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Chapter Sixteen

It was midnight when I finally returned and I quietly closed the front door.

“Why are you so late?” Nick demanded in a loud whisper.

“Sshhh,” I said, hanging up my jacket and heading to the kitchen. “I was just watching some videos with Brian.” Nick looked slightly hurt,

“So you not only left me to baby-sit alone, but you were with Brian?”

“Jesus Nick! Calm down. You’re like a combination of a Dad and a jealous boyfriend!” I exclaimed. “Why don’t you go bug someone else, or better still go hang out with Joey!” I didn’t meant to continue but I was on a role. “It’s not like she has anything better to do. Her whole life consists of hanging off you and kissing your f***king ass!” Anything else I had left to say was stunned to silence as Nick slapped me hard across the face. Before either of us could say anything, BJ spoke,

“Nick! What the hell are you doing?”

“I… I… Oh shit! Naomi, I’m sorry,” he said, trying to take my hand. I pulled away.

“Goodnight BJ.” I looked at Nick one last time, then left the room. The throbbing pain in my cheek was nothing compared to the hurt I felt as a result of Nick’s actions. One thing I never thought he would do, was physically harm me. I went to bed feeling more alone then I ever had before.

I looked in the mirror the next morning to find light bruising on my cheek bone. This week was supposed to be fun! I thought to myself. All the Carter kids were sat around the breakfast table and I sat down silently after acquiring an O.J.

“Naomi, what’s that on your face?” Aaron asked, pushing on the bruises. I winced slightly and pulled away from his touch.

“Those?” I smiled. “They’re nothing. I must’ve hit my head last night. I just can’t get used to that bed.” Nick’s face relaxed slightly at my explanation, and I didn’t speak again throughout the meal.

I pulled on my sneakers and grabbed the basketball from the corner of the room. I had promised to play Aaron, he only played basketball with me because I sucked at it. Nick was sat on the kitchen work top.

“Naomi?” I ignored him and continued outside. “Naomi!” He grabbed my arm. “I’m sorry.” I pulled away from his grasp.

“Don’t touch me,” I said coldly.

“Look… thank you for not telling Aaron and that…”

“I didn’t do it for you. Besides I wouldn’t want to ruin their perfect image of you. After all you are Nick Carter. The most popular Backstreet Boy.” I turned to leave. “As if we could ever forget.” Nick followed me outside

“What is up with you?”

“Just leave it Nick!!” I said. We were round the side of the house and I could hear voices in the back garden.

“No!” Nick replied forcefully. “I wanna know.”

“Fine. Okay. One – I got pregnant. Two – I had a mis-carriage. Three – I overheard you telling Brian that you like me, and four – my best friend in the whole world, the one person I thought I could always trust and rely on… hit me.” We stood in silence for a moment. I then went into the back garden. I stopped suddenly. My whole family and all the Carters were gathered there, looks of complete shock on their faces.

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