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Chapter Six

“Are you sure it’s them?” Brian asked from the back of the police car. He had insisted on joining the officers and FBI on their call to a vehicle parked on the side of the freeway, which had been reported as the kidnappers car.

“We think so,” replied the officer.

“You won’t need those will you?” Brian asked, warily eyeing the gun in the front.

“You never know… besides these guys are armed.” Brian nodded and became more alert as they drew closer to the car.

By the time Josh had pulled Nick out of the car and stopped Rachel from running towards the police, the four were surrounded by police cars and armed officers.

“Put your weapons down and place your hands on your head.” A voice said over a loud speaker. Rachel began to place her hands on her head.

“What the f*** are you doing?” Josh said, sounding panicked as he held Nick in front of him. Nick flinched himself as Josh struck Rachel across the face. He struggled away. A gun shot broke through the air. Rachel watched from the ground waiting for one guy to fall. It seemed like an eternity to those surrounding the scene. Brian, who had been made to remain in the vehicle, held his breath, fearing for his best friend’s life.

Chapter Seven
Convicted Love
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