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Chapter Nineteen

“She didn’t deserve that,” Stevie said angrily. Nick sank slowly into a chair. “I know she hurt you… but what you said… I hope she never forgives you.” Nick watched him leave and banged his head on the table.

“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry,” he whispered.

“You ready Naomi?” Stevie asked, appearing at my door. I was sat on my bed. Completely ready, my hair was done, my make-up was done and my dress was on. I was ready physically, but I wasn’t sure if I could handle another verbal bashing from Nick.

“I don’t know… I mean… would I be welcome?” He sat down next to me on my bed.

“Naomi, you hurt Nick by leaving… and he wanted to hurt you… and obviously he did. But we both know he loves you. You’ve been friends for so long… it’ll work out, it’ll just take time.”

“When did you get so smart?” I laughed.

“Come on,” he smiled.

Brian was the first to greet us.

“You look beautiful Naomi.” I blushed,

“Thanks.” I kissed him on the cheek. “So, how have you been whilst I’ve been gone?”

“Good thanks. Working hard on the new album. You’ll be one of the first to get a copy.”

“Really?” I smiled. “I’m sure it’s excellent.”

“I heard about what Nick said,” Brian said slowly, hoping not to upset me. “And I know he didn’t mean it. In the heat of the moment people say the most awful things.”

“I know Brian,” I sighed. “So, who’s here tonight?”

“Our management… ‘N Sync, the girls who were Solid HarmoniE… loads.” He laughed, “Why don’t you go mingle?”

“I think I will,” I declared. “Catch you later Bri… and thanks for not hating me too.” He squeezed my hand and went to talk to Kevin. In desperate need of the bathroom I made my way upstairs.

I exited the bathroom and quickly walked out, straight into a guy.

“Oh, I’m really sorry.” I looked up to find Nick in front of me. “Sorry,” I said again and quickly went downstairs. It felt weird, the way I felt so awkward with Nick. I’d never felt that way before and I hated it. I went and stood with Stevie who was talking to JC from ‘N Sync.

“Oh, JC. I’d like you to meet my sister, Naomi. ‘Omi, this is JC.”

“Nice to meet you,” he said as we shook hands. I smiled. “Are you Nick’s Naomi?” I guess my facial expression must have changed because Stevie quickly changed the subject to one of music. I decided to get some air so I headed out back. Someone was already there.

“Oh sorry,” I said.

“Naomi?” I turned back and realised who it was…

“Scott?” What the hell was he doing here?

“The one and only,” he replied cockily. He stepped closer… he hadn’t changed much.

“Well I’m gonna go back in.”

“What? You don’t wanna celebrate like we did at Christmas?” he asked with a laugh.

“No thanks.”

“Ah c’mon. Maybe this time you’ll actually do something. Just a tip – don’t do it with someone’s who so drunk they can hardly stand.”

“Look Scott, I’m not interested,” I said firmly.

“Sure you are. Come on!” he persisted.

“She said no Scott.” Nick stepped out from the shadows. “I think you better leave.”

“Fine… you ever want some fun give me a call.” He walked back inside and I turned to follow.

“Naomi, wait. I’m sorry,” Nick said quietly.

“I know Nick. So am I.” I still didn’t face him.

“I know you probably hate me…”

“No,” I interrupted. “Nick, I could never hate you. No matter how much you’ve hurt me, you’re still the best friend I’ve ever had. Nothing will change that.” I finally looked him in the eye. They were filled with hurt and sadness. “I won’t deny that what you said earlier… hurt me… a lot, but I guess you were right.”

“No ‘Omi.” Nick stepped forward. “I was just angry… you didn’t deserve being called whore and… and I’m ashamed of the other things I said too.”

“Naomi, come inside now,” my Dad said from the doorway.

“Just a sec.”

“No! Now.” I smiled lightly at Nick and followed my Dad inside.

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