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~*~ Chapter Six ~*~

I was still incredibly mad at Stevie on Christmas Eve. Alex kept reminding me that it was 'Good Will To All Men' but I had plainly told him that 'All Men' did not apply to Stevie. The Carter's Christmas parties were usually a pretty big affair. All of the neighbours, all the Carter's friends and relatives, and I was allowed to take Cora and Sara. Sara had given me full details on her date with Brian. She seemed to like him...a lot. We had an hour to go and the girls and I were still doing make-up and hair. Cora looked gorgeous. She had pulled her blonde hair back into a pony tail, with strands falling down. She was wearing black, boot-cut jeans and a small lime green top. Sara's hair was down but she was wearing the tee-ara I had bought her for Christmas, along with beige bootlegs and a dark blue top. I was still undecided about what to wear.

"How about this?" Sara asked holding up up a tight, sleeveless red top.

"Yeah" I smiled, "how about I just wear my black bootlegs with it."

"Yeah. Don't wanna dress up too much... people might get the wrong impression." Cora teased. I looked at her with mock-anger. I had explained to them about what Stevie had said. They didn't seem that shocked, which made me think that they may have come to the same conclusion.

"Nick sleeping over is just like one of you guys staying." I pointed out.

"Sure" Cora said, turning back to the mirror.

"It is." I said, indignantly.

"Okay, okay/" she smiled.

"Come on Naomi, get changed... I wanna do your hair."

"Okay". I quickly changed and applied a bit more make-up. Sara styled my hair like she had the day Nick has got home.

"Girls... are you ready to go?" my Dad called.

"Yep, only be a sec." I yelled as we joined the others in the hall. Alex and Dad wolf-whistled.

"Shut-up" I laughed. Stevie was already waiting outside.

"Wow, their house looks great." Cora said as we headed up the Carter drive. The inside was lit and the house looked full. They had lights strung around the house and decorations on the door.

"Come on girls." Dad called from the house, he had already entered. As I stepped through the door I felt so warm and happy. The atmosphere was full of Christmas spirit and there was a buzz of excitement.

"Hello, ladies." AJ greeted us, "now you all have to kiss me," he continued, holding up some mistletoe. Cora didn't need to be told twice. Sara was a little hesitant as she didn't know AJ that well and she didn't want Brian getting the wrong idea. She quickly pecked him on the lips then followed Cora in search of Brian - though in Cora's case, any males!

"Come on Naomi - your turn!" I smiled,

"Hey AJ, it's been a long time since I last saw you."

"Yeah, kiss me!" he seemed a little drunk, so I kissed him on the cheek and followed the others.

"Naomi!!" I turned to see Aaron hurtling towards me.

"Wow, that's some welcome." I laughed after being knocked to the ground by his hug.

"Sorry." he giggled, getting up, "didn't realise how strong I was."

"Don't worry, I don't think many people noticed. Where's Nick and that?" I asked, looking around for them.

"Umm, Nick was talking to Kimmy a minute ago.." he laughed, "I think she likes him." I smiled,

"Well, who wouldn't? Come and help me find them." Finally we spotted the guys standing by the pool.

""Nicky!" Aaron yelled.


"Where's Kimmy?" "Ahh," I thought, "somebody has a crush on my sister."

"She went inside." Aaron dashed inside as I made my way over to the pool.

"Naomi!" AJ exclaimed, having forgotten that he had already seen me, "how are you?" He said, hugging me hard.

"Good thanks." The other guys laughed.

"AJ's had a little too much to drink." Kevin said, walking over and hugging me hello.

"What's up Kev?" I smiled.

"Not much." he replied.

"Kevvy," AJ giggled, "you gotta kiss Naomi!" he held up the mistletoe. I stood up on tiptoes and kissed him quickly on the lips. I noticed Sara and Brian talking and remembered Sara saying that she hadn't got to kiss him on their date. I quickly grabbed the mistletoe from AJ and held it above them.

"Ohhh, finally I get to kiss you." Brian laughed, and pulled her close. As they pulled apart Sara turned to me, grinned and mouthed "thankyou".

"I gotta go get a drink." I made my way through to the kitchen and got myself a coke.

"If it isn't young Naomi!" I turned to see a middle aged man who seemed vaguely familiar. He held out his hand, "I'm Larry - Nick's uncles, wives brother." I laughed,

"Oh right. It must have been a while since I saw you 'cos, to be honest, I don't really remember you." He smiled,

"It's been at least ten years. You've grown up a lot."


"So are you Nick's girlfriend, now?" he asked.

"Huh? No.. why."

"I don't know, "he smiled, "everyone always knew, or should I say thought, you two were gonna get together eventually. Just hasn't happened yet..."

"Naomi!" I was interrupted by Kimmy.

"Sorry," I said apologising to Larry.

"Don't worry, go and enjoy yourself."

"Nice meeting you again." As I made my way over to Kimmy I wondered who he had meant when he'd said "everyone always knew", who was everyone? "What?" I asked Kim.

"Aaron just kissed me!" she said excitedly.

"He did?" she nodded.

"Ohh, I gotta go tell Angel, she'll freak." I laughed as I watched her run in search of Angel. I sat down next to Alex. The room was filled with people talking and laughing.

"Hey 'Omi. What's funny?" Alex asked.

"Oh, just Kimmy and Aaron." He smiled at me, "you shouldn't stay mad at Stevie. He didn't mean anything by it.."

"Just leave it Alex. He shouldn't have said it and he's not sorry so.. please just drop it."

"Okay, okay!" he said holding up his hands in defence. I wasn't really in the mood for partying so I went and sat on the wall outside Nick's front door. Even though I didn't want to party I did feel happy. Everything seemed pretty much perfect, all the people I loved were around me, and it was almost Christmas.

"You okay?" Nick asked, sitting down next to me.


"Then why are you out here?" he asked, taking a swig from his can. I sighed,

"I don't know. It's just really peaceful and I'm just... happy."



"AJs walking round kissing everyone." Nick laughed, "even Kev, he wasn't too pleased."

"I didn't know they were coming tonight?" I questioned.

"It was sort of a last minute thing... but it's cool, huh?"

"Yeah." We sat in silence for a while, listening to the chatter coming from inside the house. It was weird everything was great, but I felt this dread in the pit of my stomach as if something was going to go wrong.

"There you two are."

"Oh, hey Mom." Jane walked over to us,

"Why are you out here? Come inside and join the party."

"We'll be in, in a minute." Nick said. After a few moments Nick took my hand,

"Come on - you can't stay out here all night!" Almost as soon as we entered the house Nick was surrounded by many of his relatives wanting to talk to him about his success with the boys over in Europe.

"Hi, your Naomi right? Alex's sister and Nick's friend?"

"Yeah." I smiled. He was about six foot and had dark hair. He was extremely good looking.

"I'm Scott, wanna dance?"

"Sure." I have to admit I was a little drunk. Hanging with AJ hadn't been a good idea. I started dancing with Scott. He held me so close. I didn't see Nick again all night. It was 11.30pm and everyone was very excited and hyper. I got so caught up in the moment I found myself kissing Scott.

Chapter Seven
Always Right By You