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Chapter Eight

I was just beginning to drift off to sleep when there was a light knock on my door.

“Mmm?” I mumbled, rolling over so I wasn’t facing the door.

“Naomi?” Nick walked over to the bed, “Naomi, you okay?”

“Not really.” I mumbled turning my face away from him.

“It’s just a hangover. You’ll be fine tomorrow.”

“Probably,” I said. I wouldn’t be fine until I knew exactly what happened.

“Anyway I just wanted to say thank you for the presents and give you yours.” I had given Nick an art book so he could sketch loads on tour, and a framed picture of us skiing when we were 15. It wasn’t us actually skiing. We had both fallen over in the snow and were laughing hysterically.

“Your welcome and thanks,” I said, slowly sitting up. I unwrapped it to find a box. Inside was a gorgeous silver bracelet with a beautiful pattern on it. “Oh Nick, it’s lovely, thank you so much.” I hugged him and placed the bracelet on my wrist.

“I’m glad you like it.” He smiled, then frowned at me, “this is just a hangover, right?” I sighed.

“I hope so Nick, I really hope so.” For a moment he looked at me confused, then he began telling me what he got for Christmas.

I slept for the rest of the day, not my best Christmas ever. Kim came up to ask me down to dinner, but I declined. My family would all be happy and I didn’t fell like explaining my bad mood.

I saw Nick once more before he left on the 28th. I acted as my normal self. I had convinced myself the Christmas party hadn’t happened and I felt much better.

“You better write to me, Nicky.” I said as he finished loading the car. His Dad was already in the drivers seat ready to leave.

“I’ll try. We’re gonna be pretty busy – but I’ll ring when I can.” I smiled,

“Well good luck with everything.” He pulled me into a hug.

“I’ll miss you Naomi. It’s been great being home again.”

“Yeah, it has. I just wish I hadn’t got so drunk on Christmas Eve. We could’ve had loads more fun together.”


“Nick, come one. We’ve got to leave,” his Dad called from the car.

“Bye. I’ll see you soon.” He said, kissing my cheek..

“Bye gorgeous.” He smiled and climbed into the car, waving to me as the car left the driveway.

Chapter Nine
Always Right By You
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