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Chapter Twelve

“So Nick, you got lucky with Laney yet?” Zack asked as the two boys grabbed a soda.

“It’s none of your business Zack.” Nick stated.

“That’s not like you, usually you’re ready to share. Come on… you told me all about Casey. What’s changed…” he hesitated for a moment, a look of triumph and understanding appearing on his face. “Don’t tell me you’ve actually fallen for her!?”

“I don’t know. She’s just different. You know… I’ve never felt about anyone like this before. Laney… she’s special.” Zack sighed,

“Shit man! Don’t let her think that or you’ll never get rid of her.”

“Maybe I don’t want to ever get rid of her.” Nick replied under his breath. Zack didn’t hear and continued talking.

“Man, what happened to make her feel special, get laid and move on?”

“I changed.” Nick stated “Come on we better get back out there. Still got half the job to do.” Zack sighed and followed Nick outside.

I burst through the Carter’s backdoor making everybody jump.

“Are you okay?” Brian laughed, from the kitchen table.

“Look!” I said excitedly, still trying to catch my breath.

“What?” Nick asked, giving me a confused look.

“I…” I paused to try and regain some energy, “my friend in Germany sent me a letter… she said that there is a hot group about to come out over there!” The five guys sitting around me looked confused. “It’s you! She told me all her friends fancy you and can’t wait to hear your sound!”

“Really?” AJ asked, disbelieving.

“Yep – Isn’t it great?” They all started grinning, “She must’ve seen that interview…” I gave them each a hug. I suddenly screamed, making them jump slightly. “I AM SO EXCITED!” Nick laughed,

“So am I.” The boys had done several interviews and had recorded two singles already. They would be flying to Europe in two weeks to do promotions, and the hype about them was in full swing.

“I’m gonna miss you,” Nick said, wrapping his arms around me from behind and resting his chin on top of my head. We were standing on the small pier, looking out at the lake.

“I guess I’ll kinda miss you too.” I smiled.

“Only kinda?” Nick teased.

“Well…” I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, “Maybe I’ll miss you a lot, but you’re gonna be so busy you’ll soon forget about me.”

“I could never forget you,” he replied, kissing my forehead. I smiled lightly. “I’ll only be gone for just over a month. I’ll be back before you know it.”

Nick and I weren’t really serious, but we also weren’t seeing other people. The next week flew by and before I knew it we were at the airport.

“I’ll see ya around.” I smiled, kissing Nick gently on the lips. “Good luck! I know you’ll be a huge hit.”

“I hope so,” he laughed, “Look after yourself and have fun at school.”

“Ohhh, I hate you,” I joked, “getting out of school!” I turned serious and kissed him tenderly, “Knock ‘em dead.” I said, quietly into his ear.

“Bye Laney.”

“Bye.” I watched silently as he picked up his bag and walked towards the terminal. He turned and waved before disappearing behind the gate. I was surprised that I didn’t feel sadder. Maybe it was because he was fulfilling his destiny, or maybe it was because that empty space inside of me had finally been filled.

Chapter Thirteen
Second Chances
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