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Chapter Twenty One

~A few weeks later~

“Here ya go,” Nick handed me a soda, then heavily sat down next to me. “Right. Do you wanna watch ‘She’s All That’ or ‘Aliens’?”

“ ‘She’s All That’,” I replied, grinning. “Freddie Prinze Jr. is such a cutie!” Nick didn’t look convinced, and begrudgingly put in the tape. Though Nick and I were back to hanging out together, things were still far from normal. I’d sometimes catch him looking at me, which made me feel weird. I loved Nick, but I realised that it was more of a friendship kind of love. And I’d much rather have him as a friend in the long run, plus I kinda still had feelings for Brian.


“Yeah?” I replied, my eyes still on the screen. He didn’t say anymore, so I turned to face him. Suddenly his lips were on mine. “Nick, what the hell are you doing?”” I exclaimed, pushing him away.

“I… oh shit… I’m sorry,” he stuttered, noticeably embarrassed.

“It’s okay,” I replied, not wanting everything to become too awkward. We quickly went back to watching the film.

“Are you staying over?” Nick asked, taking the empty cans into the kitchen.

“If you don’t mind,” I replied, putting a used bowl into the sink. I followed him upstairs to his room.

“You can take the bed,” he offered.

“We can share.” Nick looked at me for a moment.

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.” I didn’t respond. “Naomi, you know I love you.” I inhaled deeply,

“Nick, I want to be with you forever. And I think the best way for that to happen, is if we just stay friends.” Nick looked at me for a long time, his fingers gently running up and down my arm.

“That would be better huh?” he said, finally. I nodded, touching his face softly. “Could I get just one kiss?” he asked, smiling at me. I nodded. Nick leant down, holding my face between his hands. He gently placed his lips on mine, savoring the moment.

I fell asleep next to Nick, like I had so many times before, but this time I knew I’d wake up beside the best friend I’d ever have, and ever want. Nick Carter would always be there for me. Always right by my side.

Okay, the ending wasn’t brilliant, but to be honest I got bored of this story a long time ago. I just wanted it finished, especially as lots of people seemed impatient to know what would happen. Anyway, I hope it was okay, and please give me your comments on it.

Always Right By You
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