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“Wait a minute,” Nick called. The policeman stopped, still gripping tightly on to Rachel’s cuffed wrists.

“Sir, we really must get her to the station.”

“It’ll only take a minute,” Nick replied, turning to Rachel. “This isn’t fair. You don’t deserve to be arrested.” He touched her face, softly caressing her smooth skin.

“Nick, I helped rob a store and kidnap you. I think I kinda deserve some kinda punishment.” He frowned,


“Nick, I deserve to be punished. Just like Matty and just like Josh.”

“No, you’re not anything like Josh,” Nick protested.

“I am. Nick, I chose to do this. I’d give anything to go back and change things… though I’d still go to the store or I wouldn’t have met you…” He smiled,

“Rachel, I… I’m not letting you get the same as them.”

“Nick, leave me,” Rachel said softly, “Forget about me.”

“I – “

“Sir, we have to go.” Nick sighed. He gently brushed his lips against hers, leaving the officer speechless. He watched silently as she was placed into the back of the police car. Rachel smiled at him as she was driven away.

“Come on man,” Brian said, throwing his arm around Nick’s shoulders, “Let’s get you home, I can’t wait to here about this one.”

Convicted Love
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