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Chapter Sixteen

“You know I’m surprised you still came,” Zack said, handing me some popcorn. Seeing the puzzled look on my face he added, “you know, since Nick’s home and all.” The mention of Nick made me imagine his face and I smiled.

“Nah, you know he didn’t think it’d work.” Zack placed his arm around my shoulder as the film began. As I sat watching the film I realised it was Nick I wanted to be there with, but he didn’t want me… right? Suddenly Zack placed his hand on my leg and not wanting to seem rude I didn’t say anything. Zack, taking this as a signal, leant in close. At first when his lips met mine I kissed him back, but when he began moving his hand I pushed him away. “Don’t Zack.”

“Oh come on. You said yourself you and Nick are over. What’s the problem?” he persisted, leaning towards me again. I didn’t protest as he kissed me once more as I realised he was right. I also didn’t stop him when he replaced his hands. He began kissing my neck and talking at the same time. “You know I can understand why Nick fell for you…” he kissed me again, “but man he was wrong not trying with you…” I froze. “… But then again he was right in saying you were special.”

“What?” I said, trying to push him away.

“Huh?” he asked, pulling away slightly.

“What did you just say about Nick?”

“Oh that… I dunno. He’s insane. He said… what was it? Oh yeah, you were too special to just rush things… man he had it bad.” He kissed me again, “That’s why I didn’t understand why he broke up with you.” I was numb. Nick had said those things, and to Zack. It must’ve taken a lot to admit that, especially with the reputation he held.

“I’ve got to go.” I pushed Zack off of me and ran outside.

“Laney, wait. We’ve got something going here.” Zack said, following me.

“No… I’m sorry. I have to go.” I walked quickly. My house was quite close so I got there fast. But I didn’t stop, I carried on, with Zack still close behind. Just as I reached the Carters drive Zack grabbed my hand.

“Laney, I think you should know that no one ever runs out on me.” He said angrily.

“Well there’s a first time for everything,” I replied, trying to pull my arm away but with no success. “Let go! You’re hurting me.”

“No, come on!” He began dragging me back down the street. So I did the only thing I could think of.

“NICK!!!” I screamed, for which I received a slap in the face. The sting made my eyes water and I closed them quickly.

“Zack, take your hands off her,” a voice demanded.

“Nick,” I breathed thankfully, opening my eyes again. Zack let go of my arm.

“Nick… man, what’s up?” Zack said calmly.

“You ever touch her again and I’ll kill you.” Nick said, trying to keep his anger under control.

“Man, loosen up. It’s just another girl. Your girly singings gone to your head.” It happened so fast, but I saw it all in slow motion. Nick drew back his arm and punched Zack in the face. Zack stumbled back, then regained his balance. I quickly stood in front of Nick, preventing any more blows. “Get out of the way Laney!” Zack demanded, wiping the blood from his nose.

“Leave now and I won’t call the police.” I replied, calmly.

“He’s the one who threw the punch. I should have him arrested!”

“And I’ll have you arrested for sexual harassment. Now leave.” I let out the breath I didn’t realise I was holding, as Zack shot Nick a dirty look and finally walked away. “Are you okay?” I asked Nick, turning round to face him.

“Am I okay? Laney, you were the one he wanted… are you okay?”

“Fine,” I smiled, “can we go inside?” We went in and to the bathroom so Nick could put something on his hand. I watched with concern as he bandaged it.

“One question…” Nick said, looking up at me, “why were you outside here?”

“I was coming to see you,” I replied, going to his lounge.

“Why?” He asked, sitting down next to me.

“’Cos of something Zack said.”


“He…” I felt slightly uncomfortable, “he said that you thought I…” I couldn’t say it. I felt stupid. “Nick, how do you feel about me?” He seemed a little taken a back.

“I…” Tell her Nick he told himself. “I think I… I think I might, you know, maybe… love you.” Though I had expected some feelings to still be there… I hadn’t expected this. I stood up quickly,

“I… I should go home. I… we’ll talk tomorrow.” I left Nick feeling a little stupid and embarrassed and ran home.

Chapter Seventeen
Second Chances
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