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Chapter Fourteen

Since talking to Nick I had been lazing around the house , not wanting to talk to anyone. Amber had not been very sympathetic. Since I had continued seeing Nick she saw it as a betrayal of our friendship and never really wanted to talk anymore. Zack was trying to be my friend but his constant attempts at getting another date didn’t help. All I had was my dancing.

“Laney! You’ve got mail!” Karin yelled up the stairs. I quickly made my way down, but the hope of it being from Nick soon vanished when I saw the typed font on the envelope. I opened it slowly and grew excited as I read its contents.

“Karin!” I shouted, “Guess what, guess what, guess what?” I continued, bounding into the garden.

“What?” she smiled.

“You are looking at one of the dancers chosen to perform at Sea World!! Ahh, can you believe it?”

“Oh honey! That is excellent!” Karin exclaimed, giving me a huge hug. I jumped up and down.

“I have to go and tell Jane.” I raced over to the Carters and I ran through the front door.

“Where’s the fire?” Jane laughed, coming out of the kitchen.

“Oh Jane, you won’t believe it! I’m gonna be performing at Sea World!” She embraced me warmly.

“Oh Laney, that’s wonderful!” I suddenly realised the one person I truly wanted to share my news with… wasn’t there. “You know you could call him,” Jane said, as if reading my thoughts.

“Oh… no, that’s okay,” I smiled. “Really.” I said, trying to not only convince her but myself as well.

“It’s okay sweetie. I am so proud of you.” Jane said, squeezing my hand.

“Really?” I was shocked… someone was proud of me?

“Of course.”

“But, I mean… Nick, he is doing far better.” She smiled kindly at me.

“Laney, I know I haven’t know you very long, but you are one of the most talented young women I have ever met.” She laughed, “And the influence you’ve had on Nick is truly amazing. You helped turn my boy around and that in itself is a miracle.”

“I don’t think I made that much of a difference.”

“Oh honey, you have no idea. And now you becoming a professional dancer. You tell me when you’re performing and we’ll be there.” I hugged her, overwhelmed by her reaction.

“Jane, you are amazing. I wish you were my mom.”

“Thank you… now are you going to stay for dinner?” I nodded and began helping her prepare for the meal.

I walked slowly down my road, soaking in the warm Florida sun. Rehearsals for the shows at Sea World were well under way. The show consisted of several sets and some may even get to dance with the many groups that performed there. Unfortunately I had checked the listings for up and coming events and the Backstreet Boys were not scheduled to perform any time soon.

“Laney, wait up!” I turned around and waited for BJ to catch up. “Haven’t seen you in ages. You know just ‘cos Nick’s an ass doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t want to see you.” She told me with a laugh.

“Yeah, I’m sorry.” We continued walking, “I’ve just been real busy.”

“Mom told me about the Sea World gig. Well done.”

“Thanks,” I smiled, “All you guys have been so supportive… well…” She looked at me for a moment.

“Nick’s an idiot.” She informed me, “You were too nice for him anyway.” I knew she was only trying to help but it wasn’t really working. “I know he’s my brother and all, but really, he can be such an ass.”

“Thanks BJ… hey why don’t you come over for a while?” I suggested.

“Sure, that’d be good.” BJ stayed ‘til late and I think we became better friends that day.

Chapter Fifteen
Second Chances
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