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Part Four

I kicked off my shoes and laid down on my bed, closing my eyes as my muscles relaxed. My evening with Will had been pleasant, and was a great guy - but the majority of the time had been spent discussing my feelings for Nick. Will had tried to offer advice - all of which involved telling Nick how I felt… which, in my opinion, was not an option. I flicked off the light and closed my eyes - hoping sleep would clear my mind.

The feel of soft lips pressing against my own woke me, and my eyes rested on Nick's smiling face.

"Hey," he whispered, sitting on the edge of my bed. He leant forward and brushed some strands of hair away from my face, resting his hand lightly on my cheek. His thumb caressed my skin and we just looked at each other, losing ourselves in each others gaze. I didn't think to ask myself how or why he was in my room. Finally he leant forward and kissed me again a kiss I knew I would remember forever. When he pulled away, he pulled me forward, forcing me to stand. "Come on." Nick took my hand and led me out of the room. I was incapable of speech, whether it was simply a case of being speechless by Nick's appearance, or just lacking of anything coherent to say. I gasped as I stepped outside into a world of snow. It covered the trees, a small pond was completely iced over… I turned to Nick and smiled up at him. He pulled me close, wrapping his coat around me for warmth. I inhaled, enjoying his scent mingled with the cold air. Nick gently cupped my face, lifting it to meet his as our lips joined in an earth shattering kiss, which was too perfect to ever be described.

I jolted up in bed, feeling completely breathless. My heart was racing and I actually felt flushed.

"That was one hell of a vivid dream," I muttered to myself as I stumbled to the bathroom. My whole body was tingling as I remembered Nick's touch - how could a dream seem so real, and have such an affect on someone? And the snow… it doesn't snow in Summer… not in Orlando. I stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed, but still thinking of my dream.

"Emily?" Aaron waved his hand in front of my face. I pushed him away slightly,

"What is it?" I asked, feeling agitated. I had been in a bad mood all day - which was unusual, especially when it came to Angel, Leslie and Aaron.

"Sorry!" Aaron stood up, looking offended. I stood up quickly,

"No Aaron, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you." I smiled, "Forgive me?" He nodded and we sat back down on the couch.

"Emily, are you okay? You've been distracted… all day..?" I laughed and ruffled his hair,

"Is that your polite way of asking why I've been such a b*tch today?" He grinned,


"Shut up!" I smiled, "I just didn't sleep well last night. I am sorry about being moody with you all today." Aaron shrugged,

"Okay… it's just I've never seen you annoyed or mad, but today… it just seems weird." He pulled a face at me.

"Well tomorrow I'll be back to my normal self… now, do you want to watch Cruel Intentions Or Bambi?" He opened his mouth to reply. "Oops, I forgot. You're only 12, it's gonna have to be Bambi." I squealed as Aaron leapt on me and began tickling my sides.

"Yeah, but if we don't we'll have to make up for it with promotion," Nick said, as he and Brian entered the house. "What the - AARON!! What are you doing?" Nick exclaimed. Aaron let go of the cushion he had been holding, jokingly, over my face. I sat up, red-faced from laughing.

"Oh, hey guys," I smiled, still feeling light headed from laughing. I tried to straighten my hair as I stood up. "Well," I grinned at Aaron, "I can get going now that you're back." I deliberately avoided looking at Nick, but smiled in his direction. I felt embarrassed, as if by looking into my eyes he would be able to tell that I'd dreamt about him.

"Hey," Nick held my arm, his touch reminding me of how it felt to have him hold my face… kiss me… "Why don't you stay for something to eat - it's only gonna be me, Bri and Aaron..?" I looked up into his smiling blue eyes.

"Umm…" I felt myself getting lost in them, just like the dream. "Okay." - his eyes won me over. "But just 'cos I'm the only girl, you better not expect me to wash up." Brian laughed,

"Nah… we all know the youngest washes up!" I laughed and followed him into the kitchen.

"Hey!" Aaron called after a moment. Brian rolled his eyes,

"Slowness runs in the family - Aaron is one step closer to being Nick." I laughed.

"Hey Brian," Nick called, his head buried in the refrigerator.

"Yeah?" He looked up,

"Shut up!!" I grinned as Brian feigned hurt.

"You guys are nuts!" I said, pushing Nick out of the way and looking for something to eat.

"AJ! Pass!!" Nick yelled across the court. I laughed as he got all frustrated - he was so cute! Every day I spent with him, whether it was just in passing, or like today (the boys had invited me to one of their rehearsals), I grew to like him more and more. I loved the way he could have fun like a little kid, but be serious when need be. I loved to watch him sing and dance, laugh, watch TV… what was happening to me? I had to stop my feelings. My job meant too much to me.

"Hey Emily, d'you wanna come with me to look round the venue?" Kevin asked, having decided not to play basketball with the others.

"Sure." I jumped up from the edge of the stage.

"Hey. Where are you two going?" We turned back. Nick held the ball in his hands, watching us.

