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Part One

I woke up to find myself surrounded by four unfamiliar walls. All of which were painted green. Looking around I noticed all the items that filled the room. An inflatable chair, neon lamps… I sat up and found I was naked. Where the hell was I? I pulled on my underwear and shirt, obviously discarded in the nights proceedings. Just as I went to leave the room I noticed a picture on the table. One of the guys in the picture was the one I had gone home with. The blonde one… what was his name again..? Neil, Nathan… NICK! That’s it! I slowly made my way downstairs, feeling a little nervous.

I stood in the doorway to the kitchen.

“Hey.” Nick looked up from the paper he was reading and took a sip of his coffee.

“Hi,” he replied without a smile. “You want coffee?” I shook my head,

“No thanks.” I smiled, hoping he would do the same. No such luck. “Would you mind if I took a shower before I leave?”

“Go ahead. First door on the left.” I watched him for a moment longer before heading upstairs. ‘Christ, he’s rude,’ I thought to myself as the hot water cascaded down my body. I mean, sure I don’t expect him to want to start a relationship, but a little bit of friendliness would’ve been nice.

I pulled on my dress, fixed my hair and put on my shoes before heading back downstairs. When I re-entered the kitchen a cute guy was sat with Nick.

“Well thanks,” I offered. “I guess I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah, look…” Finally a little display of friendliness? “Can you not tell anyone about this?” Okay, maybe not.

“Excuse me?” I replied.

“I don’t want you to tell anyone.” He sighed, “Look, I need you to promise not to say anything about this whole thing.”

“Are you kidding?” I asked, confused and a little angered by his request. “Who the f**k would I want to tell? You’re not that good!”

“Don’t you know who I am?” he seemed surprised.

“I know you’re Nick. And I know you’re an asshole with a huge ego.” I grabbed my purse. “I would say it’d been nice meeting you, but that’d be lying. Goodbye.” I stormed out of his house, infuriated by the blonde idiot!

“Wow. Feisty one,” Brian commented as Nick turned to him.

“Mmm… shame, seeing as she obviously didn’t know who we were.” He sighed, “But Christ! What a temper!”

“Well, you were rude,” Brian laughed. “Oh well… I doubt you’ll ever see her again.”

“True.” Nick poured himself another cup of coffee and resumed reading his paper.

“Well Miss Leigh… when can you start?” I almost squealed with delight, but managed to keep my composure.

“Whenever you first need me,” I replied smiling.

“Well… I’ll need you to pick the twins up from school, and stay with them until I get home. That time will vary… but if I’m ever later than seven I’ll give you an advanced warning.” I nodded and stood up. “So, tomorrow?”


“My son’s home at the moment, so don’t be surprised if you find him raiding the refrigerator.” I laughed,

“Well Mrs Carter, I should be going.” She shook my outstretched hand and showed me to the door.

“I’ll be home by 5.30 tomorrow. And here’s the key.”

“Okay, and thanks again.” I couldn’t stop smiling all the way home. I had been a children’s nanny for years. Ever since I left school. And this job seemed perfect. The family seemed nice, the house was gorgeous and the pay was great. All I’d have to do was pick up Aaron, Angel and sometimes Leslie from school. The oldest girl, BJ, made her own way home, though apparently often stayed out late. And then there was Jane’s other son, Nick. That name still infuriated me. She had said little about him, but I guess in time I would meet them all.

“Hey guys,” I greeted the three youngest Carters as they climbed into the car. “How was school?”

“Bo – ring!” Aaron replied, throwing his book-bag on to the floor.

“It was okay,” Angel smiled, playfully pushing her brother. Leslie didn’t reply, but smiled shyly. I smiled back and began the drive home. As soon as we got inside Leslie went to her room but the twins quickly went into the kitchen in search of food.

“Hey Emily! Come in here a sec?” Aaron called. I walked in to find him with his head in the refrigerator.

“What is it?” I asked, pulling him over to the table.

