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~*~ Chapter Five ~*~

"Naomi, hurry up!" Kim shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Shh" I said, "Nick's still asleep. I don't know why you have to be there so early, Kimmy." We made our way out to the car and began the drive to Lisa's. Kim was staring intently at me.

"What?" I asked, glancing at her, she looked away.

"N-nothing." I looked at her curiously,

"No, what is it?"

"I was just..." she said, seeming embarrassed, "...did you sleep with Nick?"

"What!? No!!" I said, annoyed.

"Sorry, I just wondered. All my friends think you are dating."

"Well, tell them we're not." I said angrily, "anyway Nick has a girlfriend."

"He does?" she asked,

"Yep. So... there ya go."

After dropping Kimmy off I made my way home. I closed the front door quietly incase anyone was still asleep. I heard voices in the lounge.

"I'm tellin' ya Alex. Nick and Naomi... there is definitely something goin' on there."

"Stevie, you are talkin' crap. They're just friends." Alex replied.

"Oh yeah, they shared a room last night. You telling me nothing happened." I stood outside the door, feeling my anger growing.

"No, but it is so unlikely. They have been best friends for, like, ever. Plus Nick just got a girlfriend." I could always depend on Alex to defend me.

"So?" Stevie persisted, "Wouldn't stop me!" I burst threw the door,

"Shut-up Stevie. What are you saying? I am some sort of slag - sleeping with someone who has a girlfriend. Thanks a lot!! Nice to know what my own brother thinks of me!" I screamed.

"Calm down, Naomi." Alex said.

"Jeez- I was only kidding around." Stevie said, getting up to leave.

"Yeah well it's people like you who start rumours. Did you say something to Kimmy?" He didn't answer.

"Shit Stevie." Alex said, disgusted by his brothers behaviour.

"I'm sorry Naomi. I was mad at you for threatening me with that Marie thing." I inhaled deeply, trying to calm myself down a bit.

"Well sorry just doesn't cut it this time. I just can't believe you would even think those things about me... let alone say them." I left the room and went to see if Nick was awake. When I reached my room Nick was up and dressed. He was examining my year book closely. Upon my entry he looked up,

"What's wrong?" he asked, noticing I was still a little flushed from shouting.

"You don't want to know." He looked at me intently, then shrugged his shoulders. "Shouldn't you go and see Brian?" I asked, "after all he is leaving tomorrow."

"I guess," he sighed, "not looking forward to facing Mom though."

"I'm sure it'll be fine. She's probably forgotten all about it" I smiled.

"Not likely." Nick kissed me on the forehead, "We should all get together tomorrow... being Christmas Eve and all."

"Yep, aren't you forgetting?" He looked at me, confused. "Nick, there's a Christmas party at your house." I smacked him lightly on the head. "I'll see you tomorrow." He is so depressed. I guess having an argument with his Mom and Joey leaving was getting him down.

Chapter Six
Always Right By You