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~*~ Chapter Two ~*~

Nick told me all about the recent tour and all the new people he'd met, which included a girl.

"You really like her, don't you?" He nodded. "So when do I get to meet her?"

"Umm.. I dunno.. soon I guess."

"Okay" I said smiling, "tell me all about her. She has a cool name... Joey." He laughed and fell back on my bed. I got up from my desk and joined him on the bed. I sat cross-legged waiting for him to describe Joey.

"Okay," he said, sitting up and facing me, "she has dark hair, to about here" he indicated to just above the shoulder. "She has blue eyes, and the most gorgeous smile." He smiled to himself as he pictured her in his mind. "As for her personality.. well she is a bit like you!"

"Really? How?"

"Well she can be quiet or crazy or loud - just like you," he laughed, "except not as bad as you!" I laughed with him. I couldn't wait to meet this girl who Nick seemed to be falling for. I then told him all my news about school, and boys and how I had a strict eating plan so there would be no more sneaking out for midnight snacks.

"I miss you loads when I'm on tour, Na."

"I miss you too" I said, "at least you're always busy. I get so bored sometimes. I miss not being able to walk around the corner and see you!" He laughed. It was strange as he had been touring for years yet I still wasn't used to it. It was cool when he would ring me though. It was a great surprise to hear him and find out what he had been up to, although he didn't ring that often anymore. I guess he had less free time. Nick looked down at his watch.

"I better go. Family dinner tonight." I followed him to the front door. "Wanna do something tomorrow?" he asked.

"Yeah sure, I'll come round at.. 10?"

"Okay." He kissed me on the cheek and I hugged him goodbye. It was so good to have him home.

* * * * *

I woke at nine and quickly got dressed. After eating I attempted to tidy the house as my family were due back today. My Dad had taken my 2 brothers, Stevie (16) and Alex (19), along with my sister Kim (12) on a fishing trip. Kim usually stayed with me but had decided to give fishing a chance. Personally I hated it. As I left the house the phone rang.


"Hi Naomi" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Oh, hey Sara... what's up?"

"You won't believe what happened!!" she continued sounding excited..

"What?" I asked , smiling.

"I got a date with Brian!"


"Yeah, after the movie he dropped me off, having already dropped off Cora, and he asked me out for today! Cool huh?"

"Yeah, so what are ya gonna do?"

"I don't know.... but I can't wait."

"I'm so pleased for you Sara. I'm sorry but I gotta go over to Nick's."

"Oh - okay. Have fun!"

"You too and make sure you ring me about your date!"

"Sure will, bye."

* * * * *

I got to Nick's a little late but nobody really seemed to notice. They were all too interested in the girl. I instantly knew who she was... Joey. Nick's description was pretty accurate. She was attractive but not stunning or anything. And she seemed pretty nice. I came to this conclusion as she was the first to greet me.

"Naomi!" She squealed, leaving Nicks side and hugging me.. Slightly shocked I muttered a hello. "Wow, you are lovely... and it's really you." Seeing the confused look on my face she continued. "In all the pictures with Nick over in England. You see in loads of the magazines and newspapers over there," she smiled towards Nick, "there were pictures of you and Nick holding hands and laughing... shopping I think." Wow, this girl was going to fast for me.

"Where did they get pics?"

"That time we were shopping here, in the mall. When I was home last." Nick said.

"Why didn't you tell me? Now half of the female population is gonna hate me," I sighed, "and for no reason." By this time there was only me, Nick and Joey left in the room. "I thought we were gonna do something today Nick?"

"We are... all three of us." Nick said smiling at Joey. Seeing the way they were looking at each other was enough to make you sick.

"No way" I said, backing out of the room. Nick and Joey seemed to take offence. "Nick I love you and all, but I am not spending the day with you two. I'd feel completely out of place." Joey still looked a little shocked. Nick turned to me,

"Come on... it's been forever since we hung out... please?"

"No" I said, turning to leave. Nick ran over, picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "Nick!" I screamed, "put me down!"

"Nope, not 'til you agree to come out with us!"


"Well there's only one thing for it then!" He made his way out the back and without even hesitating threw me in the pool. Right Mr Carter I thought, you wanna play? Then let's play. I stayed under the water and didn't re-surface.

"Nick. What have you done?" Joey whispered to Nick.

"Don't worry," he said, although he was beginning to, "she'll come up in a minute." I stayed under holding my breath. I was glad of the life saving course I had undertaken as I had learnt to hold my breath for a long time.

"Nick, quick, help her." Joey said, beginning to panic. Nick jumped into the pool and pulled me up onto the side. He was about to do mouth- to-mouth,

"Don't you dare touch me with those lips Mr Carter!" I laughed. He looked at me shocked and then began to laugh with me. Joey didn't seem to find it funny.

"Why did you do that? It scared the shit out of us!"

"'s just..." I began, trying to catch my breath, but Nick continued the story.

"When we were seven I pretended to be drowning and Naomi pulled me out. She went to do mouth-to-mouth, which is what I wanted." He started laughing, "I just wanted to be kissed by a girl!" Joey giggled.

"You two are insane. Come on, I thought you were taking me out!"

Chapter Three
Always Right By You