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Chapter Three

The next morning Nick woke with a stiff neck. He had been made to sleep in the chair whilst Matty slept in the bed. He had watched helplessly as Rachel left with Josh the evening before. ’What am I doing? he thought to himself, I’m thinking more about the girl who kidnapped me than I am about getting myself out of this mess!

“Oh, you’re up.” Matty said from the table, “You hungry?”

“Yeah.” Matty stood up,

“I’ll get Rachel, she’ll get you something.”

“Don’t you care what he does to your sister?” Nick blurted out before thinking.

“Of course I do,” Matty replied angrily, “but she can look after herself… besides she knows what annoys him.” Nick sighed,

“Are you gonna let me go?”

“It’s up to Josh.” He opened the door, “Don’t move.” Matty returned a few minutes later, followed by a timid looking Rachel.

“Is cereal okay?” she asked Nick. He nodded.

“Rach, you okay?” Matty asked, lightly touching her arm. She pulled away as if on reflex.

“Fine,” she replied, attempting to smile. Josh joined them and watched Rachel feeding Nick food with an amused smile on his face.

“Hey man,” Matty said, “What are we gonna do about him?” he nodded towards Nick, who listened intently for Josh’s reply. “He’s coming with us.”

“Josh, we could still let him go,” Rachel said, placing the bowl down.

“We’ve been through this.”

“I know… but he has a family… we have to let him go sometime,” she persisted.

“Rach, it’s not that easy,” Matty said. “He knows our names… who knows who he’d tell.”

“There’s no time to argue about this. We’ve gotta get going.” Josh untied Nick and grabbed him by the arm. “Don’t try anything.” Nick felt the guns barrel pushing into his back. “Rachel, walk next to him and act normal.”

“Oh my god! I can’t believe this, why Nick?” Jane Carter cried hysterically.

“Calm down love,” her husband said, sitting next to her on the chair in the police station. They were gathered, along with the rest of the Carters and Backstreet Boys, in a conference room. News of Nicks kidnap had spread quickly and the whole world now knew of his disappearance. “What do you know about who kidnapped him?” Mr. Carter asked.

“Witnesses have confirmed there were three assailants. Two male and one female. Thought to be teenagers.” The officer paused, “We don’t think they intended to take hostages… the male who left last was confronted, we think your son was just unlucky.”

“Unlucky!?” Brian exclaimed.

“Please Mr. Littrell. We are doing all we can.”

“Sir,” an officer entered the room. “A sightings been confirmed on the Carter case.”

“Oh my god,” Jane muttered.

“They were seen leaving a motel this morning. We’ve got a definite description.”


“We’ve also got the car description and number plate.”

“Why didn’t you say so sooner?” demanded the senior officer.

“Sir, I did a check. The car’s registered to a Mr. Josh Coleman and this guy also matched the description given of one of the males.”

“Finally we’re getting somewhere,” Kevin sighed.

“There’s more… we did some more checks by ringing his house. He left four days ago with friends. Friend called Matthew and Rachel Morgan. Miss Morgan matches the description of the female.”

“So we just get pictures of them and we’ll find Nick. Easy.”

“Well , it’s a promising start,” the officer said, “I don’t think you’re son will be gone for much longer,” he told a relieved Mr. And Mrs. Carter.

Chapter Four
Convicted Love
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