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Chapter One

My aunt wasn't too keen on letting me go out but finally agreed when I told her who I was going with. Apparently Zacks parents are 'well-respected' and his friend Nick is a 'lovely boy'. That wasn't what I'd heard at school. Zack and Nick had quite a reputation, along with several other boys who they hung out with. They were the popular guys, who did all the sports and that. Obviously they were also good at concealing this from adults.

Zack was taking me to a party at Freddie's house, one of his 'group'. I was 'dressed to kill' according to Karin and I'll admit I didn't look bad. I ran out of the house when I saw Zack pull up outside and yelled a goodbye to my aunt.

"You look great!" Zack told me as he opened the door for me to get in.

"Thanks." I smiled. Nick and Casey were in the back and I greeted them cheerfully.

"You look good Laney," Nick said, smiling. Casey shot him a look then turned to me.

"You know Laney, you're hanging with the popular crowd now. I mean you do look good, but you know there is always room for improvement." I forced a smile, trying my best not to slap her hard. She was such a bitch, the type of girl I hated to be around, but there was something that told me not to act against her. We arrived at the party, which was already in full swing, and grabbed some drinks before heading out side. Freddie's parents must have been incredibly well-off to own a house such as this. It was more like a mansion and there was a swimming pool out the back. Before I had a chance to take in the full surroundings Zack grabbed me and pulled me onto the dance floor (yes he had a dance floor).

"So Laney, what did you do to be transferred here? I heard you got in some trouble at your old school." Zack said, holding me close.

"Yeah, kind of." I laughed. "I sorta, accidently set the labs on fire. They thought I did it deliberately, but agreed not to kick me out if I agreed to be transferred." He laughed,

"You sound like my kind of girl." I noticed Nick slipping round the side of the house and, curiosity getting the better of me, I excused myself and followed him. He was lent up against the wall smoking. His blonde hair fell into his eyes and his eyes were closed.

"Hey Nick." I said, trying not to startle him. He opened his eyes and smiled.

"Hey Laney." He threw his cigarette on the floor and turned to me. "What you doing round here. I thought you and Zack were dancing?"

"Yeah, just needed to be alone." I lied, "Zack's not really into taking things slow huh?" Nick laughed,

"Nah. Zack's not known for his steady relationships. Not to put you off or anything." He was quick to reassure me.

"Where's Casey?" Nick shrugged and pushed the hair away from his eyes.

"She's been at me again. I swear nothing I do makes her happy. I dunno... we haven't been going out long, being honest I think we're only together 'cos that is what everyone expects. You know, the head-cheerleader and the footie captain."

"Well I would offer advice but I'm hardly one to do that." I laughed, "well I better be getting back. And Nick..."


"If it's not working, don't push it." He smiled and nodded, pulling out another cigarette and lighting it.

I got home pretty late and Karin was already in bed. I crept upstairs and laid back on my bed. There was something about Nick, I realised, that was different. But I couldn't work it out. Sure he was incredibly good looking, and seemed nice enough, but it was something else.

Zack has been a perfect gentleman all night and kissed me gently at the door before taking Casey and Nick home. I liked him a lot and he was one of the most popular guys in school.

Chapter Two
Second Chances
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