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~*~ Chapter Three ~*~

"Nick, I really don't want to." I said. Joey had retreated to the bathroom, leaving Nick to convince me to spend the day with them.

"Come on Naomi. You're being so unreasonable."

"I am not. I thought we were gonna do something together but now you want me to spend the day with you both. No!" Nick looked at me for a moment,

"You're jealous!"

"Yeah, so? All I wanna do is spend a day with my best friend who I haven't seen in over half a year. What is so wrong with that?" Nick looked at me impatiently.

"You're acting like a baby!"

"Sod you. I'm goin'" I walked out of the house and down the drive. A few fans were waiting outside the gate.

"Hey, you're that Naomi girl," said one.

"Yeah... and before you ask I am not dating Nick". They giggled at the mention of Nick's name.

"So what is he like?"

"He's pretty sweet, but he can be such an annoying ass-hole sometimes." They looked at me in shock as if to say 'how dare you say that about perfect Nicky'. "Sorry girls, I gotta go." I started to walk away, "hang around, 'cos Nick's going out soon." They looked at each other and squealed with excitement.

I spent the whole morning and early afternoon on my own. My family were due back in the evening so I was trying to keep myself occupied. The photo albums - they're always good for a laugh. As I was looking through them, the doorbell rang.

"Nick". He pushed past me and went through to the lounge.

"What the hell were you playin' at?"

"Excuse me?"

"Calling me an ass-hole in front of those girls?" He was being scarily serious.

"They asked me what you were like!"

"And you told them that?"

"Yeah," I said heading up to my room, "just look how you've acted today!" He followed me upstairs,

"Man you can be a bitch sometimes." I looked at him for amoment,

"You just don't get it do you?" I said, beginning to get annoyed, "you ask me if I wanna do something and then you invite your girlfriend!"


"Well you wouldn't have asked Bri and then taken your girlfriend - would you?"

"That's different - you're not Bri."

"Right... okay. Thanks a lot Nick! So until I become a male I have to hang with your girlfriend in order to be with you!?" Finally he began to see my point,

"Okay, I'm sorry - you win" he sighed, "you could have been a bit nicer to Jo though." I chose to ignore that comment and sat back on my bed, looking at my photos. "Hey, wasn't that my 16th birthday party?" Nick laughed pointing to a picture of him and me dancing.


"That was fun."

"Yeah.. Nick I am sorry. I mean... I understand that you wanna spend time with Joey, but I want to see you too."

"I know."

"And I bet you won't have nay time for me." He smiled,

"I'll always have time for you, after all... you were my first kiss." He joked. We both laughed and continued looking at the photos.

"I better get goin', but we have to so something tomorrow." Nick said as he stood up from my bed.

"Just us two?" I asked, hoping for a yes.

"Yep," He said smiling, "you decide what we'll do okay?" I nodded, "Sorry... I have to get ready for my date with Joey. She's only here 'til tomorrow morning, then she's going home for Christmas."

"Does she live far?"

"Not really, only a few hours drive away."

"That's good then, huh?"

"Yeah," he answered, deep in thought. I laughed,

"Go on, idiot. Go get ready for your hot date."

"Okay, see you tomorrow. I'll be round at about... 11.30. That way I can see Joey off."

"You better not be all depressed on me tomorrow." He smiled,

"Of course not," he kissed me on the forehead, "See ya."

"Bye," I went back into the lounge and waited for my family.

Chapter Four
Always Right By You