“Nothing,” he grinned, “I was just seeing if you’d come when I call.”

“You are such a doofus!” Angel exclaimed.

“Can I fix you guys a sandwich?” They both nodded and I set about making them something to eat.

“Can I come in?” I asked.

“Sure.” I pushed open the door and walked in to see Leslie flicking through a magazine.

“I made you something to eat.” I walked over to her desk. “I’ll put it here… you don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to. I won’t be offended.” She smiled.

“Thanks Emily.”

“It’s okay… so, what are you reading?” I asked, sitting down on the bed next to her.

“Just a mag.” We sat in silence for a minute.

“So, what do you like to do for fun?” I asked, attempting to make friends.

“Mmm… shop, hang out with my friends… read… different stuff.”

“Maybe you and me could go shopping sometime?” I offered.

“That’d be nice.” I stood up,

“Well, I better check on your brother and sister. Who knows what hell they’re causing in my absence. See ya later.” As I got to the door Leslie called,


“Yeah?” I turned back.


“Anytime.” I made my way downstairs, trying to think of ways to pass the time before Jane got home.

“So, what’s she like?” Nick asked, shovelling a forkful of food into his mouth.

“I like her,” Aaron and Angel replied at the same time.

“Les?” Jane looked at her daughter. “What did you think of Emily?”

“She’s really nice… we’re gonna go shopping.” Nick raised his eyebrows. It wasn’t often that his sister let people be-friend her so easily. This Emily must be one hell of a girl, he thought to himself.

It was Friday night and it was eight o’clock. I was at the Carters. Jane and Bob were out and BJ was with her friends. Aaron had a rehearsal of some kind, so Angel, Leslie and myself had rented a movie. I laid down on my stomach, on the floor, and took a handful of popcorn. We were so engrossed in the movie that we didn’t hear anyone enter the room.

“Hey!” All three of us visibly jumped.

“NICK!!” Leslie exclaimed, but ran into his arms. I finally stood up. The lights were off so I couldn’t see much of the eldest Carter. “Emily,” Leslie turned to me, “this is Nick.” We shook hands and only then did I look closely at him.

“Oh my God!” I quickly pulled my hand from his grasp.

“Shit!” Nick exclaimed.

“Nick? What is it?” Leslie asked, looking first at me and then at Nick. Nick stuttered before I cut in.

“This idiot,” Nick looked at me, surprisingly afraid of what I might say, “ran into me with his trolley at the supermarket the other week.”

“You didn’t?” Leslie asked.

“I - ” Nick stared at me. “I… yeah, I did.”

“You doofus,” Angel giggled. “Are you staying the night?” Nick nodded and smiled at his sister.

“Well… I’ll go then.” I smiled to Leslie, who looked at me questioningly. “I’ll just clean up the kitchen.”

“Don’t you wanna see the rest of the movie?” Angel gazed up at me. I looked at Nick, then smiled down at her.

“Nah, you guys finish watching without me.” I left the room and washed up the plates and glasses from the evening.

“Thanks.” Nick stood in the doorway and smiled at me. I turned back to the sink without a response. “Look,” he walked further into the room. “I know we didn’t start off on the right foot… but can’t we at least try to get along?” I finished the dishes and grabbed my bag. Finally I turned to him.

“In front of your family, fine. We can be best friends if you want. But don’t count on us ever actually being friends.” Nick followed me back into the lounge. “Okay guys. I guess I’ll see you Monday.” I hugged Angel and Leslie.

“I thought we could maybe go shopping tomorrow?” I was really beginning to like this girl and we were fast becoming friends… even if I did despise her brother.

“Sure, that’d be fun,” I replied.

“I thought we could do something tomorrow,” Nick said. “Seeing as I’m back for a while.” Leslie looked in thought for a moment.

“Well, why don’t you come too?” she finally suggested. I froze, Say no. Please say no.

“Yeah, that’d be cool.” Shit!

“That’s settled then.” Leslie gave me another hug. “Nick and I’ll come and get you tomorrow, yeah?” I nodded and smiled.

