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Chapter Eighteen

~4 months later~

I hummed along to ‘Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)’ as I neared the turning to my road. Part of me was dreading coming home, but another part was… excited. I had spoken to my Dad occasionally, while I was away, but Nick hadn’t rung. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach. A feeling that was telling me that four months ago I had made a big mistake. I pulled up into my driveway and climbed out of my car. I looked up at my house, noticing that little had changed. It looked happier, if that was possible, and I couldn’t help smiling as I heard the loud talking as I stepped through the door.

“Stevie! Give it back!” I heard Kin yell.

“Shut up! I’m older, so I get the remote!” I was definitely right in thinking little had changed.

“Well, I’m older than you, so technically, I should get the remote,” I laughed. Kim squealed with delight and jumped up to hug me.

“Oh Omi! I’m so glad you’re back. I’ve missed you so much!”

“I missed you too,” I said and turned to Stevie, “Hey.”

“Hey.” He tentatively hugged me, as if I would break if he squeezed me too tight. His whole attitude towards me seemed to have changed. He almost seemed… caring. I smiled,

“Where is everyone?”

“They’re over at the Carters,” Stevie answered. “There’s a party tonight for the guys… ‘cos of the new album.” He seemed almost reluctant to mention the guys.

“Maybe I should go round. See if I could help,” I suggested.

“Maybe,” Stevie replied quietly.

“What’s wrong?”

“Well… Nick didn’t take it too well when he found out you’d left. He said he hated you and didn’t ever want to see you again.” My smile had long since faded. I knew he’d be upset, but hating me? I paused for a moment.

“I’m gonna go anyway. Have to face him sometime, right?” I tried to smile. “Hey Kimmy, why don’t you come with me? We’ll be able to catch up.”

“Yeah!” She almost shouted. I smiled,

“Stevie, you coming?” He nodded,

“Sure. Let’s go.”

We walked round to the back of the Carters house as most of the noise seemed to be coming from there. The rest of my family, the Carters and the Backstreet Boys – minus Nick and Brian were gathered in the garden. On our arrival all attention turned to me as I received numerous hugs.

“Sweetie, have you only just got back?” Jane asked me.

“Yeah. I thought I’d come over and see you guys.”

“Well, it’s good to see you,” Bob said. “Nick’s in the house honey. If you want to go in and see him…” They all noticed my face freeze when he said that, but I quickly nodded and turned towards the house. Nick and Brian were in the kitchen. Nick had his back to me as I entered, but Brian got a look of shock which made him turn round. His amazing blue eyes grew wider as he saw me.

“Naomi,” Brian broke the silence. He hugged me, almost guiltily, then turned to Nick. “I’ll be outside. Later,” and he left. We stood in silence for a few minutes, just looking at each other. He was tanned and the majority of his blonde hair was sealed under a backward cap.

“Nick. I missed you,” I said softly. My voice acted like a trigger. He stood up quickly and grabbed me by the arms.

“You missed me?” he exclaimed, shaking me violently. “You missed me? What bullshit! If you missed me so much, why didn’t you call!? Huh?”

“I… I’m sorry.” My teeth jarred as he continued to shake me. He let go as Stevie spoke,

“Let go of her Nick!” Nick stared at me.

“I hate you,” he said coldly. “You know why? ‘Cos you’re a whore! You slept with Scott when you’d only known him five minutes, and then you came crying to me!” His words felt like blows to my stomach. “You deserved to lose that baby! Nobody deserves to have a mother like you.” I didn’t wait to hear more. I pushed past Stevie and left. Still I cried no tears, but the sick feeling in my stomach grew more intense.

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