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Part Two

A week past and I saw little of Nick. Apparently him and his group were in the studio recording. I was quite curious to hear their sound and Leslie said I could borrow the CDs she had Note to self: Remember CDs.

I flicked the television channel and settled back on the couch. Carla was out… well it was Friday night! I wasn’t in the mood, though usually we’d go clubbing together. By 3am I was pretty engrossed in a film that was on. Suddenly the front door banged open and Carla came in, dragging a guy behind her.

“Oh… hey…” She stopped in the room. I scrambled up and turned off the television, then turned towards them. The guy was kissing her neck, obviously awaiting my departure. He looked up, his eyes meeting mine. NICK! Shit!

“I’ll leave you to it,” I said, in the only tone I could muster at the time, and quickly left the room. Why do you care? I thought angrily. It’s just Nick. Calm down. I went to bed, confused by my feeling of jealousy.

Carla was stood by the sink in the kitchen when I appeared the next morning.

“So… did you have fun last night?” I asked, surprised myself by how bitchy I sounded. She turned to me, oblivious to my tone and shook her head.

“He left before we could do anything. I mean, what a loser! He comes back here, he was all over me in the cab. Then nothing. He made some lame excuse and left.” I successfully kept the smile from my face and tried to be comforting.

“Oh well… we could go out tonight,” I suggested. “You up for it?” She grinned,

“Try stopping me!” I laughed and grabbed an OJ before going to watch TV.

“Hey Aaron, where’s the fire?” I laughed as he ran full speed to the front door.

“Quick! I need to pee!” I walked deliberately slowly. “Emily!” he whined.

“Okay. Okay.” I unlocked the front door and let him in. Angel and Leslie quickly went into the kitchen. Before I could close the door, Nick walked in with two other guys. It was the first time I had seen him since the Carla incident and he half-smiled at me.

“Hey Emily. I’d like you to meet AJ and Brian.” I shook their hands, realising that Brian was the guy who had been at Nick’s house.

“Hey, good to see you again,” Brian grinned.

“You already met?” AJ asked, feeling confused.

“Uh… we… uh,” Brian stuttered. What is it with guys? That’s why they always get caught out when they have affairs, I thought to myself, but said,

“I met Brian a while ago, when Nick gave me a ride home.”

“Oh,” AJ smiled, then looked at Brian, “Why didn’t you just say that?” Brian shrugged. AJ slung his arm over my shoulder, “So Em, how do you like working for the Carters?” He sat me down in the lounge and started an in-depth conversation.

I unlocked my car and dumped my bag in the back. It was 6.30 and I was just leaving the Carters.

“Emily! Wait up!” I waited as Brian ran from the house over to me. “Me and the guys were wondering if you wanted to hang out Thursday night?” He hesitated. “You do have that day off, right?”

“Well… yeah,” I answered.

“You wouldn’t just be with us guys. Kevin and Howie’ll bring their girlfriends… please? It’ll be fun. And it’ll be at AJs house.”

“Yeah, okay,” I finally smiled. “You’ll have to give me directions though.”

“I’ll pick you up. Nick can tell me where it is. Be ready at 6.” Before I could respond he ran back into the house.

AJs house was more like a mansion. It was gorgeous. Brian led me outside the back,

“We’re here!” He yelled. Everyone looked up and laughed.

“Hey Bri.”

“Everyone who doesn’t know, this is Emily.” He introduced. “Emily… that’s Kevin, Howie, Crystal and Andrea.” He grinned, “You know AJ and Nicky.” We spent the early evening outside, swimming, eating and talking before heading inside around 8.30pm.

“Let’s play truth or dare!” Crystal giggled.

“Let’s not,” I replied. I hated the game with passion.

“Ah, you chicken?” AJ teased.

“No… I just…” I looked at Nick who raised his eyebrows in question. “Fine! I’ll play.” Great come back Emily! I cursed myself. I should’ve known then nothing good would come of it.

“Okay… AJ, you go first,” Crystal grinned.

“Right… Brian, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” Brian laughed. AJ sat thinking for a moment.

“Okay, streak around my garden… then run back in here.”

“AJ!” Brian turned bright red, then mumbling began to remove his clothing. After Brian’s little expedition he put his clothes back on and turned to me.

“Emily, truth or dare?” I swear he had an evil glint in his eye, so I went with what I thought was the safe option.

“Truth.” He smiled.

“What, or should I say who, is the best sex you’ve ever had, and when was it?” He noted the shocked look on my face and added, “And you’ve gotta tell the truth!”

“What kinda question is that?” AJ exclaimed.

“Let her answer,” Brian replied. “Well..?” I looked at Nick before breathing deeply and saying,

“Nick… and it was about three or four weeks ago.” The room was silent. Brian smiled triumphantly whilst everyone else stared at me and Nick. I could also feel Nick’s eyes on me. “Okay guys, quit staring. Kev, truth or dare?”

“Hold up!” AJ intervened. “You and Nick… shit… but Nicky, why didn’t you say anything?”

“It wasn’t any of your business,” Nick replied, speaking for the first time since my confession.

“You usually tell me when you get laid,” AJ persisted as Nick got a little red. Trying to break the tension, Kevin said,

“Dare.” I smiled evilly,

“Kiss Brian for one minute.” Both guys looked at me in shock. Ah, revenge is sweet.

I realised that night, at the moment between being awake and drifting off to sleep, that no one would have known if I was lying by saying ‘Jack, three years ago.’ Why was I so stupid?

