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Chapter Fifteen

I think Karin knew how disappointed I was that Nick hadn’t called. Everyone knew Jane had told him of my performances at Sea World and that he hadn’t contacted me. It was then that I came to the conclusion that although I had helped Nick he could not… or would not help me.

It was the day of my first performance and I was incredibly nervous. I had spent the whole day with the other girls in the show and it was only a matter of minutes before we were due on stage. Karin and the Carters had all come to give me moral support and I was excitedly tense.

I collapsed on to the couch in the dressing room. The show had gone without a hitch and the crowd seemed to love it. I was on such a high, but something was playing on my mind. I was almost positive I had seen Nick in the audience…

“Laney! You were excellent honey!” Karin squealed as I appeared outside, “I am so proud of you.”

“Thank you.” I felt warm with pride.

“I’m with your aunt 100%,” Jane said, giving me a hug. I received praise from them all, then Aaron said,

“Now Mom?”

“Yes, now.” I was a little confused. “Look who made it here in time for your performance.” And there he was, looking more handsome than ever and with a huge smile on his face.

“Nick!” I screamed, throwing myself into his arms.

“Hey Laney.” It was so good to hear his voice. I finally pulled away.

“Hey guys.” I said, only just noticing the four other Backstreet Boys.

“You were brilliant.” Brian grinned, “I’m glad we got to see you.”

“Thanks for coming.” I was so happy he was here. “Shouldn’t we leave?” I asked, not being able to keep away the huge smile forming on my face.

“Yeah, let’s go.” We all went back to the Carters.

“So how’s everything?” I asked Nick.

“Good… we’ve really hit it off over there,” he smiled.

“I’m glad.”

“I was thinking maybe I could take you out tonight?”

“I can’t. BJ and I were gonna do something to celebrate, sorry.”

“We can do it another time,” BJ said from the other side of the kitchen.

“No… we made plans.” I stated. I would’ve loved to have gone out with Nick, but I wasn’t going to let him think he could get me back just like that. He broke up with me after all.

“Okay.” She shrugged, “I still have to find something to wear.”

“Let’s go look,” I said, heading for her room.

“You okay buddy?” Brian asked, sitting down next to Nick.

“Man, I made a big mistake letting her go,” he said sadly, “and now she doesn’t even wanna know.”

“From the hug she gave you earlier, I wouldn’t say she was over you.” Brian tried to reassure hid friend.

“Whatever Bri…” Nick wasn’t so sure.

“No way!” BJ exclaimed the next morning, “you can not be serious! You can’t go out with Zack!”

“Why not?” We were sitting in the Carter’s living room discussing what we were going to do for the rest of the week. My schedule for tonight consisted of a date with Zack.

“Nick,” BJ said as her brother entered the room, “tell Laney why she can’t go out with Zack!” A flash of anger and hurt appeared on his face and he retreated to the kitchen. “Back in a sec.” BJ said and followed her brother. “You know Nick, you dumped her which means you shouldn’t get jealous when she dates another guy.”

“I didn’t want to break it off. I did it for her.” Nick sank down into a chair. “Beej – I love her.” He confessed. BJ stood in silent shock for a moment.

“Nick… if that’s true you’ve got to tell her.”

“I can’t! She must hate me for that… I mean I’m hardly her type.” BJ sighed and sat down opposite him,

“For some unknown reason Laney Mitchell actually likes you,” she hesitated, “the only thing you’ve done wrong is like her enough to let her go. As much as it surprises me you’ve finally found a girl who likes you, who isn’t a complete slag.”


“Come on! The list is huge… Sara, Kayla, Laura, Camille, Jessie, Tessa and of course we can’t forget Casey.”

“Hey BJ,” I said, walking into the kitchen. “I’m gonna head home.”

“Oh, okay.” She smiled from the table. Nick was looking at me intently.

“What?” I asked him, slightly conscious of what I may look like.

“Nothing,” he replied quickly, “do you reckon I could walk you home?”

“Sure,” I replied cheerfully.

“Do you want to come in for a while?” I asked Nick as we stood on my porch.

“Yeah, that’d be good.”

“So have you fully given up smoking?” I asked him.

“Yep,” he replied. I finally took a good look at him. He had his hair cut slightly different and he seemed to have grown a little, well it had been over three months. “So you and BJ seemed to have become good friend… and my mom never stops talking about you.” Nick said, sitting down on my bed.

“Yeah, they’ve helped me through a lot… with dancing and that.” I said quietly. Nick looked down at his hands.

“Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t call. I wanted to… to congratulate you… but I didn’t think you’d want to hear from me.” He said, feeling ashamed.

“Nick, you were like my closest friend. Amber completely dumped me when I continued dating you and Steve told me he didn’t really want to hang out with anyone who’d been with you.” I stopped.

“I’m sorry,” Nick said again, “I guess the school was right when they said I was nothing but trouble.”

“Hey,” I squeezed his hand, “you are great. Everyone makes mistakes… no one’s perfect.”

“Jesus Laney. You are… wow. You are perfect,” he breathed out.

“I’m far from that,” I blushed, “now… I have to get ready to go out.” I heard Nick inhale deeply.

“Don’t go.”

“What?” I asked, turning round to face him.

“Don’t go on this date with Zack. He’s only after one thing.”

“Nick, you ask anyone at school and you’ll find that they say exactly the same thing about you.” I informed him.

“I’ve changed.” Nick replied quickly in his defense.

“Well maybe Zack has too.”

“I doubt it.”

“Could you leave please. I have to get ready.” I asked calmly. He looked at me, hurt apparent on his face.

“Fine,” and without another word he left. I sighed and began preparing for my date. If Nick had said he wanted me back I wouldn’t have hesitated in canceling my date with Zack.

Chapter Sixteen
Second Chances
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