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Chapter Thirteen

“Laney, pay attention!” Hannah ordered and I quickly returned my concentration to the new dance steps. It was a month and three days since Nick had left and I’d heard, from Jane, that things were going really well. The Backstreet Boys already had a strong fan base in Germany, England, France and Spain, and had been doing non-stop promotions. Though I missed Nick like crazy I knew it was selfish of me as finally his dream was coming true. After practice I went over to the Carters to see if there was any news. Jane was on the telephone, so I sat down at the table.

“Laney, it’s Nick. He wants to talk to you.” She didn’t sound particularly happy, but I excitedly took the phone.


“Hi Laney. How you doing?” It was so good to hear his voice again, though he did sound some what different.

“Good. How are things over there?”

“Man, you wouldn’t believe the chaos over here. They love us… I can’t believe it!” he exclaimed..

“I can. I knew you guys could do it.”

“Look Laney,” he continued seriously, “’cos it’s all going so great we’re gonna be over here longer than planned.”

“How much longer?” I asked, not sure if I wanted to hear the answer.

“Another 2 months or so…” he answered regretfully.

“2 months?” I almost shouted.

“I’m sorry Laney.” I calmed myself down a little.

“Nah, it’s okay. You’re a star now,” I laughed, “I understand.”

“There was something else,” Nick said quietly, “I don’t think it’s fair. Me being away like this, I can’t expect you to wait around for me to get back…”

“So what are you saying?”

“I think we should cool it. I mean I really like you… but it’d be out of order making you wait when I don’t know how long I’ll be away.”

“But – “

“No Laney, it’s for the best.” I was silent, shocked and hurt.

“Okay, well I’ve got to go. Bye Nick.” I quickly replaced the receiver.

Nick looked sadly at the hotel phone, it’s annoying tone ringing out through the room.

“Did you do it?” Brian asked sympathetically. Nick nodded.

“That’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”

“You know Nick,” Kevin said, placing a reassuring hand on Nicks shoulder, “It’s always hard letting go of the people you love.” Nick looked startled and began to protest, but then he realised he was in love… and he’d just let go of the one person who had ever truly understood him.

Chapter Fourteen
Second Chances
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