“Hey Emily, can we talk?” Nick asked the next day.

“No,” I replied, putting Aaron’s dirty dishes into the sink.

“Please?” he said, grabbing my arm to prevent me leaving.

“There is nothing to say.” I shrugged out of his grip.

“But after yesterday… you said…” he began.

“I said you were good in bed,” I whispered, so no one else would hear, “but I still don’t want to be friends.” I quickly went upstairs to see what Leslie was doing… and to escape Nick.

I sat down at the Carters kitchen table. I hope she didn’t find out about the whole Nick thing, I thought as Jane sat down opposite me.

“Emily, I have a favor to ask,” she smiled. “BJs on a modelling course and Bob and I wanted to take Leslie and the twins up to see their Grandma for the weekend. Nick’s got to record here… I was wondering if you’d house sit for the weekend. I hate to leave it empty.”

“Sure,” I replied happily.


“Yeah. I’m sure Carla can do without me.” Jane stood up,

“That’s great. Thank you. We’re leaving tomorrow and should be back late Sunday night, or early Monday morning. Is that okay?” I nodded. “Nick’s staying at his own place. I wouldn’t have thought he’d come round.” Thank God!

“Okay, that’s fine. I’ll bring my stuff round tomorrow.” This’ll be fun, I thought as I drove home. As long as Nick stays away. I was trying my best to avoid Nick, and I guess he was doing the same. Only now I was kinda starting to miss him.

“Hey Emily. I just thought I’d come round and see how you were holding up,” Brian said, stepping inside. “And to apologise.”

“Apologise?” I asked, sitting back down on the couch.

“For the truth question. I’ve kinda made it even more awkward for you and Nick, huh?” I smiled,

“It’s okay. I don’t think we’d ever have been friends anyway.”

“Really? I actually thought you’d make a great couple.”

“Brian!” I punched him playfully.

“What? You would. Anyway… are you gonna offer me a drink?” I laughed and headed to the kitchen.

I hummed as I let the hot water from the shower soak my hair and body. It was only 7 o’clock, but I had been out running and was in need of a wash. I turned off the shower and stepped on to the bath mat. The bathroom door flew open and I screamed before grabbing a towel and wrapping it round me.

“NICK!! What the hell are you doing?” I yelled.

“I’m sorry…” he began, a smirk appearing on his lips.

“Sorry?” I exclaimed. “I was naked and you just cam barging in!”

“Calm down!” Nick replied. “It’s not like I haven’t seen it before.” I froze.

“And what, exactly, do you mean by that, Nickolas Carter?” Jane asked from the doorway. Nick turned slowly to face his mother, who looked just about ready to explode.


“Get downstairs,” she ordered. Nick hurried out of the room. “Emily, get dressed and come down quickly.” I almost started crying as I pulled on some clothes. Jane was so angry.

“Jane, I can explain,” I began as I entered the kitchen.

“You better had. Because right now I am beyond angry!” She exclaimed. “I invite you into my house and what thanks do I get?”

“No, it wasn’t like that,” I said, feeling myself beginning to cry. Nick was sat at the table, shamed to silence.

“Then how was it Emily?” I choked back my sobs.

“I met Nick before I even applied for this job…” I began.

“So you thought you’d get all you could from having slept with Nick Carter?”

“Mom!” Nick stood up, “Shut up and let her explain!” Jane looked at her son in shock. She tuned back to me,

“Go on..?”

“And I didn’t know he was Nick Carter… hell, I didn’t even know who Nick Carter or the Backstreet Boys were! And I had no idea he was your son when I came here, or when I accepted the job.” My voice was calmer now, “I only realised when Leslie introduced us.” The room was silent for a moment. “I’m sorry Jane. I guess we should’ve told you… but I promise you that nothing is going on between us. Especially since I took this job.” I paused. “But I fully understand if you’d like me to leave.”

“Mom, you can’t. It’s not her fault,” Nick said.

“Nick, I don’t need your input right now,” Jane replied. “Emily, you better go home now. I’m too tired to think. I’ll call you in the morning.” I nodded and silently went about collecting my things.

“I’m sorry.” I looked up to find Nick standing in the guestroom doorway.

“You know that’s about all you ever say to me,” I smiled.

“So I have to risk your job to get a smile out of you,” Nick joked. I zipped up my bag. “But seriously, I am sorry.” I stopped in front of him.

“I was there too,” I said quietly.

“Yeah, but I opened my big mouth and…” I interrupted,

“I didn’t mean tonight.” He smiled. “I should’ve known to quit or come clean when I found out you were a Carter.”

“It was just one night,” Nick protested.

“Yeah, but one night’s enough to make your mom think I’m some slut who corrupted her son,” I laughed.

“That’s not…” I silenced him as I gently brushed my lips over his, for a moment feeling the soft warmth of his skin.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” I said as he looked own at me, shocked. He began to move closer to me. “I better go before I get into even more trouble.” I picked up my bag, “Bye Nick.” He remained in the doorway as I left the house.

“Where’s Emily?” Angel asked, peering into the now empty guestroom.

“Nick f**ked her, so she got fired,” Leslie said, giving her brother a cold stare before slamming the bathroom door behind her. Angel stared up at Nick with her mouth hanging open.

“You didn’t?” she asked quietly. Nick didn’t answer, and went into his own room.

Part Three
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