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Chapter One

“So what do we do?” Matty said as Josh pushed Nick roughly into a chair. They had rented two rooms in a remote hotel and were trying to find a way to get out of the mess Josh had got them in.

“We could just let him go… I mean it’s not like we’ve hurt him… and it’s only been a few hours.” Nick looked at her, for the first time taking in her appearance. Her dark hair hung loosely around her young face and her brown eyes displayed a frightened panic.

“Hey blonde boy… keep your eyes off her,” Josh smacked him across the back of the head, causing Nick temporary dizziness.

“Josh cut it out.”

“Rachel, we kidnapped him… I’m not trying to be his friend.” Josh picked up the bag that was full of money.

“Are you okay?” she asked Nick quietly, who had been gagged and bound to the chair. He nodded, his attention returning to Josh, who was busy transferring the money into a plastic bag.

“Take this!” Josh said, thrusting a gun into Rachel’s hands. “Matty and I are going for food and stuff.” They headed towards the door, “And Rach, don’t untie him.” She nodded and locked the door securely after them. She sat down on the double bed, facing Nick, the gun still in her hand. She looked around the room, but there was no television or radio. Typical. We just robbed a place and Josh’s still being tight with Money. Turning back to Nick she noticed him eyeing the gun warily. After thinking for a moment she leant forward and gently lowered his gag. He sighed,

“Thanks… I guess.” They sat in silence… “Well I’m Nick, but you already knew that. And I know you’re Rachel… so who are those other guys?” She was silent for a moment, not sure whether she should really talk to him.

“Matty’s my brother,” she said finally, “and Josh is his friend… and mine too I suppose.”

“You don’t sound too sure?” Nick asked, realising that he was no longer scared. She smiled slightly but didn’t say anything. “I know I’m not really in the position to ask, but could you, maybe, put the gun down?” He was surprised by his own nerve.

“Sure,” she replied, “I hate the things anyway.” She rose and placed it on the table. Turning back to him he was surprised to see her smiling. “I’m sorry for all this… this wasn’t supposed to happen.”

“You did a hold up in a store,” Nick stated, “What did you expect to happen?” He hadn’t meant to sound angry.

“Not this,” she answered picking up the gun. “Josh said it’d be easy…”

“Do you always do what Josh says?” She stared at him, then approached where he was sitting. He could smell her hair as she leant down and lifted the gag back, up over his mouth. Thinking she was mad at him he tried to speak, but it only came out as a muffle. The door flew open and Josh and Matty walked in carrying bags of food. Nick realised it was their return that had made Rachel re-gag him.

“Rachel, he didn’t try anything did he?” Josh asked, looking Nick over with disgust.

“Josh, he’s bound and gagged! Unless he’s superman I don’t think he could even move.” She replied sarcastically. He lunged forward, grabbing a hold of her upper arm. She yelped in pain and leant back slightly as Josh brought his face close to hers.

“Don’t get smart with me Rachel.” She could feel his breath on her face.

“Calm it Josh. Come on, we’ve gotta go sort out the car.” Matty intervened. Josh stared at her for a moment, then shoved her back into the table. She winced as her lower back hit the hard edge of the table.

“Watch him,” Josh ordered and followed Matty outside, slamming the door behind him.

Chapter Two
Convicted Love
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