! Nick was at on the other side of her and she kept kissing his neck and whispering in his ear. Being honest he didn’t seem to enjoying it much – which I found pretty amusing.

“Almost there Nicky,” I said excitedly as we sat in the back of the cab. The other Backstreet Boys were making their way to their own houses. I was going to stay at Nick’s for a week as my family were away. Joey was staying one night then going home.

“Yep,” Nick smiled. “It’s so cool you’re staying round.”

“Hey! What about me?” Joey pouted.

“Yeah, you too,” he replied, pecking her on the lips. Angel was waiting on the front step when we arrived and she threw herself into Nick’s arms, who in return swung her around. She then wrapped her arms around my neck in welcome. She didn’t really know, or like (yes!) Joey so she just smiled. I carried Angel inside, though she weighed quite a lot. She had grown since I last saw her.

“You’re home!” BJ exclaimed, embracing both me and Nick at the same time. I laughed,

“Yep, and glad to be. How you been Beej?”

“Good,” she smiled, “you?”

“Great!” Nick looked at me oddly. I had not told any of my family or the other Carters about the baby. I had asked Nick not to say anything, though he thought I would inform them myself. I had decided not to. We were greeted by the rest of the Carters, then Joey went to bed whilst Nick and I grabbed something to eat. We sat alone in the kitchen, eating for a while.

“Naomi, you are gonna tell them all about the baby, right?”

“No,” I replied without further explanation.


“No. And I’d prefer it if you didn’t either.” Seeing not to argue Nick changed the subject.

“So… are you and Bri an item?” he asked, trying to sound casual.

“I dunno. We’re not serious or anything.” Nick hesitated,

“’Omi, I don’t know why but… Iwantyoutostopseeinghim,” he said quickly.

“Pardon?” Nick repeated himself more slowly. “Nick, if I told you to stop seeing Joey, would you?” I asked.

“Only if you had a really good reason.”

“So why should I stop seeing Brian?”

“I don’t know,” Nick sighed, “I just don’t like you two being together. Among other things it makes me feel uncomfortable.” I jumped off the counter and kissed him on the cheek. On my way out of the kitchen I paused,

“I’ll talk to Brian tomorrow and tell him I can’t see him anymore. Night Nick.” I don’t know why I did it. I knew he wouldn’t break up with Joey if I asked him, but he had be so good to me. I felt I owed him something. Nick was surprised by the announcement. Wow, that was easy, he thought. Why does that me so happy? he wondered as he put his bowl into the sink.

I woke up to the sound of shouting downstairs. It was my second day at the Carters and Joey had finally left. Angel was sat at the bottom of my bed.

“Hey Angel. What’s with all the shouting?” Angel shrugged,

“I’m not sure. Brian seems real mad with Nick though.” I had told Brian that we would have to end our relationship, and although he took it well he seemed to know that it was Nick’s influence that brought me to the decision. I made my way downstairs with Angel and we stood outside the living room door, unseen by Nick and Brian.

“What’s your problem Nick? Why couldn’t you just leave it alone?” Brian asked angrily.

“I’m sorry Bri. It just seemed wrong… oh I don’t know.” Nick sank into the nearest chair.

“Nick, admit it! You have feelings for her,” Brian said more quietly.

“Brian, I… I… yeah,” he replied, it being a shock even to himself. I inhaled sharply and quickly pulled Angel away from the door.

“I knew it,” she said to me smugly.

“Angel. Don’t tell anyone we heard that okay?” She looked confused. “We don’t want them to know we were listening!”

“Okay,” she nodded.



We were all sat around the Carters dinner table that evening. I had spent the day with BJ as I was still a little confused by Nick. Angel kept giving me little smiles and winks which were seriously beginning to get on my nerves.

“Nick, we’re going out tonight,” Jane told her son, “And BJ and Leslie are out too, so I want you and Naomi to look after Aaron and Angel please.”

“Okay,” Nick nodded.

“I can’t,” I said suddenly. They all looked at me in surprise. I smiled uncomfortably. “I mean, I wish I could but I already made plans.”

“You said you weren’t doing anything,” Nick said, leaning across the table to look at me.

“No I didn’t,” I responded quickly.

“Yeah, you did!” Nick argued.

“I didn’t!”

“Guys, guys.. calm down,” Bob interrupted. “If you have plans I’m sure Nick can cope,” he told me. Nick then chose to sulk, but I smiled in thanks.

I had decided to call Brian and hang with him for the evening, just as friends and I quickly put a few videos into a bag.

“So where are you going?” Nick asked me from the doorway of my room.

“Jesus Nick, you scared me.” I continued to get my stuff together, choosing not to answer his question. “I guess I’ll see you later,” I told him, making my way downstairs. He followed me to the door and I said goodbye without the usual friendly hug or kiss.

Chapter Sixteen
Always Right By You
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