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Chapter Seventeen

I woke in the middle of the night and quickly got dressed. I was relieved to see that Karin was in a deep sleep and I sneaked out of the house. I climbed up the tree outside Nicks house and gently knocked on the window. When no one came I knocked again. Finally the curtains were drawn back and Nick appeared, surprised to see me.

“Laney, what are you doing?” he asked, helping me through the window.

“I realised I had to do something.” With that I pulled him towards me and kissed him hard.

“Wh – what was that for?” he asked, pulling away.

“’Cos I know after the way I left earlier, you’d be thinking I wasn’t interested… but I am.” I smiled, “we just need to sort some things out, okay?” I kissed him again, “I’ll come over tomorrow.” He watched as I climbed out of the window and ran home.

“Wow,” he said to himself. He fell asleep with a grin on his face.

Note: this would probably never happen, especially as fast as I made it!

“Nick!” BJ yelled up the stairs, “Mom says come down now or you won’t be getting any breakfast!” Nick groaned and rolled out of bed. He stumbled down the stairs, rubbing his eyes.

“Finally,” a voice said from the table, “I’ve been waiting ages.”

“Brian. What are you doing here?” Nick asked, sleepily taking his place at the table.

“I got this this morning. It’s from England… I think you better read it.” Brian handed him a newspaper and waited while he read it.

“Shit!” Nick exclaimed, “It only happened yesterday… how’d it get there so fast?”

“You mean it’s true?” Nick looked up,

“Well yeah. I mean it didn’t happen like he said… but yeah, I hit him.”

“Damn Nick! What were you thinking?” Brian demanded.

“Man, you weren’t there! He was hurting Laney. What else was I supposed to do?” Brian sighed, trying to calm himself a little,

“Is she okay?” he asked finally.

“Yeah…. So what should we do?”

“We have a meeting to discuss it this morning. We need to leave in half an hour.” Brian stood up, “I’m going to get Laney, they’ll want to hear what happened from her too.”

Chapter Eighteen
Second Chances
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