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~*~ Chapter Seven ~*~

I woke up with a banging headache and a confused feeling. I was in my own room but I had no recollection of how I got there. Slowly, very slowly so I wouldn’t be sick, I made my way downstairs. My brothers were sitting in the kitchen laughing and Kim was sitting by the Christmas tree, excitedly waiting to open her presents. I had completely forgotten today was Christmas.

“Dad!!” Kim yelled. It boomed through my head making me wince.

“Kimmy, please don’t yell.”

“That’s what you get for drinking,” Alex laughed. I smiled sarcastically at him, then got some aspirin. I sat down next to Alex.

“Ummm. Guys – how did I get home last night?”

“Dunno,” Alex answered, “you were already in bed when we got back.. Nick was looking for you though, he didn’t seem to impressed that you’d just left.”

“Oh,” I said, confused. “I… umm… did I leave with anyone?” I may have forgotten something’s but I remembered Scott.

“Don’t know. Sorry Naomi. I’d ask Nick or someone ‘cos they probably knew who else was there.”

“Mmm.” Kim rushed into the kitchen.

“Come one, we’ve got to open the pressies!!!” I wasn’t at all excited. I was worried, I had to find out how I got home. What if me and Scott… Oh my god! I have to speak to Nick!

As soon as we had opened all the presents I quickly got dressed and walked round to Nicks. My head was still pulsating. I rang on the doorbell and was relieved that Nick answered. Although he didn’t seem pleased to see me.

“Hey,” I said.


“Merry Christmas,” I handed him his present.

“Thanks. Where did you get to last night? BJ said you left with some guy. You could at least have said goodbye!” My heart sank. BJ said you left with some guy. What had I done? “Do you wanna come in?” I followed Nick inside. His whole family were still sitting round the Christmas tree.

“Oh sorry. I’ll go.”

“No, don’t worry sweetie.” Jane said, “come and sit with us.”

“Yeah,” Aaron added, “Santa bought a present for you.” He joked. I reluctantly sat down. I had this complete feeling of dread… I knew what I had done.

“Naomi?” Angel asked.


“You okay?” she looked worried.

“Yeah, why?”

“You seem all distant, anyway here’s your present from all of us.”

“Thanks,” I smiled opening the small present, “Oh cool… thanks so much guys.”

“Well we know how much you love it there!” Bob smiled. It was a years pass to go into Busche Gardens free. If they were different circumstances I would have been jumping and hugging everyone, but I still felt sick.

“Honey, are you sure you’re okay?” Jane asked. I stood up.

“Yeah. I should get home ‘cos Ki… oh man… I think I’m gonna be sick..” I ran to the bathroom and got there just in time. Once I was done I splashed my face with cold water. I looked in the mirror and was repulsed by myself. Not because I looked particularly bad, but because I knew what I’d done. Stevie had been right… basically I was a slapper. I left the Carter’s assuring them I was fine. I spent the rest of the morning and afternoon in bed. Not sleeping, just thinking.

Chapter Eight
Always Right By You