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Chapter Eleven

“One, two and turn. Shuffle and one, two, three…” Back in Chicago I had a love for dancing. Since I was little I had attended dance class and after Ryan died it had been my life. It had taken a while but I had finally enrolled in the Tampa School of Dance. “Twist and end.” I looked up to see Hannah, the dance instructor, smiling at me. “Laney that was excellent. You are just what we need.”

“Thanks. I have to say this class is a lot more fun that the ones back in Chicago.”

“Well I hope that’s down to me,” Hannah laughed, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Yep,” I collected my things and stepped out into the Florida sun.

“Laney?” I turned to see Zack walking towards me.

“Oh great!” I sighed under my breath.

“What you doing here babe?” He smiled flirtatiously.

“Dance class,” I stated, not really wanting to have a conversation.

“Look, I’m sorry for everything before… couldn’t we just start again?” he asked, “I mean if you’re Nick’s girl then I was out of line.” I was a little confused but I nodded,

“Though we’ve only been on one date… I’m not actually his girl.”

“Oh” Zack seemed surprised, “well we could still be friends, right?”

“Sure,” I smiled, “I have to go. I’ll see you later.”

“Bye Laney.” I took the bus home and decided to give Nick a call.




“It’s Laney.”

“Oh” not quite the response I was looking for.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah… sorry. Just had rehearsal and I’m kinda tired.” He sighed.

“Oh, then you didn’t want to do anything?” I asked, slightly disappointed.

“Well, Brian’s still here, but if you wanna come over and hang out for a while…”

“Okay, as long as you don’t mind. If you wanted to spend some time with Brian then I don’t want impose.”

“You wouldn’t be. Come over whenever you’re ready.”

“Okay, I’ll see you in a while.” I decided to take a shower as I had been dancing for three hours. I changed into some shorts and a vest top, grabbed my shades and went to the Carters.

“Hey guys!” I said enthusiastically. They were both draped lazily over the living room. “Anyone up for a game of basketball? I’m not very good, but I’m in the mood!” I wasn’t quite sure why I had become so hyper.

“Jeez Laney – what’s up with you?” Nick asked.

“Nothing… although I had my first dance class this morning. It was brilliant doing that again. I missed it. I don’t think I mentioned it before… or did I? I used to dance back in Chicago…”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Nick exclaimed, “slow down.” Brian laughed. “Shit Laney, when did you turn into motor-mouth?” I was a little hurt.

“Sorry, it was just… I don’t know.” I sank down into a chair. “The amount of times I’ve listened to you talk endlessly about your singing. I love to dance like you love to sing.” Nick looked at me apologetically,

“I’m sorry Lane… I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I jus never heard you talk so fast before!” He laughed, “and yeah I’m up for a game of b-ball. Brian… you wanna play?”

“They don’t call me B-Rok for nothing.” He replied, standing up.

“They call you B-Rok?” I asked as the three of us walked outside. Brian nodded,

“They sure do! I am the best… and I’m gonna whoop yours and Nicks butts!”

“Is that so?” Nick laughed, “we’ll see about that!” Oh no, what had I started?

Chapter Twelve
Second Chances
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