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She nervously surveyed the scene before her, holding the gun at the people now laying on the floor. Her brother held the shop owner at gunpoint, demanding all the money in the till. She could see the sweat forming on his upper lip, only just visible beneath his balaclava. On the other side of the shop Josh stood, scanning the few people who were scattered on the floor. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed one guy moving slowly towards one of the counters.

“Hey! Don’t move!” she demanded, surprised by how calm she sounded considering inside her heart was racing and panic was over taking her body. He looked up at her, his blue eyes looking directly into her brown ones. She looked away feeling uncomfortable. This whole robbery had been Josh’s idea… any way to get money without having to actually work for it. Suddenly the sound if sirens hurled them into action. She caught the bag her brother, Matty, threw to her and ran outside, jumping as fast as she could into the car. She was quickly followed by Matty and they started the engine ready to leave. But Josh didn’t come.

“Matty, we’ve gotta get out of here!” She said frantically.

“I know. Chill! I’ll go back in.” She sat, nervously tapping her hands on the steering wheel, finally pulling off her own face mask to reveal a mass of long, dark hair. “Drive!” Matty yelled as she heard the door slam in the back too. She drove out of the parking lot and the guys removed their masks too. “You total idiot Josh! Why the f*** d’you bring him… shit man, this just makes everything ten times more complicated.” She glanced into the back and noticed Josh pointing his gun at a very familiar looking guy.

“What the…? Josh!” she exclaimed.

“Hey! If I hadn’t of grabbed him I would be dead right now okay?” Josh protested. They finally pulled over at a deserted gas station and got out. Josh hauled the guy out with him. For the first time she got a proper look at him.

“Josh, what have you done?” She said, quietly.


“You do realise you’ve not kidnapped just anyone, right?”

“Huh?” Matty said, confused.

“You’ve kidnapped Nick Carter. You prick!”

Chapter One
Convicted Love
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