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~*~ Chapter Four ~*~

"So Nick, how was your date?" Nick and I were in the park. We had been lucky, the weather was pretty good. We were both laying on the grass looking up into the sky (on of my favourite past times).


"Just okay? C'mon...." He said nothing, "Fine. If you don't wanna tell me then don't, I'm just a little hurt though."

"I'm sorry..." I sat up and looked at him,

"What's up?"

"I had an argument with my Mum."

"Nick, that's not like you."

"I know... I don't really want to talk about it." Deciding it was best to leave it, I laid back down.

"Okay. Do you wanna stay at mine tonight then?"

"Yeah, that'd be good. Thanks." He glanced at his watch. Six o'clock. "Naomi, you do realise you have had me starin' up at the sky for over an hour?"

"Oh my God," I said jumping up. "We better get back. My Dad was planning a nice family dinner." Nick hesitated.

"Well won't you want to be alone then?" I grabbed his hand,

"Come on. You're like part of the family. They'll be glad to see you!"

"You're late" my Dad said, in a mock angry tone.

"Sorry Dad. Mmm, spells good though." I went into the kitchen and sat down.

"Hey Nick" my older brother, Alex said, coming down the stairs, "Long time since I've seen you."

"Hey Alex... yeah it has." They entered the kitchen discussing what they had been up to since the last saw each other.

"That was great, Dad." I said after having devoured my dessert.

He laughed, "I thought you were on a diet."

"I am... everything in moderation."

"In your case," Stevie said (my younger bro) "eat everything!"

"Shut up!" I shot him a look.

"Make me!" he retorted. He is so immature!!

"Gladly. I think I might just tell everyone what happened on your date with Marie Landers."

He stopped laughing, "Naomi, you dare!"

"Shut up then." Everyone looked at Stevie curiously,

"What's this, bro?" Alex asked, smiling.

"Thanks a lot, Naomi." Stevie left the table and went to the lounge. All heads turned to me. Shrugging my shoulders I took my plate over to the sink.

"Naomi?" My sister Kim asked.


"Could you take me over to Lisa's tomorrow? Dad and the boys are busy." She looked at me.. pleading.

"Okay.. but you owe me." She ran over and hugged me,

"You're the best sister ever."

I smiled, "Okay. Dad, Nick's staying tonight okay?"

"Fine." Then in his mock-stern tone, "I can trust you two?"

I looked at him, "Dad! Don't even joke!" Nick stood, pretending to be offended.

"What are you saying? You don't want me?"

I laughed, "Ohh, someone's ego grew while they were away."

"I can't believe it is only two days until Christmas." Nick said, falling back on my bed.

"I know, this year went so quickly. Hey, will you be home for your birthday?"

His face saddened, "No. We have promotions in Canada."

"Oh, then should I give you your present early or late?" I asked, pulling out my t-shirt and shorts to get ready for bed.

"Ohh early!" He said excitedly.

I laughed, "Maybe.." I took off my top to change into my pj's.

"Naomi, what are you doing?" Nick said, sounding shocked.


"Don't you want me to leave?"

"Huh? C'mon Nick - you've seen me naked."

"Yeah, when I was seven!"

"I still have underwear on.." He still looked embarrassed, "Well, okay. Leave if you feel uncomfortable."

"Nah, I've seen now." I laughed and continued to change. "Do you want me to leave so you can change?" I joked.

He shot me an evil look, "No, anyway I don't have anything to change into. I'll just wear my boxers." I made a bed up for Nick on the floor and went to sleep, thinking about how funny it was that Nick felt uncomfortable with me.

Chapter Five
Always Right By You