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Chapter Nine

~2 and a half months later ~



"Yeah, how are you?"

“Great… what’s up? You never call me while I’m away.”

“I know, sorry. Nick when will you be coming home?”

“I don’t know, about two months,” he said, gradually becoming confused and curious, “Why?”

“I just need to talk. You’re the only person I can talk to Nick.”

“What about Sara or Cora?” I sighed,

“Nick, don’t you ever know what’s going on? They’ve both gone to collage!”

“Oh, so what did you wanna talk about?”

“I wanted to talk properly… not over the phone.”

“I’m sorry ‘Omi.”

“Okay… but you have to meet with me as soon as you can. I need you Nick.” I knew it was wrong of me. I wasn’t trying to make him feel bad but I didn’t know who else to turn to.

“Naomi, I’m sorry I have to go. I’ll call you soon, okay?”



“Bye.” I hung up and began to cry. I was running out of time.

“Nick slowly made his way to the cafeteria, where all the other guys were already eating.

“Yo Frack, what’s wrong?” Brian asked, noticing Nick’s worried look.

“I just spoke to Naomi. She says she needs to talk to me… but face to face.”

“Ohhh Nicky,” Brian joked, “What did you do?”

“Nothing. I was thinking… do you think I could fly her over here? She could stay for a few days?”

“I don’t think it would be a problem… wait.” Brian hesitated, “you know how stubborn Naomi is. She said she would never come on tour with us.” Nicks face saddened,

“I gotta try Brian. She said she needs me. I’ve never heard her talk like that before. She sounded… scared.”

“Well, go talk to Donna and everyone… then ask her.”

I didn’t understand myself. Usually I could talk to my brothers, especially Alex, but I was so confused. Everything was different and I needed someone to help me. Nick – he had always been there for me. I had to tell him… soon. My thoughts were interrupted by the phone.

“Naomi, pack your bags and get to the airport now.” I heard Nicks voice order, “you’re coming to Canada so we can talk.” I took a deep breath,


“What?” Nick sounded stunned.

“Okay.” I repeated. “Give me details of the flight and you better meet me at the airport.”

“Okay…” he gave me all the details and after informing my brothers I was going… I left.


“Naomi.” I ran towards him and he engulfed me in his arms. “How are you?”


“Come on. Let’s get out of here before I get recognised.” He had brought a rental car and his security guard was driving. “I’m kinda surprised you agreed to come.” Nick said on the way to the hotel.

“I had to talk to you.”

“This is really serious, isn’t it?” Nick said looking at me with concern.

“Nick, please. We’ll talk at the hotel.”

“Okay.” We sat in silence for the rest of the journey and luckily we were able to avoid the small group of fans outside. The guys were all in the lobby and I was greeted by four big hugs. We all sat and talked for a while then Brian announced he was going to bed. The others followed suit, leaving me and Nick.

“Come on, we can go and talk in my room.” I nodded. “Okay, spill.” Nick said as he sat down on the bed next to me.

“One thing, promise me that, for now, you won’t ask any questions. You’ll basically just listen.”

“But…” I gave him a look. “Okay,” he said reluctantly. I took a deep breath.

“I… Nick, I’m pregnant.” He just stared at me, open mouthed. Slowly he closed it, then opened it as if to speak. Thinking again, he leant forward, kissed me gently on the forehead and hugged me. I’d expected him to start asking questions… or something. His reaction took me by surprise. At last he pulled away and looked me straight in the eye.

“Is it a good or bad thing?” he asked quietly.

“I don’t know. I mean I would never have planned this.”

“Are you gonna keep it?”

“Yeah – I think.” I said. Nick smiled,

“Who… sorry, I forget, no questions yet. Just this one though. Does anyone else know?”

“No,” I sighed, “I couldn’t tell my brothers. I thought they’d kill me.” I looked at Nick, he was so lucky. He had everything he ever dreamt of. Fame, money, great friends, and of course music. “Oh Nick, what am I gonna do?” I asked desperately.

“Well for now, you’ve got to sleep. You look tired, you can sleep here. We couldn’t get you your own room. I can sleep on the floor or share with Bri.”

“No Nick,” I said, “please stay with me.”

“Okay, I’ll just go tell Bri what’s happening.” He left the room and I changed into a baggy t-shirt and shorts. I then climbed into the double bed. Nick returned ten minutes later, changed into boxers and a t-shirt, then began to make up a bed on the floor.

“Nick, you’re not serious are you?” I asked. He looked up confused,


“I won’t jump on you, promise! We can sleep in the same bed.” He smiled,

“Okay, I guess… I didn’t want you to think…”

“Nick, you’re my best friend. I don’t think either of us need to worry.” I smiled, “I’m already pregnant… not like it could get much worse.” I attempted to laugh but couldn’t. “Nick, I’m so scared. I mean… what will my Dad say? How am I gonna cope?” Nick climbed in next to me and held me in his arms.

“Naomi, I’m always here for you. Whenever you need me okay?” I looked up at him,

“I love you, Nick.” He looked at me for a moment.

“I love you too.” We did love each other, as best friends do. I couldn’t imagine being without him.

Chapter Ten
Always Right By You
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