“Okay. It was nice meeting you Nick.” I almost choked on my words.

“Yeah, you too.” I could feel Nick watching me as I left the house and drove away.

“So, you really like Emily, huh?” Nick asked his sister as they drove down their street.

“Yeah. She’s so cool. D’ya know she used to go to acting school, and you should see her skate. She’s so good. And she’s teaching me.” Nick looked over at Leslie, it seemed that they had grown really close. Man, she would kill me if she knew how Emily and I really met. He smiled, he could still remember that night. He cursed himself for having been so rude that next morning. “Nick! Nick!”

“Huh? What?” he turned to his sister.

“This is it. Pull over.” She laughed, “Where were you?” She jumped out of the car and ran to the door.

“Hey Les.”

“Hi Emily, you ready?” I grabbed my bag, and locked the front door.

“Yep. Let’s go.” I followed her to the car and greeted Nick politely.

“You can sit up front,” Leslie said, climbing into the backseat.

“Thanks,” I smiled. Brilliant! I get to sit next to Nick. I rolled my eyes

“Will you quit following me around!” I said to Nick.

“I’m not,” he replied. “I wanted to look here too.”

“Sure you did!” I picked up a cute dress. “You always wear this sort of thing?” I said sarcastically. “Christ! Why d’you even come today?”

“Because I wan - ”

“Hey Les,” I smiled at her. “Me and Nick were just saying how this would look great on you. Weren’t we?” He nodded. How does she do that? he wondered, she seems so genuine!

“How did you know my size?” She seemed surprised.

“Nick told me.” Leslie raised her eyebrows.

“Since when do you know my dress size?” Nick appeared speechless. Christ! How dumb is this guy?

“Since he began trying to be the best big brother,” I answered for him. “Now, go try it on. I wanna see.” She squealed, hugged both me and Nick, then hurried to the changing cubicles.

“Thanks,” Nick placed his hand on my arm. I quickly pulled away.

“I’d prefer it if you didn’t touch me,” I said coldly and quickly followed after Leslie. To be honest I liked it when he touched me. His skin was so warm and it brought back memories of the night we met… I cleared my thoughts. I will not forgive him, I told myself over and over. I’m not sure if I succeeded in convincing myself though.

I placed the bowl of salad on the table and sat down in the empty chair.

“This looks great Jane,” I complemented. She smiled,

“Thank you. So, you guys had a good day?” Leslie nodded,

“Yeah. I got loads of cool stuff.” She grinned, “And Emily treated me to the most gorgeous dress.”

“Oh Emily honey. You didn’t have to do that,” Jane exclaimed.

“That’s okay. I wanted to.” I averted my eyes so that I didn’t have to look at Nick.

“Nick and Emily seemed to be getting close,” Leslie teased. I shot her a cold look and Nick turned red.

“Leave them alone,” Jane warned, and, luckily, that subject was dropped.

I put away the few plated and glasses that were left. I had stayed to help Jane with the dishes and we had finally finished.

“Thanks sweetie,” she took the dish cloth from me, “It’s late so we can set up the guestroom if you didn’t want to drive home?” I checked the clock.

“It’s okay. My roommate usually stays out ‘til late. And it’s only 11.30… I’ll be fine.”

“Well, if you’re sure.” I nodded and went into the lounge, where Nick, Bob and BJ were seated.

“Well, thanks for dinner. I had a great time,” I said, picking up my shopping bags.

“I’ll see you on Monday.”

“Yeah, bye guys.” Nick looked up and smiled. I smiled back, only because BJ was watching. “I’ll see you later.” I drove home and noticed Carla was back. We had been living together for two years, and we were good friends. I hadn’t told her about the whole Nick situation, and I didn’t intend to. At least now I knew why Nick had been so insistent in his attempts to stop me telling anyone. A Backstreet Boy. I had had no idea. I guess I could kinda forgive him that whole piece. After all, he was just covering his back.

Part Two
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