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Chapter Ten

I couldn’t wait to tell Amber about my date so I went over to her house the next morning. What surprised me was the hurt apparent on her face.

“What is it Am? What have I done?” I asked, sitting next to her on her bed.

“I didn’t want to have to tell you,” she admitted eventually, “I was hoping you wouldn’t have anything to do with him.”

“Why? What is it?”

“I went out with Nick. I was drawn in by his tough guy image. We dated for ages and it got pretty serious… but then Casey came along and decided she wanted him. He didn’t put up much of a fight. Laney he cheated on me. I was so in love with him, and then he just ended it.” I sat in shock. So that was it. That explained her outburst earlier in the week and the way they were both reluctant to ever go out when the other would be there.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I asked, giving her a hug.

“I don’t know,” she said, wiping away her tears.

“Well, this could change a lot,” I sighed. “Just one thing… are you still in love with him?” She shook her head, which for some reason made me relieved.

“I’m sorry Laney.”

“Hey, what are you sorry for?” I stood up, “I better go. I told Karin I’d help her clean the house.” I smiled, “If you need to talk you know where I am.”

I was really annoyed and confused about the whole situation. If I was being honest with myself I had fallen for Nick… bad and this changed everything. I had helped Karin all day and was now sitting on the front porch with a book in my hands. But I wasn’t reading.

“Hey.” I looked up to see Nick on the front lawn.

“Hi,” I said unemotionally.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, sitting down next to me.

“Why didn’t you tell me about you and Amber?” Nick was silent, then said quietly,

“I didn’t think it was important.”

“You cheated on her Nick!” I exclaimed.

“So? It wasn’t serious. Besides it’s all in the past.” He replied, starting to sound angry.

“Drop the ‘I don’t have any feeling’ act. You hurt her and you know it! Whether it was serious or not there is no excuse for two-timing her.” Nick stood up ready to leave.

“You have two choices Laney. You can either give me a chance… or let this go. But I’ve changed, don’t I deserve a second chance too?” His words felt like a blow to the stomach… but he was right.

“We’ll take it slow… see what happens.” He smiled,

“I have rehearsal, I’ll call by later.” I watched as he walked back across the lawn and hoped I’d made the right decision.

Chapter Eleven
Second Chances
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