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Chapter Two

Nick watched her sink into a chair and gaze longingly out of the window. She pushed her long hair away from her face and leant back in the chair, placing her long legs, clad in huge khaki pants, on the table. She began humming to herself as she lazily played with the end of her hair. Nick, knowing of no other way to gain her attention, leant far back in his chair. Rachel was startled out of her thoughts by a loud crash. She rushed to Nick, who’s exclamations of pain came out as muffled squeaks.

“Shit,” she exclaimed, “are you okay?” Receiving no answer she untied is gag.

“I’ve crushed my hand,” he replied, through gritted teeth. Looking at his back she saw that the chair had landed on his wrist. She was at a loss of what to do. “Please untie me…” His eyes showed pain and hope. Hesitating for a moment she grabbed the gun, at which Nicks eyes widened in panic.

“I can’t just untie you. Josh’d kill me… but I will. Please don’t try and run. I don’t want to have to use this… but again I will.” He nodded. Carefully she untied his hands and stepped back, pointing the gun towards him. Slowly he stood up, tentatively rubbing his wrist.

“I think it’s okay.” Rachel smiled. “As I’m untied, do you reckon I could use the bathroom?” Nick asked, hopefully.

“I don’t k-“ she paused, seeing Nicks pleading expression, “Okay, but you’ll have to keep the door open.” He nodded and she followed him, waiting in the doorway.

“You’re gonna watch me pee?” he asked, raising one eyebrow.

“Don’t worry, I won’t look… but I can’t let you out of my sight.” Rachel moved her gaze the sink, but still held the gun towards Nick. Hesitantly Nick turned back to the toilet.

“Rach! What the f***..?” Josh’s voice boomed through the room. Nick quickly zipped his pants and flushed.

“He had to go,” Rachel explained, receiving only a sharp tug away from the bathroom door. Josh pulled Nick into the main room.

“Matty, take Rachel down to reception whilst I take care of this prick.” Josh demanded, not taking his eyes from the blonde, who easily matched his height.

“No… Josh…” Rachel protested, “… it was my fault. I’m not cut out for this… please Josh? It wasn’t his fault.”

“Don’t worry,” Josh replied coldly. “I’ll take care of you later.”

“Come on,” Matty grabbed his sisters arm and forcefully took her outside.

“Well Nick…” Josh began, his gun hanging loosely from his hand. “Rachel may be soft, but I’m not. You gotta learn not to take advantage of her, ‘cos you’ll have to deal with me.” Nick swallowed hard, trying to force the panic he was feeling away.

“I just needed the bathroom. I wouldn’t have tried anything,” he said, concealing his fright well. He bent over double as Josh punched him hard in the stomach. Not allowing him to gain his composure, Josh sent another blow, using the gun as a weapon, to Nicks face, causing him to fall to the floor. “Next time it’ll be worse,” Josh informed him, before returning to the table to collect rope and a gag.

Returning twenty minutes later Rachel gasped seeing Nick, again tied to the chair. Blood flowed from his freshly cut lip and a bruise was developing on his cheek.

“Matty, come on…” grabbing Rachel roughly by the chin Josh forced her to look at him. “Tonight, you’ll be staying in my room,” he told her, then left her alone with Nick. She went into the bathroom and filled a bowl with warm water and antiseptic. She knelt in front of Nick and raised his head up to examine the cut. Carefully she dabbed it with water, apologising when he winced.

“Oh god… I’m sorry. I should never have untied you.”

“Hey,” Nick said softly, “It’s not your fault he’s a controlling prick.” She smiled and laughed,

“Well I guess we’ll both pay for it.”

“Both? He doesn’t hit you?” Nick asked, alarmed.

“Not exactly…” she quickly grabbed the bowl and left the room.

“Shit,” Nick said to himself, suddenly realising. ’Tonight you’ll be staying in my room’ he recalled Josh’s words. That could only mean two things. “Why don’t you leave?” Nick asked as Rachel reappeared.

“Where would I go?” she asked.


“I don’t have a home. Just Matty. Where he goes, I go.” Nick watched her, surprised at how attractive he found her. Her tight vest top emphasized her small waist and he thought of being able to touch her… ’Shut up!’ he told himself, realising where his trail of thought was leading. “Is your lip okay?” She asked, touching it lightly.

“Yeah,” he caught her gaze and was surprised as she leaned closer to him. Her arm brushed his and his skin burned by her touch. Her lips gently caressed his and he ignored the slight pain caused by his cut lip. Rachel pulled away but kept her face close to his.

“Josh never kissed me like that,” she smiled. Nick was completely confused… it was like she could read his thoughts.

Chapter Three
Convicted Love
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