"Well, not that it's any of your business," Kevin answered, "but Emily is accompanying me in a look around this place." Kevin turned to leave.

"Ha ha!" Brian grabbed the ball from Nick's hands, but he continued to look at me. I smiled, then turned and followed Kevin, who was waiting in third row.

"Thanks for this Nick. I would've brought my car if I'd known I'd stay so late," I said as Nick drove me home that evening.

"No problem," he replied, smiling over at me. I smiled back, trying to think of something to say so that an awkward silence would not prevail.

"So… when is your concert here..?" Nick bit his lower lip in thought,

"We've got one here next Thursday." He pulled the car into my road. "And the tour continues after that - for about two months."

"Oh…" I felt a little disappointed that he was going away. I looked forward to the times I saw him by chance when I was at the house… "That'll be fun." I smiled, hoping that my sadness was hidden.

"Yeah." He wasn't too convincing.

"You don't sound that thrilled?" Nick pulled the car into my apartment blocks car park, switched off the engine and turned towards me. He seemed nervous,

"Well…" I held my breath, wishing that he'd say that he was going to miss me, or something like that. "…it's tiring." My heart fell a little. "And, Emily… I'd like you to come to the concert on Thursday." He pulled out a ticket and handed it to me.

"First row!!! Nick… thanks." I flung my arms around his neck, overcome with excitement. I had never been to a concert before. Nick laughed,

"Your welcome. But really it's nothing." I pulled away and looked at him,

"It's not nothing! I mean, wow. It's so brilliant," I beamed. I placed my cool hands on my cheeks, "Look at me, I'm all flushed." Nick smiled and gently touched my face.

"You're just like an excited fan." I smiled, the excitement over the ticket fading and being replaced with a rush caused by Nick's touch.

"I am an excited fan," I replied, my voice softer than before. Nick's hand lingered on my cheek as he leant closer. Finally the small space between us was filled and his lips delicately pressed against mine. I finally pulled away, feeling even more flushed and breathless. "We… I… Nick, we shouldn't."

"Emily, I thought… I thought this was what you wanted," Nick seemed breathless too.

"It is… I mean, I really like you Nick, but I like my job too." I sighed, leaning back against the door. "I don't know what to do. I have these feelings for you that I've tried ignoring for months… but I love working for your family. And I'd never want to hurt you mom again. She was so disappointed in us last time." Nick took my hand in his,

"My mom asked for honesty… and we haven't lied. Emily, I don't think she'll fire you if we just tell her that we want to see each other." He looked at me tenderly, "I wouldn't let her fire you." I didn't say anything for a moment, feeling unsure and reluctant. But I couldn't continue to ignore my feelings for him. I smiled, moving towards him. I touched the soft skin of his cheek, then kissed him. He responded passionately. "We'll talk to her first thing in the morning," Nick said, kissing my cheek before I climbed out of the car. I smiled to him, and continued to smile as I went up to my apartment.

I quickly finished writing a note to Carla, who was still in bed, and stuck it to the fridge. I ran down the steps, stopped at the door to compose myself, then walked out to the parking lot. Nick was leant against his car, his eyes squinted against the sun.

"Good morning," I smiled, kissing him quickly on the lips. He grinned,

"You're right - it is." He held the door open for me, then ran round to the other side and climbed in. "Don't be nervous." Nick squeezed my hand before turning on the engine.

"I can't help it," I replied, playing around with the radio. "This is my job we're about to risk." Nick handed me a tape,

"I already told you - it'll be fine." I put the tape in and sat back in my seat,

"I don't know Nick." I was surprised when he stopped the car and forced me to face him.

"Emily, if you don't want to be with me, then say now. I know that your job is important to you," he paused, gently stroking my arm, "but, well… you've become important to me. And I know my mom. Don't worry!" I smiled, touched by his words, and he gave me a hug. "It'll be fine," he said again.

"What is it Nick?" Jane asked, wiping her hands on a towel as Nick ushered her into the living room. "Oh, hello Emily. What are you doing here?" I opened my mouth to reply, but Nick cut me off.

"Why don't you sit down a minute mom. Emily and I have something we need to tell you." Jane sat down, looking worried,

"I'm not liking the sound of this." I smiled nervously,

"Jane, you asked me for honesty and I promised that I'd give it to you. Well…" I trailed off. Nick sat down next to me.

"Mom. Emily and I want to start seeing each other," he told her simply. I waited for her reaction, biting my lip nervously. Jane looked at us for a moment then laughed,

"And you were worried about telling me that?" She asked, looking more to me. I nodded and she smiled, "Emily, the only reason I was angry before was because it felt like you'd both lied to me." She stood up, "It's fine with me, I think you'll make a great couple." Jane kissed the top of Nick's head. "But no funny business in my house!" I turned to Nick and laughed,

"And you were worried!" He wrinkled his nose,

"Me!? I wasn't worried. You were the one going into panic overload." I swatted him playfully,

"Whatever. So… where are you taking me on our first date?" He pulled me towards him and smiled,

"I have no idea," he whispered before kissing me thoroughly.

Part Five
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