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Chapter Seventeen

I ran from the house, still not letting any tears escape. I reached the park breathless and turned when I heard footsteps behind me.

“Nick, just leave me alone!” I said.

“Look. I am so sorry,” Nick answered. I could hear how upset he was and his face showed that innocent look I had thought gone long ago. “I didn’t mean to hit you! You just made me so angry!” I turned and began walking away. “Naomi, please. I’m sorry. Don’t go! I love you.” It took all the control I had not to turn and forgive him. His tears made my own eyes glisten and his trembling voice broke my heart. But I didn’t turn back. I carried on walking. Away from the hurt. Away from the pain. And away from Nick.

When I got home I collected my things together and put them in my car. I knew I couldn’t just leave so I quickly went over to the Carters. Everyone was still in the garden, though Nick didn’t appear to be back.

“Naomi!” Alex said, embracing me.

“Hey. Look guys,” I said, addressing them all. “I am gonna go away for a while. I need to think… and when I get back we’ll talk.”

“Naomi,” my Dad said, “you can’t just leave!”

“I’m sorry Dad. I have to. I think I’ll go to Aunt Lucys. I’ll ring you.” I hugged him quickly, then turned to Jane. “Thanks for having me… and say goodbye to Nicky for me?” She nodded, tears forming in her eyes. I was still surprised I had not, and didn’t feel like crying.

“Of course sweetie. I just wish I could have helped you.” I smiled and hugged everybody. As I drove away I realised that I was, in fact, in love with Nick… but there was no turning back…

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