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Chapter Twenty

“I don’t want you going round there,” my Dad stated calmly, sitting down in his office. “If you really need to get a video send Stevie or Kim.”

“Why’s it okay for them, but not me?” I protested. He looked at me and shook his head.

“This is because I care for you,” he finally replied. “I don’t want to see you hurt, emotionally or physically.” I couldn’t help but smile slightly at his concern.

“Dad… if this is about Nick…”

“No Naomi,” he cut me off, “This is the one time you’re not going to get me to change my mind.” I sighed,

“Fine!” I left the room and went to sit outside on the front steps. I’m eighteen and I still can’t do what I want. This is stupid!

Brian laughed as he watched Nick search frantically through his room.

“What exactly are you looking for?” he asked, trying to conceal his amusement. A knock on the door prevented Nick’s answer.

“Umm, Nick?” Nick looked up to find Kimmy standing in the doorway.

“Hey Kim,” Nick smiled.

“Hi,” she replied, a little shyly.

“Hi,” Brian said cheerfully. “You here on your own Kimmy?” She nodded,

“Naomi sent me.” Nick looked up, suddenly paying more attention. “She said you have one of her videos.”

“Why – why didn’t she come?” Although things were not even nearly the same, Nick had thought that they were, at least, on speaking terms. Brian looked sympathetically at his friend, even though he felt Nick had brought it all upon himself.

“Dad wouldn’t let her,” Kim said, taking the video from Nick. “I think he’s scared you’ll hurt her again. You won’t, will you?” Nick was silent for a moment, looking down at the young girl who was looking up at him so innocently.

“No… I won’t. Ever again.” He turned to his desk and scribbled down something. “Can you give this to Naomi for me?” he asked, holding out the folded piece of paper.

“I don’t know,” Kim seemed a little hesitant.

“Please Kim,” Nick said, sounding desperate.

“Okay.” Kim reluctantly took the note and put it inside the video case. “See you guys later.”

I opened the video box and put the tape into the VCR. I settled back to watch it but was distracted by a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and looked it over. My name was scrawled on to it, in what looked like Nick’s writing. I opened it up and began reading,

I’m hoping that it is just your Dad that doesn’t want you seeing me, and that you do forgive me. I guess my behaviour over the past month or so has been inexcusable. But I do love you and am really sorry… for everything. I am gonna talk to your Dad tomorrow and try to explain.

Talk to you later,
Love Nick.

I folded the piece of paper and smiled to myself. I hoped that one day, hopefully soon, Nick and I would be proper friends again, and that we’d be able to put the past year behind us. I sat back to watch the movie, still thinking of Nick.

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