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Chapter Four

“Rachel, we don’t have time for this!” Josh said sounding exasperated.

“Look, when you gotta go, you gotta go,” she replied bluntly, pulling over into the gas station. “I’ll only be a minute.” She went inside, smiling at the guy behind the counter before going to the restroom. Two other girls were there and she quickly closed the cubicle door.

“You know I still can’t believe it,” one said, “I mean kidnapping Nick Carter…” Rachel panicked but listened intently to their conversation.

“Yeah, and one of them was a girl. Lucky cow!” They both laughed. Rachel smiled at them as she washed her hands and quickly left the rest room.

“Just this please,” Rachel said, indicating the pack of gum she had picked up. She handed him the money and glanced over at the TV behind the counter, as she heard a familiar name.

“If you recognise any of these three people, don’t hesitate to call the police,” the police officer on the screen said, as pictures of Josh, Matty and herself were displayed along with their names. “Do not approach them yourself as they are thought to be armed and dangerous.” It went on to describe the case. She turned back to find the guy staring at her in shock. She shrugged, smiled and left quickly. Rachel speeded out of the parking lot.

“Shit Rach,” Matty exclaimed, “Slow down!”

“Our names and faces have been broadcasted all over America. The guy in the gas station recognised me. Now, if you’d like me to stop then just say so.” Matty remained in silence. Nick sat quietly in the back of the car, intently watching those around him. Josh still held the gun but was now tapping it against his leg in frustration as if in deep thought. Matty, who was in front was fidgeting in his seat. ’Waiting for orders from Josh no doubt, Nick thought to himself. Rachel seemed most at ease of the three. Her mind was mostly focused on the road as she drove them along the freeway.

“Pull over,” Josh demanded suddenly.

“What?” Rachel replied, not even slowing down.

“Just f***ing pull over Rachel.” Recognising the tone of voice she pulled over and cut the engine. Nick watched as Josh got out of the car and roughly pulled Rachel out of the drivers seat. “Matty, get in back and watch him.” Josh pushed her into the other front seat.

“What was all that about?” Matty asked, after Josh had pulled them back on to the road.

“I didn’t want Rachel getting any stupid ideas,” Josh stated.

“What?” Rachel replied indignantly, “What d’ya think I was gonna do?”

“I don’t know… maybe crash the car, drive us straight to the police,” he said, appearing to be extremely angry. “I don’t really know, but you’re so f***ed up I wouldn’t put anything past you.”

“I’m not the one who’s f***ed up. You’re the idiot who got us all into this. If you hadn’t…” Anything else she had left to say was prevented by Josh lashing out, landing a hard blow to the side of her head The blow forced her head to go flying through the window, which instantly shattered. Nick began to move forward in an attempt to help her, but was stopped by Matty, who looked equally as worried but seemed at a loss of what to do.

“Shit,” Josh exclaimed, banging his hands on the steering wheel. He pulled the car over to the side of the road, which was now noticeably busy and climbed out.

Chapter Five
Convicted Love
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